Windows 11 virtual desktop enhancer


Personalize the settings

There are lots of parameters you can personalize to make this program behave exactly as you want.
Mainly you will have to edit some lines in the settings.ini file in the main folder of the program.

Table of contents

  • Personalize the settings
    • Table of contents
    • Main settings
    • Custom wallpapers
      • Image wallpapers
      • Solid color wallpapers
      • Example configuration
    • Desktop names
      • Example configuration
    • Tooltips
      • Example configuration
    • Keyboard shortcuts
      • Available shortcuts
        • Keyboard shortcuts modifier keys
        • Keyboard shortcuts identifier keys
        • Keyboard shortcuts combinations
      • Example configurations
        • Default configuration
        • Custom configuration
    • Run programs when switching desktops
      • Example configuration
    • Tray Icon
      • Icon Packs
    • Old settings migration

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Main settings

The main settings are found in the [General] section of the settings.ini file and are used to define some basic settings of the program.

SettingDescriptionValid Values
DefaultDesktopWhich desktop will be used as default [The program will switch to this desktop when started].Any valid desktop number
TaskbarScrollSwitchingIf scrolling over the taskbar will switch desktops.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]
UseNativePrevNextDesktopSwitchingIfConflictingWhether to switch between desktops instantly or with the default Windows transition if the shortcuts conflict.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]
DesktopWrappingIf going right from the last desktop should take you to the first one and vice-versa.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]

Custom wallpapers

You can set each virtual desktop to have its own wallpaper [an image or a fixed color] by editing the [Wallpapers] section of the settings.ini file.
If you set the configuration of that desktop to empty [ex: 5=] the wallpaper wont change when you switch to that desktop.
Also note that any number of desktops are supported, just add a line for each new one, like shown in the examples.

Image wallpapers

You can set the wallpaper for a certain desktop to be an image by adding the image path on the line corresponding to the desktop number in the [Wallpapers] section.
Image paths can be absolute [e.g. C:\Wallpapers\Default.jpg] or relative [e.g. ..\images\Default.jpg].

To get the absolute path of any file [in this case an image file] saved on your computer open the folder where its saved, right click on it, copy the Path string and the name together with the extension, then merge them like this: PATH\NAME.EXTENSION. For example if the path is C:\Programs\Test and the filename is image.png the absolute path will be C:\Program\Test\image.png.

Solid color wallpapers

You can set the wallpaper for a certain desktop to a solid color by adding the hexadecimal RGB code for that color next to the desktop number in the [Wallpapers] section.

You can use this special Google page to pick your color: its corresponding hexadecimal RGB code will be displayed on the left [e.g. pure red is #ff0000]. Copy it, paste it in the correct place and replace the # with 0x [#ff0000 becomes 0xff0000].

Example configuration

Here is an example of a working configuration:

[Wallpapers] 1=C:\Wallpapers\Default.jpg 2= 3= 4= 5=0xab0923 6= 7= 8=0x0023de 9= 10= 11=C:\Wallpapers\Work.jpg 12=..\images\Email.jpg 20= 50= 999=C:\Wallpapers\End of the world.jpg

Desktop names

In a similar manner to wallpapers you can assign a custom name to each virtual desktop: you can choose your own names by editing the [DesktopNames] section of the settings.ini file.
The name will be shown in a popup every time you switch desktop [if you activated the popup feature] and in the tooltip of the tray icon.
If a desktops name is not set, Desktop" will be displayed. Again, like wallpapers, any number of desktops are supported by this feature: you can expand by adding new lines with new numbers.

Example configuration

Here is an example of a working configuration:

[DesktopNames] 1=Work 2=Games 3=Movies 4=Presentations 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= 10= 15=No idea


If you enable this feature a tooltip will appear every time you switch desktops letting you know the name of the desktop you switched to.

