windham là gì - Nghĩa của từ windham

windham có nghĩa là

Rich-ass town located in southern New Hampshire, making up the top left part of the Windham-Pelham-Salem-Atkinson rhombus. Once considered a vacation spot in the area located near Cobbett's Pond [with the rest of the town being agrarian] Windham somehow morphed into an elitist breeding ground in less than a generation. It is now known for its large amounts of yuppies, soccer moms, and Paultards as well as their overly spoiled kids who are frequently seen driving expensive cars down I-93. Aside from the glamour, Windham has a reputation for being quite boring, lacking any commercial area or downtown. A side note: people from Windham pronounce the name of their town as WIND-ham, not WIN-dum. The 'h' is not silent.


Carlie must live in Windham - she got a Ferrari for her sweet 16 birthday. The Sampson family moved to Windham from Newton Mass so they could still enjoy a lavish lifestyle without paying Massachusetts income taxes which, as Ron Paul supporters, they were morally opposed to. Windham residents love their money but sure hate having to spend it to contribute to society. That's why they blow most of it on huge houses with big front lawns the size of football fields, 23432 cars, cruises, vacations, expensive electronics, drugs, and designer clothes for their kids.

windham có nghĩa là

An oasis consisting of New Hampshire's 13,000 most privileged residents. In the past 20 years, nearly all of the town's development has been carried out for one single goal: to keep anyone making a salary under $90,000 out. As one would expect, "Windhamite" children have reputations for being rich brats. Almost every single Windham family owns more than one house, more than four cars, a few four-wheelers, a boat, and a country club membership. The new Windham High School gives each of its students free macbooks as part of their "21st century learning" curriculum.


Person 1: Man, Chelsea sure is a spoiled bitch. Person 2: Yeah, that's 'cause she's from Windham, NH.

windham có nghĩa là

Windham New Hampshire is an elitist breeding town located in southern new hampshire exit 2 when your get into New Hampshire. Inhabitants are known for their extreme wealth and spoiling their kids with everything imaginable. Kids in Windham are known to drive expensive cars and blow all sorts of cash on crazy things like helicopters to the prom, BMW M series and cocaine. Windham has latley become infested with drugs due to its Surroundings of Lawerence, Lowell Ma, Pelham, and salem all of which could be considered ghettos by many standards. Windham also boasts a beautiful golf course which only the most elite from New Hampshire tend to play.


"Your from Windham, NH?" "yea so what dawg"
"why are u dressed so ghetto riding around in a BMW, Whereing burberry?" Cuz im ballin'!

windham có nghĩa là

A small town located in southern New Hampshire. A town with a generally wealthy population. Kids however don't drive Ferrari's, are typically quite stupid, and assholes. Houses range from large to small. Most families don't own more than two houses, boats, and all that shit. Typically a nice house with a pool and a few cars. They don't believe themselves to be elite. Hated on ALOT. Nothing to do except for Canobie over in Salem. They suck at sports. D3 most sports. So shut the fuck up. It's a nice town. We're not all spoiled. We don't have hellicopters and Ferraris. Oh and by the way, the H is silent dumbasses.


Hey Windham's a pretty nice town right? Oh Yeah, I'd love to live there.

windham có nghĩa là

Windham, NY is a tiny ski resort area. Off of Exit 21 on the NY Thruway, Route 23 [basically the only way in and out of Windham] reigns as the center of town. Wealthy weekend regulars come from Manhatten, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut and usually own expensive trailside homes, condos in the Enclave, or houses past Main Street. Everyone ignores the shitty local houses. The racing and freestyle programs are very good, although to be honest the terrain sucksss. Adaptive is one of the best in the country [teaching mentally retarded kids to ski...kind of funny- and physically challenged kids.... also funny]. Windham Mountain's base lodge has "the Wintergreen" where only the elite of Windham can belong, eat in the restaurant, have mahogany lockers with a gold name plate, and basically act like they own the mountain. the "3500 club" is for the normal weekend regulars [only the very rich, not the extremely rich]. the CLC staff has the craziest parties. Ski patrol is full of a bunch of old guys that yell "slow down!" and no one listens. No one cares for locals because they're poor and live in the middle of nowhere. As far as restaurants go, Jimmy O'connors is the best to go hang out with friends, Millrock is a staple, and Brie and Bordeaux is for a fancy night out. Michael's Diner is only good for dessert, fries, and milkshakes. You only have 3 options for movies at the movie theater, but it makes up for it with the tables in one, antiques blocking the screen in another, and reclining chairs in the last. Windham is fucking sick, the people rock, the lodge rocks, the houses rock, and basically everything rocks. Its way better than shitty Hunter, even if all the trail names start with "W" [its endearing okay!] Only the rich, young, and beautiful are weekend regulars to ski at Windham Mountain. REPRESENT.


Friend 1: Hey do you want to come to my ski house this weekend?
Friend 2: Well where do you go?
Friend 1: Windham, NY of course!
Friend 2: Damnn.. you go to Windham?! You must be rich!
Friend 1: Yeah my house is on the mountain and I have a snowmobile, hot tub, 4 pairs of skis,go to the Wintergreen, and basically own a 2nd house 3x as expensive as your only house!

windham có nghĩa là

A hair cut where the sides are shaven to the skin, leaving hair on the crown of the head. There is no fade between the skin & hair.


Mark and Steve have the Windham.

windham có nghĩa là

A place in the Catskills where you get stuck when you have given up on life in reality. If you live there you are indentured servants to the whims of the citidiots who enjoy the area for the recreational sport of spending money.


Hi, I'm from Windham, ny and all I can talk about is how much I hate the citidiots who are the economic backbone of the town.

windham có nghĩa là

Located in Ohio. One of the most boring towns ever. The speed limit changes are a bitch and it'ts incredibly small. DON'T MOVE HERE. oh, and the cops have nothing to do but give you tickets, so watch out.


Wow, Windham,Ohio is really boring! Now entering Windham, Ohio...[5 seconds later] Now leaving Windham, Ohio.

windham có nghĩa là

western new england college dorm room known to be haunted; students can feel a cold presence and constant chill in the room; believed to be caused by a former student hanging themself


"Oh man, have you been in Windham 133? It's so freaky."

windham có nghĩa là

Windhamites should be careful when sending emails into the thumbs section of the area news. The postings aren't edited but they are censored in total [in or out] and your ip address is resolved right down to your identity due to a few townies who have access to the cable commission and comcast. Be careful folks they know who you are.


Retorts concerning Windham operations are censored heavily.

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