Bài tập true false a survey carried in british

John Harrison to attempt a design for a practical marine clock. In the later stage of his early career, he worked alongside his younger brother James


- Keywords in Q1 are “Harrison”, “background”, “description”

- Skimming through the passage, we can see the keywords of Q1 in paragraph E. In the first sentence, it mentions to John Harrison, “background” is equal to“self-taught Yorkshire carpenter”

- So the answer here is E.

  • 2 Answer: A Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q2. problems caused by poor ocean navigation Up to the middle of the 18th century, the navigators were still unable to exactly identify the position at sea, so they might face a great number of risks such as the shipwreck or running out of supplies before arriving at the destination NOTE - Keywords in Q2 are “navigation”, “problems”, “poor ocean” - Skimming through the passage, we can see the keywords of Q2 in paragraph A. In the first sentence, it mentions to “navigators”. “risks”,”shipwreck”,”running out of supplies” represent “problems”, “unable to exactly identify...” is similar to “poor”, “sea” means “ocean”. - So the answer here is A.
  • 3 Answer: E Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q3. the person who gave financial support to Harrison Harrison designed a marine clock in 1730, and he travelled to London in seek of financial aid. He explained his ideas to Edmond Halley, the Astronomer Royal, who then introduced him to George Graham, Britain’s first-class clockmaker. Graham provided him with financial aid for his early-stage work on sea clocks. NOTE - Keywords in Q3 are “the person”, “financial support” - Skimming through the passage, we can see those keywords in paragraph E, from the fourth sentence to sixth sentence. “financial aid” is similar to “financial support”. And “the person” mentioned here is George Graham. - So the answer here is E.
  • 4 Answer: G Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q4. an analysis of the long-term importance of sea clock One wonderful figure in the history is the Lancastrian Thomas Earnshaw, who created the ultimate form of chronometer escapement—the spring detent escapement—and made the final decision on format and productions system for the marine chronometer, which turns it into a genuine modem commercial product, as well as a safe and pragmatic way of navigation at sea over the next century and half. NOTE - Keywords in Q4 are “long-term importance”, “sea clock”, “analysis” - Skimming through the passage, we can find that paragraph G contain similar words to keywords. At the final sentence, “marine chronometer” is a “sea clock”, “over the next century and half” means “long-term” and “genuine modem commercial product, safe and pragmatic way of navigation” is the “importance”. - So the answer here is G.
  • 5 Answer: B Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q5. the practical usage of longitude The longitude is a term that can be used to measure the distance that one has covered from one’s home to another place around the world without the limitations of naturally occurring baseline like the equator. NOTE - Keywords in Q5 are “practical usage”, “longitude” - Skimming through the passage, we can see the keywords right in the first sentence of paragraph B. “used to measure the distance that one has covered from one’s home to another place around the world without the limitations…” indicates the “practical usage” of “longitude”. - So the answer here is B.

Questions 6-8

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1 ?

In boxes 6-8 on your answer sheet, write

TRUEif the statement agrees with the informationFALSEif the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVENIf there is no information on this

6 In theory, sailors can easily calculate their longitude position at sea.

7 To determine longitude, the measurement of the distance from the Moon to a given star is essential.

8 Greenwich Mean Time was set up by the English navigators.

  • 6 Answer: TRUE Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q6. In theory, sailors can easily calculate their longitude position at sea. Theoretically, knowing the longitude position was quite simple, even for the people in the middle of the sea with no land in sight. The key element for calculating the distance travelled was to know, at the very moment, the accurate home time. But the greatest problem is: how can a sailor know the home time at sea? NOTE - Keywords in Q6 are “theory”, “easily”, “calculate”, “longitude position”, “sea”. - Take a look at three final sentences of paragraph B, we can see those keywords, “longitude position”, “theoretically” is another form of “theory”, “quite simple” is similar to “easily”. So it contains similar meaning to Q6. - The answer here is TRUE.
  • 7 Answer: TRUE Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q7. To determine longitude, the measurement of the distance from the Moon to a given star is essential. To determine longitude, navigators had no choice but to measure the angle with the naval sextant between Moon centre and a specific star - lunar distance - along with the height of both heavenly bodies. NOTE - Keywords in Q7 are “determine longitude”, “moon”, “given star”, “measurement” - Take a look at second sentence of paragraph B, it contains those keywords, “moon”, “determine longitude”, “measure” is another form of “measurement”, “specific star” is similar to “given star”. - As stated in the passage, navigators "had no choice" but to measure the "lunar distance" - the distance from the Moon to a given star, which mean this measurement is essential as mentioned in Q7. Thus, the answer here is TRUE.
  • 8 Answer: NOT GIVEN Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q8. Greenwich Mean Time was set up by the English navigators. Together with the nautical almanac, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was determined, which could be adopted to calculate longitude because one hour in GMT means 15-degree longitude. NOTE - Keywords in Q8 are “Greenwich Mean Time”, “set up”. - Take a look at third sentence of paragraph B, it contains keyword “Greenwich Mean Time”, “determined” is similar to “set up”. - But “English navigators” is not mentioned in that sentence, also in other sentences. So the answer here is NOT GIVEN.

