Holistic medicine practitioner

Holistic medicine is an approach to medical care that takes into account the entire person and the circumstances surrounding them. A holistic doctor considers attitudes, lifestyles, spiritual health, and physical health to be related. Holistic treatments are directed according to what, in the grand scheme, the holistic doctor determines to be the cause. In many cases, the doctor works on preventive care, as well.

Typically, western medicine treats the disease. Holistic medicine is about treating the person. When you get sick, you go to the doctor and you tell them whats wrong. They run tests, tell you what sort of ailment you have, and treat it. With a holistic doctor, they take a look at a larger picture; discussing what your stresses have been like, what your diet is like, and any other factor that might be affecting health.

Holistic doctors believe that our bodies have a powerful defense system with the innate ability to heal. Your body wants to be healthy and maintain balance, so when we get sick, its because something is throwing that off. It could be bacteria or a virus, it could be allergies, but it could also be an external force thats wearing us down psychologically. Happiness and love are two components that promote a healthy mind and body. When either of those two things is out of check, it is very common to see physical and physiological reactions.

So, what does a holistic doctor do differently? He or she develops a treatment plan that often includes relaxation or meditation to help relax the body and focus on positivity. Watching what you eat is an expected element of a holistic treatment plan. Avoiding toxins and unhealthy foods are universally regarded for improving general health and treating sickness.

Seeing a holistic doctor is an involved process that provides larger and longer-lasting results. It takes time to discuss your life in depth with a doctor, but it also takes effort on your end to be committed to the treatment process and following your doctors advice. Holistic medicine is a way of life, more than just a treatment you take when you need it.

Are you ready to learn more about concierge medicine and see if it is right for you?Read about our individual and corporate programs.

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