umber là gì - Nghĩa của từ umber

umber có nghĩa là

A word used by one kid when another kid does something bad.

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Umbers! I'm gonna tell the teacher.

umber có nghĩa là

A hot, sexy , pretty girl! Who is smart and can win anyones heart

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Umbers! I'm gonna tell the teacher.

umber có nghĩa là

A hot, sexy , pretty girl! Who is smart and can win anyones heart

Ví dụ

Umbers! I'm gonna tell the teacher.

umber có nghĩa là

A hot, sexy , pretty girl! Who is smart and can win anyones heart

Ví dụ

Umbers! I'm gonna tell the teacher.

umber có nghĩa là

A hot, sexy , pretty girl! Who is smart and can win anyones heart

Ví dụ

That girl is an Umber A flaiming furry homosexual. That guy is SUCH an umber

umber có nghĩa là

Really pretty funny sweet and smart girl. She never starts fights p, she is really sweet and is always there for you as a grat friend! She is sooo sexy and so pretty and sexy especially in her ''bellly tops'', her cheerleading stuff and shorts,

Ví dụ

Damn that girl is such am umber

umber có nghĩa là

A coded method of relating that one needs to defecate. See also amber alert. Woman:[driving] We need to pull over some place clean.
Man: Umber Alert?

Ví dụ

Woman: Word. Much like the Umbrella, but more umber-ella ish. I am having umber-ella issues this morning

umber có nghĩa là

Misspronounced umbrella. Now taken up by MTV hosts, as a catchphrase in reference to Rihanna's newest single.

Attempt at creating innuendo, yet a miserable failiure.

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Rihanna in video/audio. Note the nasal tones.

MTV Host. "It's rainin' heaps on set, better get out your umber-ellas !"*cannned laughter*

umber có nghĩa là

erotically retarded.

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retarded in the way that you don't understand erotic situations.
created by ant

umber có nghĩa là

dude 1 - "oh look, cleavage."

Ví dụ

dude 2 - "thats boobs, not cleavage. dumbass."
dude 1 - "you umber." A fat over weight insignificant twat that thinks he has it all, but really has nothing going for him. Blows off all the proper boys Your a bit of an umbers
You twat! One who has the physical appearance of a type of vegetable, fruit, or just a ball. One who always apologizes when its not they're fault. One who lies about who they go out with. One who falls deep in love with everyone they talk to. One who always likes to break happy couples up. "Hey what is that round thing beyond the horizon?!"
"Oh, that's just an umber!" "Hey I'm really sorry for being a rude ass to you, please let's just be cool" "Why are you apologizing though?"

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