Questions 9-14

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.

Sailors were able to use the position of the Sun to calculate 9

An invention that could win the competition would lose no more than 10 every day.

John and James Harrison’s clock worked accurately without 11

Harrison’s main competitor’s invention was known as 12

Hadley’s instrument can use 13 to make a calculation of location of ships or planes.

The modem version of Harrison’s invention is called the 14

  • 9 Answer: local time Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q9. Sailors were able to use the position of the Sun to calculate 9 .
    A comparison with the local time (easily identified by checking the position of the Sun) would indicate the time difference between the home time and the local time, and thus the distance from home was obtained. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank should be a noun, as it follows a verb. - Keywords in Q9 are “position of the Sun”, “calculate”. - Take a look at second sentence of paragraph C, it contains keyword “position of the Sun”, “identified” is similar to “calculate”. - According to that sentence, sailors were able to use the position of the Sun to calculate local time. So the answer here is “local time”.
  • 10 Answer: 2.8 seconds Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q10. An invention that could win the competition would lose no more than 10 every day. If timekeeper was the answer (and there could be other proposed solutions, since the money wasn’t only offered for timekeeper), then the error of the required timekeeping for achieving this goal needed to be within 2.8 seconds a day, which was considered impossible for any clock or watch at sea, even when they were in their finest conditions. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank should be a noun which indicates number. - Keywords in Q10 are “invention”, “win”, “no more than”, “everyday”. - Take a look at second sentence of paragraph D, it contains similar words to keywords. “a day” is equal to “everyday”, “timekeeper” is equal to “invention”, “achieving this goal” is equal to “win the competition”, “within” is equal to “no more than”. - According to the sentence, the timekeeper would lose no more than 2.8 seconds everyday. So the answer here is “2.8 seconds”.
  • 11 Answer: lubrication Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q11. John and James Harrison’s clock worked accurately without 11 .
    This award, worth about £2 million today, inspired the self-taught Yorkshire carpenter John Harrison to attempt a design for a practical marine clock. In the later stage of his early career, he worked alongside his younger brother James. The first big project of theirs was to build a turret clock for the stables at Brockelsby Park, which was revolutionary because it required no lubrication. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank should be a noun as it follows a preposition. - Keywords in Q11 are “John and James Harrison”, “clock”. - Take a look at three first sentences of paragraph E, it mentions to John and James Harrison and their clock. According to those sentences, the clock required no lubrication. “no” is equal to “without”. So the answer here is “lubrication”.
  • 12 Answer: (a/the) sextant Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q12. Harrison’s main competitor’s invention was known as 12 .
    Harrison had a principal contestant for the tempting prize at that time, an English mathematician called John Hadley, who developed sextant. The sextant is the tool that people adopt to measure angles, such as the one between the Sun and the horizon, for a calculation of the location of ships or planes. In addition, his invention is significant since it can help determine longitude. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank should be a noun as it follows “as” - Keywords in Q12 are “invention”, “competitor”. - Take a look at first sentence of paragraph F, it contains similar words to keywords. “contestant” is exactly “competitor”. And the “invention” is mentioned as “sextant”. So the answer here is “a/the sextant”.
  • 13 Answer: angles Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q13. Hadley’s instrument can use 13 to make a calculation of location of ships or planes.
    The sextant is the tool that people adopt to measure angles, such as the one between the Sun and the horizon, for a calculation of the location of ships or planes. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank shoud be a noun as it follows a verb. - Keywords in Q13 are “Hadley’s instrument”, “calculation of the location of ships or planes”. - Take a look at second sentence of paragraph F, it contains the keywords. “sextant” is equal to “Hadley’s instrument”. - According to the sentence, the sextant use “angles” to make a calculation. So the answer here is “angles”.
  • 14 Answer: marine chronometer Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage Q14. The modem version of Harrison’s invention is called the _____ One wonderful figure in the history is the Lancastrian Thomas Earnshaw, who created the ultimate form of chronometer escapement—the spring detent escapement—and made the final decision on format and productions system for the marine chronometer, which turns it into a genuine modem commercial product, as well as a safe and pragmatic way of navigation at sea over the next century and half. NOTE - The word to fill in the blank should be a noun as it follows a verb. - Keywords in Q14 are “modem”, “Harrison’s invention”. - Take a look at second sentence of paragraph G, it contains keyword “modem”, “commercial product” is equal to “version”. And the modem version of Harrison’s invention named “marine chronometer”. So the answer here is “marine chronometer”.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Bài tập true false a survey carried in british

