Who was the theorist who gave importance to language quizlet?

Based on Krashen's monitor model

Fundamental assumption: learners of any age are able to take in speech input - if most of it is comprehensible - and discover its system without having it arbitrarily broken down for them and spoon-fed

Primarily based on the theory that language acquisition is a subconscious process that occurs when language is used for natural, meaningful interaction

This approach supplies high amount of input made comprehensible through pictures, actions, and situational - grammatical - lexical transparency

Respects initial preproduction period - expects speech to emerge not from artificial practice, but from motivated language use - progressing from early single-word responses to more coherent discourse

Interpersonal and personal negotiation of meaning - rather than attention to grammatical correctness - is fostered for an extended period

Learning activities designed for learner comfort and enjoyment

[Second Main L2 Acquisition Theory]

Kindergarten-Strengthen Childs oral language skills
In some states, children may be asked to read and write.
1st Grade- Increase focus on reading/writing. Into of add.& Subt.

2nd Grade-Increase Indep. skills in reading/writing
3rd Grade: Transition; Child reads and writes in more complex ways. Most learned cursive in past, but not now.
Grades 4-6: Ch. go from elarning to read& write to Reading and writing to elarn.
Ch. with lang impairments identified in 4-6 gr.

Vocabulary expectations:
By 1st grade, Ch. begin wi spoken vocab of 6k words, but teachers only teach 400 words per year.
Ch. suppose to learn 3k words/yr by 3rd gr.
Ch. supposed to understand 60k words by 6th gr.
Ch. supposed to learn 36k more words by 12 gr.

Based on Krashen's monitor model

Fundamental assumption: learners of any age are able to take in speech input - if most of it is comprehensible - and discover its system without having it arbitrarily broken down for them and spoon-fed

Primarily based on the theory that language acquisition is a subconscious process that occurs when language is used for natural, meaningful interaction

This approach supplies high amount of input made comprehensible through pictures, actions, and situational - grammatical - lexical transparency

Respects initial preproduction period - expects speech to emerge not from artificial practice, but from motivated language use - progressing from early single-word responses to more coherent discourse

Interpersonal and personal negotiation of meaning - rather than attention to grammatical correctness - is fostered for an extended period

Learning activities designed for learner comfort and enjoyment

[Second Main L2 Acquisition Theory]

Example 1: A baby says mamamama. Mother assumes he is trying to say "mama" and picks him up, hugs him, and says, "That's right, mama!

Example 2: A baby cries and mother says, "Do you want your bottle?" That verbalization by the mother becomes associated with the reinforcer that follows---food

Example 3: Jill is at the dinner table pointing to the juice pitcher and grunting. Mother says, "Juice? You want more juice?" And gives Jill the juice.
•Jill is reinforced by getting the juice AND by verbal praise
-A bond is built between the referent "juice" and the word "juice"

Five major theories of language development: behavioral, nativist, cognitive, information-processing, and social interactionism. Match each statement with the theory it best fits. Some vocabulary. Advanced Review, Ch. 3, p. 128 - 137.

Who was the theorist who gave importance to language?

Chomsky considered language as a highly abstract generative phenomenon. He arrested that human beings are born biologically equipped to learn a language and proposed his theory of a language Acquisition Device [LAD] – an inborn mechanism or process that facilitates the learning of a language.

Which theorist talks about language?

Major Language Development Theories. When discussing language development theorists and theories, B.F. Skinner, Noam Chomsky, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, and Lev Vygotsky are some of the theorists who have greatly contributed to language development.

What was Chomsky's theory?

Chomsky concluded that children must have an inborn faculty for language acquisition. According to this theory, the process is biologically determined - the human species has evolved a brain whose neural circuits contain linguistic information at birth.

Who is the founder of language acquisition?

Noam Chomsky was a pioneer of the Language Acquisition Device theory, in which he states that humans have an innate ability to learn language.

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