geass là gì - Nghĩa của từ geass

geass có nghĩa là

a masterpiece


guy: hey, whats code geass?

Alien guy: WTF?! you dont know code geass??!?!!! that anime is a masterpiece!!!

geass có nghĩa là

Code Geass is an anime about a young student who receives a mysterious power from a strange girl. With this power, he avenges to change the world and punish those who kick the weak and powerless.

I'm sorry I'm being vague, but I don't want to include any spoilers by giving names or locations and whatnot.

It's a Fantastic show. One might even say a work of art. I highly recommend it.


Random person on street: Check out that show Code Geass, it's amazing!

geass có nghĩa là

Geass [ギアス, giasu?] is a mysterious ability which certain people can bestow upon others; C.C. is the most prominent character who grants the power of Geass. The form the Geass takes is different in each individual. C.C. calls Geass the Power of Kings [王の力, Ō no Chikara?], and is represented by a glowing, bird-like symbol.

Every Geass has its own unique set of restrictions, limitations, or idiosyncrasies. These factors allow a Geass to be defeated, or its power limited, by someone who is aware of its characteristics. All Geass abilities are related to the mind, influencing such aspects as will, thought, memory, emotion, and perception.

The power of Geass increases with use, usually starting in one eye. It can eventually spread to both eyes and become uncontrollable with repeated use. At this point, the one who granted the power can relinquish his or her immortality to the recipient, allowing the recipient to continue the cycle while the giver is allowed to die. The immortality is referred to as the giver's "Code," and grants the person immunity to Geass in exchange for their original power.

"Geass" may be an intentional corruption of the word "geas" or "geis", a term for a type of magical contract in Irish mythology.


Lelouch- I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you to die!

Enemy- Yes, my Lord! -bang-

Lelouch- -chuckles- The Geass.. never fails...

geass có nghĩa là

A geass is an effect invoked through direct eye contact resulting in a psychological desire to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you.
Considered by Dungeons and Dragons players to have been derived from the Geas spell.


"Yes,your Highness"
*Those subject to the Geass proceed to shoot themselves.*

geass có nghĩa là

Full name: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Japan gets invaded by the Brittannian Empire and Japan is now renamed as Area 11. Young Lelouch, a Brittannian student, gets caught up in a terrorist attack against Brittannia, reuniting with his childhood friend Suzaku. Lelouch also meets the mysterious green-haired girl, C.C. Lelouch accepts a mysterious power C.C. offers to him. Lelouch, using the new power, wages a war against the Brittannian Empire, attempting to destroy the Empire.


Code Geass, Death Note, only with mechas.

geass có nghĩa là

Code Geass is the anime that all anime look up to. It has beautiful girls, mechas, explosions [Michael Bay approved], a plot that, if you attempt to spam watch the whole 2 seasons + bonus episodes and movies, will melt your brain with how awesome, slightly confusing, and how beautifully portrayed all the characters emotions and development come together. In short, Code Geass is awesomeness squared to the power of infinity.


Stranger 1: Hey, so, uh, by any chance do you watch Code Geass?
Both Stranger 1, and Stranger 2 start fanboying/girling all over the place.

geass có nghĩa là

A mecha anime that started out decent, hooked its audience with bad ass robot fights through season 1 and the beginning of season 2, before ending up a trainwreck by its finale. Also know for gay innuendo between male characters, boodle CLAMP characters, unlimited fan services works, table fucking, lolicon China-man, border line incest, Spinning kicks, homicidal ethnic cleansing princess, questionable sublimal shot at either the U.S. or Britain, world where the word 11 replaces the word gook, and shameless pizza hut advertisement.


Code Geass R2 was filmed in front of a live studio audience of fangirls, loli cons. Brought to you in part by Pizza Hut

geass có nghĩa là

-often referred to as simply "Code Geass", is a Japanese anime series created by Sunrise with original character designs by Clamp.
-the series is set after Japan's conquest by the Holy Britannian Empire on August 10, 2010, a.t.b. with their powerful new robot weapons, the Knightmare Frames, stripping Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renaming the country Area 11. The titular Lelouch is an exiled Britannian prince, who has vowed to destroy his father, the Emperor, and Britannia. He gains the ability through the mysterious power of the Geass, becoming the leader of the resistance movement to fulfill his two wishes: to seek revenge for his mother and to construct a world in which his beloved sister Nunnally can live happily.
-all in all,I could not help but compare this show to Death Note and any Huge Mecha Show.there are many "rivalries" where two people square off against each other, either physically or mentally.Just as Light and L were great rivals, so do Lelouch and Suzaku fight a lot, but ultimately get more accomplished working together. there are many chess references throughout the show and some product placement. [Pizza Hut]


Jeff:"Want to watch a really epic anime?"
Craig:"I guess.But how do you mean 'epic'?"
Jeff:"Well picture Death Note with THREE other anime genres thrown into the mix plus like 30 more characters.Then you have Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion."
Craig:"Sounds confusing."
Jeff:"It can be if you miss a single episode."

Gary:"OMG!Lelouch = epic win!Code Geass is amazing!"
Ash:"I disagree.While it is a good show with many things going for it,it also has some very unnecessary points."
Gary:"How do you mean?"
Ash:"Well they didn't need to keep Jeremiah alive, they made Lelouch's maid a NINJA[WTF?], the Emperor looks ridiculous with that wig, Nina [humps a table?what?], etc. etc.
Gary:"I don't get it."
Ash:"Just go to TV Tropes and look up the word NARM."

geass có nghĩa là

Overrated anime that steals from Death Note, Gundam and Legend of Galactic Heroes. The only difference is that Ryuk is a witch with big boobs and there are bunch of pointless tertiary characters and retarded high school episodes thrown in. The first season is pretty average and the second season is pure dogshit. There's also apparently a third season in the works proving that, even after an entire decade, Sunrise still can't come up with original ideas.


Person 1: You need to watch Code Geass it's the best anime EVAR!!!!1!!!11!1! Person 2: Okay. [Person 2 watches Code Geass up to episode 5] Person 2: Fuck this shit. I'm gonna watch the new Castlevania show on Netflix instead.

geass có nghĩa là

Manufacturing a winning scenario via manipulation of people and/or conditions from a seemingly unwinnable one, especially in sports, games of chance, and military conflict.


Did you see the Buckeyes come back from that 21 point deficit in the last quarter? Yeah the QB straight Geassed the other team.

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