You can customize the appearance of these tooltips by editing the settings in the [Tooltips] section of the settings.ini file:

SettingDescriptionValid Values
EnabledIf tooltips should be shown.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]
PositionXThe horizontal position of the tooltip on the monitor.LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT
PositionYThe vertical position of the tooltip on the monitor.TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM
FontSizeThe size of the font.Any reasonable number
FontColorThe color of the font.Any hexadecimal number [from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFF]
FontInBoldIf the font should be in bold.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]
BackgroundColorThe color of the background.Any hexadecimal number [from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFF]
LifespanThe time in milliseconds for which each tooltip will be displayed.Any reasonable number
FadeOutAnimationDurationThe duration of the FadeOut animation in milliseconds.Any resonable number [best if less than 500]
OnEveryMonitorIf the tooltips should be shown on every monitor or just on the primary one.1, 0 [Meaning YES and NO respectively]

Example configuration

As an example, here you can find the default configuration and a brief explanation of its behavior:

[Tooltips] Enabled=1 PositionX=CENTER PositionY=CENTER FontSize=11 FontColor=0xFFFFFF FontInBold=1 BackgroundColor=0x1F1F1F Lifespan=750 FadeOutAnimationDuration=100 OnEveryMonitor=1

This configuration causes tooltips to be drawn on every monitor at the center of the screen, in a white, bold and small font, with a dark background: they are shown for 750 milliseconds, then fade out with an animation during 100 milliseconds.

Keyboard shortcuts

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Enhancer allows you to configure your own keyboard shortcuts to perform various actions. A shortcut is composed of an action part and a context part.

The following are the actions that can be executed in the context of a virtual desktop:

  • Switching to another desktop
  • Moving the current window to another desktop
  • Moving the current window to another desktop and then switch to that desktop
  • Do any of the actions above, but relative to the next 10 desktops instead [more details below]

The following are the available context for those actions:

  • Previous desktop
  • Next desktop
  • Desktop number X

To create a shortcut you need to specify a modifier key combination representing the action and an identifier key representing the context.

A modifier key combination must be composed of one ore more keys chosen from this list: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win, while an identifier key can be any single key except those used as modifiers [you can find a list with the names of special keys like the arrows, backspace, caps lock and so on here].

For example: if you want to set up a keyboard shortcut to be able to switch to the next desktop, you need to set up the modifier keys for switch to another desktop [for example, Ctrl, Win], and also set up the identifier key for next desktop [for example, Right]. Now pressing Ctrl + Win + Right arrow will switch to the next desktop.

The following actions are not executed in the context of a virtual desktop and therefore are defined directly by a key combination:

  • Open the desktop manager
  • Pin the currently visible window, which makes it visible in all of the virtual desktops
  • Unpin the currently visible window
  • Pin the current visible app, which makes all of the windows of that app visible in all of the virtual desktops
  • Unpin the currently visible app
  • Toggle pin on the currently visible window
  • Toggle pin on the currently visible app
  • Change the current desktop name

For each of these actions, you can set a combination of zero or more modifiers [as before], as well as a regular key. For example: if you want to set up a keyboard shortcut to be able to pin the current window, you just need to set up that combination [for example, Win, Ctrl, Q].

Available shortcuts

This is a list of the available shortcuts.

In addition to the configurable identifier keys, the number keys above the letters on your keyboard also act as identifier keys, and each targets a specific desktop [from Desktop 1 to 10, unless the NextTenDesktops modifier is pressed, which will make them target Desktop 11 to 20 instead].

Also note that if a setting is set to empty or not set at all, the feature corresponding to that setting will be disabled.

Keyboard shortcuts modifier keys

Each modifier keys setting can be a combination of the Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win keys, separated by commas. For each key, you can use the left or right variant of the keys specifically, by adding L or R before the name of the key [e.g. LCtrl], otherwise both can be used. See below for examples.

SwitchDesktopSwitch to a desktop.
MoveWindowToDesktopMove the current window to another desktop.
MoveWindowAndSwitchToDesktopMove the current window to another desktop, and switch to it.
NextTenDesktopsIf doing any of the actions above and targeting a specific desktop [ex: Switch to desktop no. 3] it instead targets the desktop that comes 10 desktops after that one [ex: Switch to desktop no. 13 instead of no. 3]. Note that this modifier works together with the modifiers above.

Keyboard shortcuts identifier keys

Each identifier keys setting can be single key of your keyboard. They can be set to any value listed in this page [except for keys already used as modifiers].

