Examples of top-down strategies

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Is Your Strategy Top-Down, Bottom-Up Or Sideways?

Jarret Jackson
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
Leadership Strategy
I write about strategy, adaptive leadership and managerial psychology.
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What drives your strategy impacts your culture and how your company performs. Matching the approach ... [+] to strategy with the end goal is a leadership challenge.


Strategy may be one of the most overused words in business. For fans of Michael Porter, its about creating a competitive advantage. But in reality, for most organizations, it can sometimes feel more like planning for business as usual. Therein lies a problem.

Whether or not they are top of mind, we rely on strategies for our businesses to succeed. Strategies are more than plans; they impact our culture, and the approaches we take to manage and lead. Yet all too often, the approach leaders use is whichever is comfortable for them which doesnt match the strategy with the needs of the business unit or, more broadly, the organization. Having the ability to match a strategic approach with business challenges is what makes a leader adaptive.

In general, we can group these strategic approaches into three camps: top-down, sideways, and bottom-up. Lets explore these three approaches, when they work, and when they might not.

Top-down strategies dictate to control

Top-down strategies help keep people aligned toward a common goal - if the path to get there is ... [+] clear.


Traditionally, leadership theory dictates that strategy comes from the top. In certain organizational cultures, this can be effective particularly when controls are needed to ensure quality or safety. As we slid into this pandemic, top-down strategies were essential. People at all levels needed to know that their employers were going to keep them safe and what precautions employees would be expected to take. Information had to be communicated quickly and widely to ensure everyone was coordinated. This is when top-down works best.


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A few months ago, in South Korea, a top-down strategy proved essential to saving lives in a recent example. When there was a COVID-19 outbreak in a call center in a Seoul high-rise, a decisive intervention was quickly put in place that included closing the entire building, extensive testing and quarantine of infected people and their contacts. Coordinating all of the businesses within that building and mapping out the infected and exposed was no easy task. But it proved successful. The spread of the disease was contained to a single floor and the majority of those infected were call center employees who sat near employees who were infected. Decisive action mattered.

There can be drawbacks to this kind of approach. In top-down environments, employees have a mission and vision to focus on. But oftentimes they struggle to see how their current work fits with those goals. In most organizations, if you stopped a random employee and asked to hear the companys strategy, youd get a blank stare. Most of your employees dont know what drives your profitability or how you work to differentiate your offering in the market and keep it that way. They know how to do the job they have been asked to do. In the trenches, that can feel less like strategy and more like process. If the people doing the work dont know what they are working toward, how effective can your strategy be?

Sideways strategies rely on continual process improvements

Sideways strategies create businesses that are well-oiled machines.


In the late 1980s and 1990s, some manufacturing companies started to change the way they developed their strategies, focusing on the processes and continual process improvement. Toyota became the poster child for this approach, developing what would become the Lean model. Geary Rummler and Alan Brache created a related methodology sometimes referred to as managing sideways. While companies that use this approach still have leaders that make strategic decisions like creating a new product line strategic operational decisions are made on the line by empowered workers, who can collaborate to create efficient processes. Thats what sideways leadership is: Its creating a technological competitive advantage [as opposed to revenue or cost] through constant process and managerial improvement. Its hard work, but pays off.

A few years ago, I led a process improvement project for a large financial services firm. We were asked to look at a significant customer pain points around account registrations. When a customer got divorced, for example, and wanted to split assets between different accounts, it caused internal chaos. Customers would submit a request, it would get passed around the organization [we counted 210 touch points], and nearly one-third of submissions were sent back to the customer saying the information submitted was missing or incorrect. The last thing people getting divorced want is another hassle, more paperwork and the need to re-engage a former spouse. But that was necessary in the process. So, we redesigned it cutting the touch points down to 30, allowing processing to happen in a fraction of the time, and virtually eliminating the letters sent to customers telling them more information was needed. A win for all.

Sideways strategies dont work for everyone, however. On a different project, I worked closely with a performance improvement team attempting to improve the operational processes in a top-down organization. From a process perspective, the company was a disaster. Every process may have started out clean, but over the past few decades, bubble gum and duct tape were added to meet specific requests. The processes had become so reactive and overstretched that the organization had easily twice the staff that would be needed if processes were streamlined. The culture wouldnt support streamlining the process. Suggestions from perceived outsiders were dismissed. Leadership was afraid of change and losing control. Without the support from the top, even the best sideways strategies can easily flounder.

Bottom-up strategies rely on trust and empowerment

Bottom-up strategies empowers the workers in the trenches to improve the experience of customers and ... [+] associates.


A third approach is more democratic in nature, allowing the strategy to be developed from the bottom-up. It may sound like creating a kingdom without a king, but it isnt. It does, however, change the role of leaders. Instead of dictating the strategy, leaders empower individuals to maximize the value they create for the firm. Leaders become coaches who question and challenge ideas and opportunities to see if there are holes in the logic or the approach. You find this approach sometimes at tech companies where employees are allowed to create new products and test them online to see if they increase usership or stickiness.

W.L. Gore is perhaps the most famous large company to use a model like this. Associates are trusted to do what is right for the business. They have goals and commitments and use a latticed communication structure to get the work done. There is no hierarchy, but it isnt chaos. The system removes the barriers that bureaucracy creates. The company has been cited as one of the 100 best companies to work for by Fortune magazine 21 times since the rankings began in 1998.

Empowerment, too, comes with its challenges. Not every associate is ready to be empowered. When I managed a data team for a large financial institution, I had an associate on my team whose primary role was to support the needs of the operations team. He had worked in the operations side of the business for nearly two decades, which gave him a wealth of knowledge. He just didnt know how to use it. He liked to tell people how it was and therefore how it should be. He struggled to stay open-minded and to think differently about how to do work. Employees who prefer not to think about how they work or the opportunities they can create for themselves often struggle with empowerment. They may lack direction and focus. They may not be achievement-oriented, making it harder for them to get motivated intrinsically. With time and training, they can learn to be more confident and comfortable, which will allow them to be empowered and engaged. But that is a significant undertaking for any manager, leader or coach.

Developing your leadership strategy

When thinking about the right leadership strategies for you, the challenge is deciding how, when and where to use them. Not all business units may need to be run in the same way. Think about the objective or the purpose of that business and where it needs to go in the future.

A top-down approach is great where there is certainty and efficiency is needed, but it doesnt leave much room for adaptation or innovation. Operational groups are primed for sideways management, but often dont look to improve if customers or leadership arent complaining. A bottom-up strategy empowers employees and can be a great way to innovate, but too many cooks can create redundancy and chaos.

Choosing the approach is just the beginning. Executing it well is how you set yourself apart as a leader.

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Jarret Jackson
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