Bucket list for teenage couples

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100 Summer Romance Bucket List Ideas

Summer is filled with endless romantic possibilities. What better time to capitalize on adventure and the promise of romance that summer brings? This year, make it a point to make the most of each moment with your own couples summer romance bucket list!

To help get you started, weve come up with 100 romantic summer ideas along with a free printable for you to use to keep track of your progress. Whether you do all the things listed below or just few, youll be on your way to making this a summer youll both remember.

  1. Smooch during a fireworks show.
  2. Cuddle on the beach and watch the sunset.
  3. Slow dance under the moonlight.
  4. Have a water fight.
  5. Go on a stargazing date.
  6. Make your own ice cream together.
  7. Go mini golfing.
  8. Try a new milkshake flavor together.
  9. Go on a road trip.
  10. Build a blanket fort.
  11. Go camping indoors or outdoors.
  12. Watch a summer flick.
  13. Visit a local attraction.
  14. Go to a local or state fair.
  15. Stay up all night.
  16. Take a bubble bath together.
  17. Watch a sunrise together.
  18. Go on a day hike.
  19. Go on a picnic and a movie date.
  20. Watch a concert in the park.
  21. Buy each other cheesy souvenirs.
  22. Create and send a message in a bottle.
  23. Have a romantic balcony dinner date.
  24. Have a dessert date.
  25. Make out on top of a Ferris Wheel.
  26. Make smores by a campfire.
  27. Share an ice cream float.
  28. Go to a sporting event together.
  29. Make a summer romance playlist.
  30. Go to an amusement park.
  31. Rent paddle boats, kayaks or try paddle boarding.
  32. Go rollerskating.
  33. Go to the drive-in movie theater.
  34. Mud-wrestle.
  35. Make each other t-shirts.
  36. Have a paper airplane contest.
  37. Have a movie marathon.
  38. Ride bikes together.
  39. Visit a museum.
  40. Fly kites together.
  41. Have a paint fight.
  42. Go to a local festival or event.
  43. Get henna tattoos.
  44. Talk a walk on the beach or lake.
  45. Spend all day cuddling.
  46. Go on an adventure.
  47. Visit an aquarium.
  48. Try a new food together.
  49. Take fun summer pics together.
  50. Play hide and seek.
  51. Workout together.
  52. Have a tickle fight.
  53. Go to a farmers market together.
  54. Read the same book.
  55. Go wine or beer tasting.
  56. Have a marshmallow fight.
  57. Mail each other a love letter.
  58. Start a couples journal.
  59. Have candlelight, spaghetti dinner.
  60. Visit a national park.
  61. Play truth or dare.
  62. Create a scrapbook to document your summer bucket list adventures.
  63. Have a pillow fight.
  64. Climb a tree.
  65. Go fishing.
  66. Play in the sprinklers.
  67. Do something crafty together.
  68. Take a free class somewhere.
  69. Cloud watch together.
  70. Blow bubbles.
  71. Go berry picking.
  72. Make a fruit pie together.
  73. Skinny dip.
  74. Take a local factory tour.
  75. Take dance lessons.
  76. Share a tropical flavored smoothie.
  77. Build a teepee together.
  78. Share a kiss underwater.
  79. Rent a convertible.
  80. Camp out in the back of a truck with a mattress and bedding.
  81. Have a video game marathon.
  82. Have a summer picnic together.
  83. Try a new coffee together.
  84. Go horseback riding.
  85. Have a public display of affection.
  86. Have an outdoor movie night.
  87. Have an at-home chocolate tasting date.
  88. Go on a bookstore date.
  89. Recreate your favorite movie scene kiss.
  90. Bing watch a TV series on Netflix.
  91. Play outdoor summer games.
  92. Make and compete in your own outdoor obstacle course.
  93. Make popsicles together.
  94. Have a couples game night.
  95. Make your own pizzas.
  96. Build your dream house out of Legos.
  97. Have a BBQ.
  98. Try a new cocktail.
  99. Swim with dolphins.
  100. Complete a summer bucket list!


Just click on the image below to view and download the PDF file. For best printing results, use your printers highest quality setting and use cardstock or photo paper.

Summer Romance Bucket List

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