Timekeeper: Invention of Marine Chronometer

A Up to the middle of the 18th century, the navigators were still unable to exactly identify the position at sea, so they might face a great number of risks such as the shipwreck or running out of supplies before arriving at the destination. Knowing one’s position on the earth requires two simple but essential coordinates, one of which is the longitude.

B The longitude is a term that can be used to measure the distance that one has covered from one’s home to another place around the world without the limitations of naturally occurring baseline like the equator. To determine longitude, navigators had no choice but to measure the angle with the naval sextant between Moon centre and a specific star— lunar distance—along with the height of both heavenly bodies. Together with the nautical almanac, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was determined, which could be adopted to calculate longitude because one hour in GMT means 15-degree longitude. Unfortunately, this approach laid great reliance on the weather conditions, which brought great inconvenience to the crew members. Therefore, another method was proposed, that is, the time difference between the home time and the local time served for the measurement. Theoretically, knowing the longitude position was quite simple, even for the people in the middle of the sea with no land in sight. The key element for calculating the distance travelled was to know, at the very moment, the accurate home time. But the greatest problem is: how can a sailor know the home time at sea?

C The simple and again obvious answer is that one takes an accurate clock with him, which he sets to the home time before leaving. A comparison with the local time (easily identified by checking the position of the Sun) would indicate the time difference between the home time and the local time, and thus the distance from home was obtained. The truth was that nobody in the 18th century had ever managed to create a clock that could endure the violent shaking of a ship and the fluctuating temperature while still maintaining the accuracy of time for navigation.

D After 1714, as an attempt to find a solution to the problem, the British government offered a tremendous amount of £20,000, which were to be managed by the magnificently named ‘Board of Longitude’. If timekeeper was the answer (and there could be other proposed solutions, since the money wasn’t only offered for timekeeper), then the error of the required timekeeping for achieving this goal needed to be within 2.8 seconds a day, which was considered impossible for any clock or watch at sea, even when they were in their finest conditions.

E This award, worth about £2 million today, inspired the self-taught Yorkshire carpenter John Harrison to attempt a design for a practical marine clock. In the later stage of his early career, he worked alongside his younger brother James. The first big project of theirs was to build a turret clock for the stables at Brockelsby Park, which was revolutionary because it required no lubrication. Harrison designed a marine clock in 1730, and he travelled to London in seek of financial aid. He explained his ideas to Edmond Halley, the Astronomer Royal, who then introduced him to George Graham, Britain’s first-class clockmaker. Graham provided him with financial aid for his early-stage work on sea clocks. It took Harrison five years to build Harrison Number One or HI. Later, he sought the improvement from alternate design and produced H4 with the giant clock appearance. Remarkable as it was, the Board of Longitude wouldn’t grant him the prize for some time until it was adequately satisfied.

F Harrison had a principal contestant for the tempting prize at that time, an English mathematician called John Hadley, who developed the sextant. The sextant is the tool that people adopt to measure angles, such as the one between the Sun and the horizon, for a calculation of the location of ships or planes. In addition, his invention is significant since it can help determine longitude.

G Most chronometer forerunners of that particular generation were English, but that doesn’t mean every achievement was made by them. One wonderful figure in the history is the Lancastrian Thomas Earnshaw, who created the ultimate form of chronometer escapement—the spring detent escapement—and made the final decision on format and productions system for the marine chronometer, which turns it into a genuine modem commercial product, as well as a safe and pragmatic way of navigation at sea over the next century and half.

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