Can I use two laptops

I have two: a MBP and a Thinkpad X61 tablet. If the MB came in a tablet version I'd consider that but I'd still end up with two laptops, because tablets are always underpowered so I'd want the bigger laptop for the power and larger screen.

Syncing files can be a hassle, but mostly just to set up correctly, and on the upside, it ensures you have recent backups. I have a separate partition on the MBP with all my data files. I run Vista on Fusion on the MBP, with the second partition as a shared network drive, so my data files are visible [and read/writable] to BOTH Leopard AND Windows on Fusion at the same time. Meanwhile, on the X61 tablet I have a program called ViceVersa Pro that together with a second program called VVEngine keep the second partition on the MBP and a second data partition on the X61 synced whenever they are both booted up and on the home network. This includes my Windows Desktop and various program data files [Firefox preferences and bookmarks and so on] so I have the identical desktops and essentially identical Windows machines on both the X61 and as Vista on Fusion on MBP, with simultaneous access to my data files in Leopard as well.

It's a pretty seamless setup, though the syncing is not 100% perfect. When either host or guest comes online, the syncing occurs automatically, and thereafter at regular intervals. It would be nice if the sync was constant [with every file change] but I haven't figured out how to do that [though I can perform a manual sync whenever I want, at the touch of a button]. Vista can do this natively, but I looked into it and decided Vista's network sync feature wasn't a good solution for other reasons.

At some point I will set it up so that the two partitions are kept in sync whenever both machines are on and connected to the internet, but for the time being the sync only happens when I'm at home [or somewhere else if I happen to have both laptops with me and connected to the same network] - which is not too bad.

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