christinas là gì - Nghĩa của từ christinas

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is the coolest, nicest and prettiest person ever. She is very cute in both personalities and appearance. Christina is very kind, generous and she is the only person/friend that you can trust and believe in. Christina is very sporty, smart and she gives very good advice. She has the best smile and can make anyone smile. Christina is confident and always has someone's back, even if she isn't friends with that person. Christina is the best girlfriend, everybody will fall for her. She is a great kisser and has the perfect body: long and beautiful legs, gorgeous hair, skinny and elegant in every way. Christina try's her hardest in everything, she never wants a person to be or feel left out. She a.ways tries her best to make everyone happy.


1. Person: Omg is that Christina?
Boy: I wish I was her boyfriend she's so breathtaking.. 2. Person: Do you know Christina?
Person: Honestly, who doesn't? 3. Everybody's got to at least meet a Christina.

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is an amazing girl, but doesn't get noticed. She's always willing to do things for others and never leaves time out for herself. Although her body and figure may be gorgoes, she doesn't see it that way. She's a very insecure person. She always compares herself to others. Christina is an all around amazing person, but sometimes when you go a little too far, she can turn dark real quick. There's a side to her she wish people knew. So if you know any Christina's , make them smile. Their smile is beautiful and they don't get to show it enough.


Christina looks off today, you should go talk to her.

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is a shy yet crazy girl. From afar you might think she is the quiet book worm but when you get to know her she is fiesty. People think she can't but she can and she will beat ur butt. She is beautiful inside and out. Smart and pretty. All the boys like her.


"I was talking to Christina and she was so nice."

christinas có nghĩa là

She's the most kindest, gentle person you will ever meet. She will go out of her way to making anybody happy even if the aren't her favorite person in the world. She's so focused on keeping everybody happy she's the one that really needs all the up bringing. She may say shes OKbut on the inside she's secretly dying. So help her out of that dark void she's going through.


Friend: hey are you OK you seem distracted??
Christina: huh yah I'm OK just thinking is all, I'll be fine.
Friend: tell the truth..
Christina: being left alone with my thoughts kills me inside.
Friend: but your always so happy.
Christina: that's because I don't want anyone to see how hurt I am. ...
Friend: your the most brave person I know

christinas có nghĩa là

One of the most gorgeous and bubbly girls you could ever meet. The moment you laid eyes on her, you'd love her. She held her faith so close to her and all she ever wanted is to make other people happy. She was an extraordinary and unique artist, and the powerful voice that came out of her little body would have you mesmerized. No matter what, being around her would put a smile on your face and make your day so much better. Christina's an angel.


Rest in peace, Christina Grimmie. We love and miss you so much . Thank you for everything you've done. Heaven really did gain another angel and I know you'll be looking down at us from above. Christina Grimmie
March 12, 1994 - June 11, 2016

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is one definitely one of the prettiest girl you will ever meet she so cute and fun to be around but DO NOT TOUCH HER STUFF organization is very important to her, shes sporty and a team player, shes super artsy and has one of the biggest smiles ever. She makes people smile with her since of humour and her sarcasm. To be honest you can't be friends with her of you don't understand her sarcasm, shes sweet load and AMAIZING


Youre friends with Christina? URHH Ur so lucky shes the best

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is an awesome person. She can be a bit mean at times but you are sure its always a joke. She is really gorgeous and is the best a giving relationship advice. Most of the time Christina is not in a relationship but gives advice on it. She is happy most of the time and is a caring person.


You are being very Christina today!

christinas có nghĩa là

The best girl in the world! Sweetest, hardworking person in the world!!!! shes so hot!! once u meet her you would automatically fall in love or just wanna be friends with her.


Everyone be like Christina shes a great role model! #chris #MC #chrissy

christinas có nghĩa là

Oh my god. If you ever, ever, meet a Christina, never let her go. She is a rare gem. Christina is incredibly generous, kind hearted and fair. She's elegant, her soft heavenly eyes are like the stars, so alluring and striking that you can't tear your eyes away from them. Her soft cheeks are so cute and soft, you want to kiss them. Her smile, oh my gosh, her smile is divine and so lovely, it lights up the room and everyone will halt just to admire. Her body is stunningly gorgeous, and sometimes she can't see that, and her hugs are mind-blowingly sensational. Her glowing laughs makes your heart flutter and feel warm. To see her, it is a blessing, as she is practically a goddess, and she'll be the greatest thing you ever met. Even when she is far away, you can feel her in your heart. You are lucky if she chooses you to be in her life.


Oh I met a girl the other day, her name was Christina!
Person2: Oh! Damn ya know Christina is like, the best girl and waifu you can ever get! Legit, I would worship a Christina if I could!

christinas có nghĩa là

Christina is the most beautiful person you will ever meet. She is kind, generous, an incredible friend. She is beautiful, has the perfect body and loves God. Christina is one of the most kind hearted people you will ever meet, in low times, she'll nag you until you're better. She is the funniest person you will ever meet, her and her best friend's humour is gold and unique. Nothing can top it. She is a very academically talented girl who is fantastic at art. Christina's deserve the best and will never fail to make you smile, but don't forget to return the favour, make her feel loved too. Any boy which gets her has her the best of the best. That's Christina.


Person 1:Who's that? She's so smart and talented!
Person 2: Who her? That's Christina, she's beautiful isn't she?
Person 1: Very.

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