Male oriented là gì

Hello everyone.
Does anyone know what "male-oriented" means? As in mail-oriented expressions.
Thanks a lot.

  • Do you mean 'male' or 'mail'? You give both.

    It would help if you could give us a sentence containing the expression, and outline what you don't understand about it. We could then offer better considered suggestions as to what it might mean.

    I'm reading am aritcle about the English vocabulary development over the years and there's a chapter called "linguistic sexism" which says "...this can be seen in the still prevailing of male-oriented expressions such as postman and businessman..."
    Thank you very much!

    It means they focus on men, not men and women. The word postman for a letter carrier, fireman for a firefighter, policeman for police officer, and so on, go back to an era where women were not accepted in those occupation. The author says that people still use those terms. [I don't, but people who post on WRF are more sensitive than average to questions of language. I'm willing to believe that some people do.]

    [mainly British male-orientated]

    • Biased toward, dominated by, or designed for men.

      • ‘a very macho, male-oriented industry’
      • ‘I actually feel there's a need for more female creatives, to ensure advertising isn't too male-oriented.’
      • ‘Air traffic controlling has often been considered a male-oriented profession.’
      • ‘Almost all survivalist writing is heavily male-oriented.’
      • ‘The nomination of a female judge as a justice at the Constitutional Court has set a new milestone in our male-oriented judiciary system.’
      • ‘Much of the chapter focuses on the male domination of the Internet, both in terms of frequency of use and male-oriented content.’
      • ‘Most hospitals and clinics are not male-oriented, and, in fact, men find them humiliating and awkward.’
      • ‘Working with intelligent women is very different from working with a very male-oriented set.’
      • ‘Both of the reports on men and mental health conclude that considerable resources are needed to focus on marketing male-oriented health and support services.’
      • ‘I couldn't help but notice how one-sided and male-oriented everything is in that movie.’
      • ‘It's a good mystery, but very male-oriented, with an excessive focus on guns.’
      • ‘Sexism is rife in the playwriting world, and women such as myself face a constant struggle to make it in this male-oriented environment.’
      • ‘Succeeding in what was perceived as a male-oriented world made her a role model.’
      • ‘Traditionally a male-orientated organisation, Rotary first admitted female members in 1987.’
      • ‘She has proved that women can make it to the top in even the most male-orientated workplaces.’
      • ‘As I flicked through the rest of the magazines, it struck me how male-orientated the diving holiday industry seemed.’

      male, manly, manlike, of men, man's, men's, male-oriented

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