Windows 10 desktop icon spacing messed up

Solved - How to Change Desktop Icon Spacing in Windows 10

Is there any way to change desktop icon spacing in Windows 10? How to increase or decrease desktop icon spacing on Windows 10? Are you confused at this question? Don't worry! This tutorial will guide you How to Change Desktop Icon Spacing in Windows 10 in detail. After reading this article, you can change the desktop icon spacing only with three simple steps!


  1. 1. Three Steps to Change Desktop Icon Spacing in Windows 10
  2. 2. Extensions: Two Ways to Resize Desktop Icon

Attentions: Desktop icon spacing has a default value for both horizontal and vertical spacing. The default value is -1125. The parameter of icon spacing ranges from -480 to -2730. So you can select any value within this range as you want.

1. Three Steps to Change Desktop Icon Spacing in Windows 10

Step 1. Press Windows+R simultaneously, and then a new window is opened. Type "regedit" in the blank, and click the button of OK.

Step 2. Navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Control Panel> Desktop> WindowMetrics

To change desktop icon horizontal spacing, double click IconSpacing to modify the value. You can choose any value from -480 to -2730 [-480 represents the minimum and -2780 represents the maximum]. Then tap OK.

To change desktop icon vertical spacing, double click IconVerticalSpacing. You can set any value between -480 to -2730 the same way. Tap OK to save changes.

Step 3. Log off or restart the computer, the changes would be made to the icons on the desktop.

Tips: You can set different value for the vertical and the horizontal icon spacing from -480 to -2730 according to your preference, as you may want wider or narrower icon space between the rows or columns. You can try a few more times to get your ideal desktop icon spacing.

2. Extensions: Two Ways to Resize Desktop Icon

Do you want to make your desktop icon larger or smaller? Two ways here help you resize your desktop icons easily.

Way 1. Right kick an empty space on the desktop. Select View and choose Large icons, Medium icons, or Small icons. The default one is Medium icons.

Way 2. Right kick an empty space on the desktop, select View and tick Auto arrange icons. Press Ctrl, and then slide the mouse's roller [larger forward, smaller backward].

Tips: If you don't tick Auto arrange icons at first, when desktop icons are resized, the arrangement of desktop icons will be disordered.

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