PreviousDesktopDo the action for the previous desktop.
NextDesktopDo the action for the next desktop.
Desktop1Do the action for desktop 1 [or desktop 11 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop2Do the action for desktop 2 [or desktop 12 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop3Do the action for desktop 3 [or desktop 13 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop4Do the action for desktop 4 [or desktop 14 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop5Do the action for desktop 5 [or desktop 15 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop6Do the action for desktop 6 [or desktop 16 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop7Do the action for desktop 7 [or desktop 17 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop8Do the action for desktop 8 [or desktop 18 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop9Do the action for desktop 9 [or desktop 19 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
Desktop10Do the action for desktop 10 [or desktop 20 if the key for NextTenDesktops is being pressed].
DesktopAlt1Same as Desktop1. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt2Same as Desktop2. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt3Same as Desktop3. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt4Same as Desktop4. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt5Same as Desktop5. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt6Same as Desktop6. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt7Same as Desktop7. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt8Same as Desktop8. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt9Same as Desktop9. Can be used as an alternative.
DesktopAlt10Same as Desktop10. Can be used as an alternative.

Keyboard shortcuts combinations

Combination keys settings follow the same rules as modifier keys settings, but in addition to that you need to add a single non-modifier key to the end, in the same format as described for the identifier keys settings.

OpenDesktopManagerOpen the desktop manager.
TogglePinWindowToggle pin on the current window.
TogglePinAppToggle pin on all of the windows of the currently opened app.
PinWindowPin the current window.
PinAppPin all of the windows of the currently opened app.
UnpinWindowUnpin the current window.
UnpinAppUnpin all of the windows of the currently opened app.
ChangeDesktopNameChange the name of the current desktop with a popup prompt.

Example configurations

These are two configuration to better explain the syntax of keyboard shortcuts.

Default configuration

With this configuration:

[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] SwitchDesktop=Win, Ctrl MoveWindowToDesktop= MoveWindowAndSwitchToDesktop=Win, Ctrl, Shift NextTenDesktops= [KeyboardShortcutsIdentifiers] PreviousDesktop=Left NextDesktop=Right [KeyboardShortcutsCombinations] TogglePinWindow=Win, Ctrl, Shift, Q TogglePinApp=Win, Ctrl, Shift, A PinWindow= PinApp= UnpinWindow= UnpinApp= ; "SC029" is the key below your "Esc" key OpenDesktopManager=LAlt, SC029 ChangeDesktopName=Win, F2

The following shortcuts are available:

DescriptionKeyboard Shortcut
Switch to desktop by numberWin + Ctrl + [0-9]
Switch to next/previous desktopWin + Ctrl + [Left/Right Arrow]
Move the current window to desktop by numberDisabled
Move the current window to next/previous desktopDisabled
Move the current window to desktop by number and switch to itWin + Ctrl + Shift + [0-9]
Move the current window to next/previous desktop and switch to itWin + Ctrl + Shift + [Left/Right Arrow]
Switch to desktop by number [desktops 11-20]Disabled
Move the current window to desktop by number [desktops 11-20]Disabled
Move the current window to desktop by number and switch to it [desktops 11-20]Disabled
Pin/unpin [toggle] current windowWin + Ctrl + Shift + Q
Pin/unpin [toggle] current appWin + Ctrl + Shift + A
Pin current window to all desktopsDisabled
Pin current app to all desktopsDisabled
Unpin current window from all desktopsDisabled
Unpin current app from all desktopsDisabled
Open Desktop ManagerWin + Ctrl + [key under Esc]

Custom configuration

With this configuration:

[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] SwitchDesktop=LAlt MoveWindowToDesktop=LAlt, Shift MoveWindowAndSwitchToDesktop=LAlt, Ctrl, Shift NextTenDesktops=Win [KeyboardShortcutsIdentifiers] PreviousDesktop=PgUp NextDesktop=PgDn [KeyboardShortcutsCombinations] TogglePinWindow= TogglePinApp= PinWindow= PinApp= UnpinWindow= UnpinApp= OpenDesktopManager=

The following shortcuts are available:

