Lỗi cant execute code in break mode excel vba năm 2024

When you attempt to run a macro from the Macro dialog box, from within the Visual Basic Editor, or by pressing the macro's shortcut key, you receive the following error message:

Can't execute code in break mode.

In addition, when you attempt to click the Macros command on the Macro submenu of the Tools menu, nothing happens. You cannot click the Macros command and display the Macro dialog box.

You may also notice that the Record New Macro command on the Macros submenu of the Tools menu is not available [appears dimmed].


This behavior occurs when you attempt to run a macro and another macro is in break mode. For example, this can occur if you have added a breakpoint to a macro by selecting a line of code and pressing F9, or by adding the following line of code to the macro:



Exit break mode. To do this, switch to the Visual Basic editor and use any of the following methods:

I have been typing in code in the VBA editor, then flipping back to excel and running the code as a sub. About every third or fourth line I add to the code, when I try to execute it in excel, i get a "can't execute code in break mode" error message. Usually I have to fiddle with the highlighted line in the VBA editor to get the code to work. Most often I just add the "continue line" charecter somewhere in the middle of the line, e.g.:

Range["a1"] = _ 2 + 2

Though this works it results in ugly code. I know my identation and the amount of blank lines I use to sepearte code blocks are far from the norm. Could that be the cause?

I seem to get these errors quite a lot and they are very annoying.

Thanks for all help.

  • Re: Frequent Break Mode Errors Oh, I forgot. I save and save often. Usually when I make a change to the code, no matter how small I save in the VBA editor. I can't imagine why this would cause the errors, but I've seen stranger things happen.
  • Re: Frequent Break Mode Errors

can't execute code in break mode Simply means you are in Break Mode and code cannot be run while you are in Break Mode. See Restart Execution in the VBA help. Quote Break Mode Temporary suspension of program execution in the development environment. In break mode, you can examine, debug, reset, step through, or continue program execution. You enter break mode when you: Encounter a breakpoint during program execution. Press CTRL+BREAK during program execution. Encounter a Stop statement or untrapped run-time error during program execution. Add a Break When True watch expression. Execution stops when the value of the watch changes and evaluates to True. The IDE is in design mode when you are writing code or designing a form. Run mode occurs when a procedure is running. Break mode is entered when a running procedure stops because of either an error in the code or a deliberate act by the programmer to run the code line by line to easily identify the source of an error. In this article, you are going to learn how to run a VBA code in break mode and understand the origin of the error “can’t execute code in break mode.”

Running a Procedure in Break mode

As we earlier mentioned, Break mode pauses the execution of a code, and allows you to edit it. In break mode properties and values are held so that you can analyses their current state. Break mode can be activated by the following ways: 1. Select Break from the Run menu or Click + Break or press the Pause button while the procedure is running.

2. Insert a Stop statement in your code.
3. Insert a Breakpoint in your code. There are many ways through which you can insert a breakpoint in a code. The easiest one are: click in the light grey area to the left of the line where you want a break or you place the cursor on the desired line and hit on the F9 key.
4. Use Step into on the debug toolbar or press F8 to execute one line of code at a time starting from the location of the break. Note that the VBA IDE goes automatically on a Break mode when it encounters an error while running a procedure. In this case, it will stop the execution of the procedure at the problematic code and highlight that code in yellow.

The Cause of the “Can’t Execute Code in Break Mode” Error and How to Fix It

One of the most common reason for this error is that you tried to run code from the Macro dialog box when the same code that was launched in Visual Basic was suspended in break mode accidentally, intentionally or because of an error in the coding. To solve that, you should continue running the suspended code, or terminate its execution before running the code from the Macro dialog box.


In this example we are going to write a small procedure to fill cells A1 to A50 with values from 1 to 50. Sub Fillcells[]
Dim i As Integer  
For i = 1 To 50  
Range["A & i].Value = i  
Next i  
End Sub Note that our procedure/Macro is called “Fillcells”. This code will run without stop to then end, but this is not our intention. What we want is to insert a break in the code and try running it through the Macro dialog box to see the result. To do that we first have to add a Stop statement or a break point as follows: Sub Fillcells[]
Dim i As Integer  
For i = 1 To 50  
Range["A & i].Value = i  
Next i  
End Sub With this second code you need to hit the Run button fifty times! [just press it once] To write all the values. For our example, just press it once to get to this:
Now that we are in a break mode as seen by the highlighted line in yellow let’s try to run the same procedure named Fillcells from the Macro dialog box.
Once you press the Run button, you will get the “Cannot execute code in break mode as seen below, just because the procedure still running in VBA is in Break mode. So you have to stop that one before coming back to the Macro dialog box to run the macro.

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