Marvel vs Capcom Infinite stone tier list


The reason power storm is worth it is because it increases hitstun by a lot so it lets you go much deeper before hitstun scaling becomes problematic. Thats why power stone is the TOD stone.

All Ive seen from vids is that hitstun scaling works the same way as damage scalingin which eventually the system eventually pops you out nowhere what after a certain amount of damage taken.

Is there any proof or evidence so far that the Power Stone lets you bypass that limit?
Not saying I dont believe you, I just want to see the evidence.

It seems to me like its not a pop out triggered by raw damage, rather the variable that drives the hitstun scaling is total combo damage rather than total combo hits. Hitsun scaling is a ratio of base hitstun therefore by improving your base through power stone you are mitigating the hitstun scaling. I dont have hard proof of this but this is just what Im guessing by observing power storm vs non-power storm combos. Essentially the evidence is the fact that all the TODs so far have been power storm.

Heres a question Is it even worth it to spend meter on a hyper at the end of a combo [unless its a guaranteed kill or a specific setup] when the damage scaling is so high? Is meter not a better resource to spend on switch counter instead?

This game doesnt look like a 1-2-3 kill type of game [outside of maybe power stone], it seems to be more about cloaks and daggers, and switch counter could be used just as much as an offensive tool as it is a defensive tool, especially knowing how fucked up the trickery is going to get down the line.

This is a whole new level of meta, like your opportunity to strike hard maybe when youre at your weakest as opposed to when youre at your strongest. Youre gonna get put in a combo, but well learn what combos are safe and what combos are punishable, but then the opponent also has to think about how they can either bait switch counter or how they them selves can then use it to get out of the situation they just got them selves in.

It seems having 2 stocks at all times is going to be a huge priority, especially if kill combos become more prominent in the future, youre going to always have to need a way out and a way to condition the opponent to fear you wen you have 2 stocks.

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