DescriptionKeyboard Shortcut
Switch to desktop by numberLeft Alt + [0-9]
Switch to next/previous desktopLeft Alt + [Page Up/Page Down]
Move the current window to desktop by numberLeft Alt + Shift + [0-9]
Move the current window to next/previous desktopLeft Alt + Shift + [Page Up/Page Down]
Move the current window to desktop by number and switch to itLeft Alt + Ctrl + Shift + [0-9]
Move the current window to next/previous desktop and switch to itLeft Alt + Ctrl + Shift + [Page Up/Page Down]
Switch to desktop by number [desktops 11-20]Left Alt + Win + [0-9]
Move the current window to desktop by number [desktops 11-20]Left Alt + Shift + Win [0-9]
Move the current window to desktop by number and switch to it [desktops 11-20]Left Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Win [0-9]
Pin/unpin [toggle] current windowDisabled
Pin/unpin [toggle] current appDisabled
Pin current window to all desktopsDisabled
Pin current app to all desktopsDisabled
Unpin current window from all desktopsDisabled
Unpin current app from all desktopsDisabled
Open Desktop ManagerDisabled

Run programs when switching desktops

You can run a program when switching to or from a certain desktop by entering the executable path of the programs in the [RunProgramWhenSwitchingFromDesktop] and [RunProgramWhenSwitchingToDesktop] sections of settings.ini in a similar way to desktop names or desktop wallpapers.

The file can be of any type, not just executable ones [for example you can select an image or text file and it will be opened with the default program associated with it].

To get the absolute path of any file [in this case the file you want to execute] saved on your computer open the folder where its saved, right click on it, copy the Path string and the name together with the extension, then merge them like this: PATH\NAME.EXTENSION. For example if the path is C:\Programs\Test and the filename is image.png the absolute path will be C:\Program\Test\image.png.

Example configuration

[General] DefaultDesktop=2 [RunProgramWhenSwitchingToDesktop] 1=C:/Batch Files/Open Chrome.bat 2=C:/Batch Files/Open Outlook.bat 3= [RunProgramWhenSwitchingFromDesktop] 1=C:/Batch Files/Close Chrome.bat 2=C:/Batch Files/Close Outlook.bat 3=

With the configuration above, once this app starts, it will switch to desktop 2, and it will run the Open Outlook.bat program.
If you then switch to the first desktop, it will run the Close Outlook.bat and Open Chrome.bat programs.
If you then switch to the second desktop, it will run the Close Chrome.bat and Open Outlook.bat programs.
If you then switch to the third desktop, it will run the Close Outlook.bat program.

Tray Icon

A new tray icon will be available while the program is running. It will state the number of the current desktop [1-10].
If you click on it the desktop management screen will be displayed.

Icon Packs

By default the white text on black background icon pack is set, but more packs are available: to change between them, go into the icons folder and extract the ZIP file for the theme you want to use, and replace any existing files if prompted.

To create personalized custom packs, simply create one icon per desktop and name them appropriately [[desktop number goes here].ico, ex: 1.ico, 5.ico, 99.ico]. If the current desktop does not have an icon for it, the +.ico icon is shown instead, so make sure you create that as well for your pack.

Old settings migration

Between version 0.9.1 and the following ones, the name and location of some settings changed. The table and examples below should explain what was changed.

Old locationNew Location
[KeyboardShortcuts] Switch[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] SwitchDesktop
[KeyboardShortcuts] Move[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] MoveWindowToDesktop
[KeyboardShortcuts] MoveAndSwitch[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] MoveWindowAndSwitchToDesktop
[KeyboardShortcuts] PlusTen[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] NextTenDesktops
[KeyboardShortcuts] Previous[KeyboardShortcutsIdentifiers] PreviousDesktop
[KeyboardShortcuts] Next[KeyboardShortcutsIdentifiers] NextDesktop

Old configuration:

[KeyboardShortcuts] Switch=LAlt Move=LAlt, Shift, Ctrl MoveAndSwitch=LAlt, Shift PlusTen= Previous=Left Next=Right

New configuration [converted]:

[KeyboardShortcutsModifiers] SwitchDesktop=LAlt MoveWindowToDesktop=LAlt, Shift, Ctrl MoveWindowAndSwitchToDesktop=LAlt, Shift NextTenDesktops= [KeyboardShortcutsIdentifiers] PreviousDesktop=Left NextDesktop=Right

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