Bài tập unit 13 lớp 11

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Nội dung Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 13 HOBBIES có đáp án

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Với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 11, Tip.edu.vn đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 theo từng Unit khác nha. Tài liệu bài tập Tiếng Anh Unit 13: Hobbies có đáp án dưới đây được biên tập bám sát chương trình đã học của bộ GD – ĐT giúp học sinh lớp 11 củng cố kiến thức đã học hiệu quả.

Xem thêm: Đề kiểm tra 15 phút Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13: Hobbies MỚI

Mời các bạn tham gia nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 11 để nhận thêm những tài liệu hay: Nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 11

Bài tập tự luận và trắc nghiệm môn Anh lớp 11 Unit 13 tổng hợp các dạng bài tập phổ biến giúp học sinh lớp 11 củng cố kiến thức và chuẩn bị cho kì thi cuối kỳ sắp tới. Bên cạnh đó các em có thể tham khảo tài liệu môn Toán 11 và Ngữ Văn lớp 11. Mời các em tham khảo bài sau đây.


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. a. admire b. avid c. variety d. while

2. a. occupy b. simply c. accompany d. hobby

3. a. practised b. stamped c. indulged d. accomplished

4. a. collect b. common c. modest d. accomplish

5. a. friends b. tunes c. clubs d. stamps


I. Choose the word or phrase – a, b, c or d – that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.

6. My father never indulges _____ drinking.

a. on b. in c. with d. to

7. I love watching the small fish swimming _____ in the tank.

V. Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined information. Start with it + be and an appropriate wh-word or that.

1. She bought the car from Tom.

It was Tom who/ that she bought the car from.

2. My secretary sent the bill to Mr Harding yesterday.

It was my secretary who/ that sent the bill to Mr Harding yesterday.

3. He already plays for national side; he only turned professional last year.

He already plays for the national side, it was only last year when/that he turned professional.

4. The film was made in Bristol.

It was in Bristol where/ that the film was made.

5. We are coming to stay with Jane this weekend.

It is Jane who/ that we are coming to stay with this weekend.

6. Columbus sailed to America in 1492.

It was in 1492 when/ that Columbus sailed to America.

7. The president makes the important decisions.

It is the president who/ that makes the important decisions.

8. I’m not looking forward to physics, but I’m most worried about, the statistics exam.

I’m not looking forward to physics, but it is the statistics exam which/that I’m most worried about.

9. She’s been seeing a doctor at Newtown Hospital, but she’s having the operation in the Queen Mary Hospital.

She’s been seeing a doctor at Newtown Hospital, but it’s in the Queen Mary Hospital where/ that she’s having the operation.

10. Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so r booked a holiday in Amsterdam to cheer her up.

Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so it was to cheer her up that I booked a holiday in Amsterdam.

11. It’s not that I don’t want to have dinner with you tonight; I can’t come because I’ve got so much work to do.

It’s not that I don’t want to have dinner with you tonight; it’s because I’ve got so much work to do that I can’t come.

12. I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so r lost it somewhere in there.

I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so it was somewhere in there which/that I lost it.

13. She doesn’t find learning language very easy, and she improved her Spanish only by studying very hard.

She doesn’t find learning language very easy, and it’s only by studying very hard that she improved her Spanish.

14. I have had great help from my best friend Dave in doing my research, and I delicate this thesis to him.

I have had great help from my best friend Dave in doing my research, and it’s to him that I delicate this thesis.

15. I don’t mind her criticising me, but I object to how she does it.

I don’t mind her criticizing me, but it’s how she does it that I object to.

VI. Give responses beginning ‘No, what…’, correcting what was said in the question. Use the notes in brackets to help.

1. ‘Did you say that Bernard was going to live in Australia?’ [holiday/ Australia]

No, what I said was that he was going on holiday to Australia.

2. ‘Do you hope to sell your Picasso paintings?’ [be put into/ public art gallery]

No, what I hope is that they will be put into a public art gallery.

3. ‘Did it annoy you that Clare came, so late?’ [not apologise]

No, what annoyed me was that she didn’t apologise.

4. ‘Did you mean to give Erica your bike?’ [could borrow it/ until needed again]

No, what I meant was that she could borrow it until I needed it again.

5. ‘Did you watch the football on TV last night?’ [get, brother/ video it/ watch tonight]

No, what I did was [to] get my brother to video it and I’ll watch it tonight.

6. ‘This steak tastes delicious. Did you fry it?’ [put oil and soy sauce on/ grill]

No, what I did was [to] put some oil and soy sauce on it and grill it.

7. ‘Did you buy Sue the coat she wanted?’ [give/ money towards it]

No, what I did was [to] give her some money towards it.

8. ‘Did you fly from Sydney to Brisbane?’ [hire a car/ drive all the way]

No, what I did was [to] hire a car and drive all the way.

9. ‘Did you stay with Keith for the New Year?’ [invite him/ my ,house instead]

No, what I did was [to] invite him to my house instead.

10. ‘Did you think that I would take Mark to piano practice?’ [going/ his own]

No, what I thought was that he was going/ would be going on his own.

VII. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

1. My uncle is very good ______ accompanying people singing with his guitar.

2. My brother is fond ________ tennis.

3. I have not been very successful ______ playing the guitar.

4. He’s keen ________ collecting coins.

5. I usually give ________ the common stamps to my friends.

6. She was free to indulge ________ leisure activity like reading.

7. I don’t need these papers – you can throw it ________.

8. John is very interested ________ all sorts of sport.

9. I classify my books ________ different categories.

10. Books provide the reader ________ so many facts and so much information.

VIII. Rewrite the following as indicated, making any other changes necessary.

1. I don’t like keeping fish. My sister doesn’t like keeping fish either.

Neither ________________________________

2. We need to make people realize that drug-taking is self-destructive.

What _________________________________

3. I suppose the hope of easy money tempts them.

I suppose it ‘s __________________________

4. I have not experienced such a storm since I was a child.

Not __________________________________

5. Those children were not very well educated.

Those children’s ________________________

6. We expected that the report will be published shortly.

The report ____________________________

7. It’s all his’ talk of poverty that really annoys me.

What ________________________________

8. We only learnt the truth yesterday.

It ___________________________________

9. People sometimes suggest that we are not all equal. This makes some people very angry.

Any _________________________________

10. If it hadn’t been for your help he would be in a worse mess.

If you ________________________________


Complete each sentence with a suitable word in the box











1. Jane is fully _____________ with her two young children.

2. Jim was lucky as he was _____________ at the piano by his sister.

3. Did you _____________ the assignments to the teacher?

4. We have _____________ our project and are ready to take on something new.

5. Don’t _____________ these tin cans; you can use them for other purposes.

6. They live in a _____________ little house in the suburb but they are very happy with what they have: obedient children and stable job.

7. Everyone in the village _____________ him for his success as a doctor and artist.

8. The student are _____________ for information about the new meothods of assessment.

9. My uncle is _____________ in painting. I love his works of art.

10. Tom used to _____________ coins, but now he switches to gems.

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