What are the characteristics of your organizational culture?

To some, company culture has become a buzzword in recent years. In fact, most people associate a great culture with trendy perks like ping-pong tables, free snacks, or napping pods. Obviously, these perks are nice, but a company’s culture is about who the company is at the deepest level. An organization’s culture consists of the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that employees share and use on a daily basis in their work. Company culture is how employees describe where they work and how they fit into the organizational structure.

Some may be thinking, “does company culture even matter?” The answer is yes! Here are some of the interesting statistics that prove the benefits:

  • Not only do companies with happy employees outperform competitors by 20 percent, but their salespeople make 37 percent more sales.
  • Additionally, highly engaged employees are 38 percent more likely to have above-average levels of productivity.

So, how do you go about creating a strong and positive company culture? Here are 10 important characteristics:

  1. Effective communication
  2. Diversity
  3. Learning opportunities
  4. Recognition
  5. Clear and defined purpose
  6. Meaning and purpose
  7. Teamwork
  8. Goals and strategies
  9. Respect and fairness
  10. Strong leadership

There is not a set blueprint for a successful company culture because every business is different. However, it is evident that it will become even more prominent, so having a consistent and strong set of values for your company is important.

Do you have anything to add to the list? Comment what’s important to you down below!

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While every workplace is different, companies with happy employees tend to have a few basic things in common. Here are five characteristics of a positive workplace culture that we’ve observed while working with companies of all sizes.

1. Good Communication

Nothing is more frustrating for an employee than ambiguous job expectations, which is what makes effective communication one of the most important things for a positive workplace culture. Managers shouldn’t make themselves inaccessible but should instead strive to give their employees frequent feedback on performance. Employees themselves should also be encouraged to communicate with each another and be provided with the proper tools to do so. All company communication should stick to three principles: being clear, courteous, and proactive.

2. Opportunities for Growth

The best employees want more than to just punch a time clock each day for a paycheck. They want a chance to better themselves and grow on the job. Companies with a positive work environment provide employees with clear expectations for advancement and the tools and training needed for success. This can be done by establishing on-the-job training programs and creating specific goals for employees to reach promotions and raises.

3. Culture of Collaboration

Humans are social beings who thrive on working together as a team. Companies that encourage collaboration help foster a camaraderie among employees that boosts both performance and morale. Creating a sense of unity makes employees feel like they are working for something bigger than themselves.

4. Reward Systems

Recognizing good work is an important morale booster and helps encourage employee engagement. Employers should have a formal reward system in place that provides other benefits to employees who help meet company objectives. Informal rewards—like notes, special events, or gifts—can also make employees feel valued without greatly affecting a company’s bottom line.

5. Strong Purpose and Core Values

Creating a sense of purpose among employees is a key ingredient for any sustainable business. Building a purpose-driven culture starts first with a set of core values that are then reflected in the company’s long-term goals. For businesses with successful, purpose-driven cultures, the company’s core values are much more than just bland mission statements printed on the back of the employee handbook. These values should be woven into every one of the company’s actions. Core values give employees a clear reason for their work and can also help uplift the company at large.

The Gen Z workforce are the first generation to prioritize purpose over money. They read company mission statements and values to determine where they fit best. This generation expects consistency and authenticity and will call you out if they think you are not aligned.

What are the four characteristics of organizational culture?

Characteristics of organizational culture are; Innovation [Risk Orientation]. Attention to Detail [Precision Orientation]. Emphasis on Outcome [Achievement Orientation].

What are some characteristics of a company culture that helps you do your best work?

Here are five characteristics of a positive workplace culture that we've observed while working with companies of all sizes..
Good Communication. ... .
Opportunities for Growth. ... .
Culture of Collaboration. ... .
Reward Systems. ... .
Strong Purpose and Core Values..

What are the 7 characteristics of culture?

Traits: Seven [7] Major Traits of Culture.
Based on Symbols..

What are the 4 types of organizational culture?

They identified 4 types of culture – clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture.

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