Sửa lỗi the ip helper service is not running năm 2024

This article includes everything you need to know about iphlpsvc in Windows 10, including what it's for, whether it's safe, and how to disable it from auto-starting with Windows.

What Is iphlpsvc in Windows 10?

The iphlpsvc in Windows is an Internet Protocol Helper Service, and its job is to help retrieve and modify network configuration settings for your Windows 10 PC. It effectively allows connections to occur across various networking protocols, like IPv6 and Port Proxy.

This helper service is installed with Windows 10 right from the start, so it's nothing you need to concern yourself with unless something goes awry. That said, it's also unnecessary if you're using your system for general tasks like web browsing, media viewing, and gaming. Iphlpsvc is mainly helpful for running remote databases or connecting over IPv6.

You might come across iphlpsvc.dll when looking at the Processes tab in Task Manager. It doesn't typically use up much in the way of resources and can be safely left alone. It will typically start with Windows and continue running in the background without getting in your way.

Can You Safely Disable iphlpsvc?

Yes. Disabling iphlpsvc won't damage your system, break its general functionality, or have much of an effect on performance. You may want to keep it running if you're going to use IPv6, and since the iphlpsvc.dll typically uses such little system resources, it's better to leave it alone if it isn't causing any problems.

That said, some users have found it can draw unnecessary system memory and CPU cycles at certain times. If you have that problem or want to disable it because you don't need it, there are ways to do it.

How to Disable iphlpsvc From Services

The quickest and easiest method for disabling iphlpsvc is by stopping the service that starts it in the first place.

  1. Search for Services in the Windows 10 search bar and select the corresponding result.
  2. Scroll down the list to find IP Helper.
  3. Double click/tap it, or right-click [or tap and hold] and select Properties.
  4. To disable the service temporarily, select Stop > Apply, and OK.
  5. If you want to stop it from running again, also set the Startup type to Disabled using the drop-down menu. Then select Apply > OK.

You can also enable, or re-enable iphlpsvc in the same way, just retrace your steps to the Services menu, and select the Start button. If you want it to startup automatically with Windows, make sure that Automatic is the selected Startup type.

How to Disable iphlpsvc From Registry Editor

You can also disable the iphlpsvc service with Registry Editor, the tool that lets you interact with the Windows Registry. There's a whole registry key dedicated to iphlpsvc which we can edit to block it from starting up with Windows 10.

The registry is an important area of Windows 10 that, if misused, can have a dramatic effect on how your system operates. You don't need to be scared of altering it, but you should be wary and double check everything you do there, especially if you're not familiar with it. In fact, we recommend backing up the registry first.

  1. Open Registry Editor through the Run dialog box. To do that, press Win+R, type regedit, then press OK. Give administrative approval at the prompt.
  2. Navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iphlpsvc
  3. Find the Start value on the right side. Right-click [or tap and hold] it, and select Modify.
  4. To disable iphlpsvc from starting up with Windows, change the Value data to 4. Select OK.
  5. Close the window and restart your computer. iphlpsvc should no longer start with Windows.

If you ever want to revert iphlpsvc to start automatically with Windows, follow the above steps again, but set its Value data to 2.

How to Disable iphlpsvc From Command Prompt

You can also disable the iphlpsvc service using Command Prompt.

This method is simply another way to modify the registry, so you'd be wise to back up the registry first so you can restore the registry backup later to undo any problems that might occur. That said, these steps are very simple, so there shouldn't be any issues if you follow along closely.

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt. One way is to type CMD in the Windows search box. Right-click or tap and hold the corresponding result, and select Run as administrator. When it asks for admin approval, give it.
  2. To disable iphlpsvc at startup, type the following and press Enter: reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iphlpsvc” /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f
  3. Restart your PC. The iphlpsvc service is now disabled.

To re-enable iphlpsvc using the Command Prompt method, just modify the command, swapping out 4 for 2.

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