Https instructo năm 2024

To store API keys, access tokens, credentials that aren't for databases, and other secrets in Secrets Manager, follow these steps. For an Amazon ElastiCache secret, if you want to turn on rotation, you must store the secret in the .

To create a secret, you need the permissions granted by the SecretsManagerReadWrite AWS managed policies.

Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you create a secret. For more information, see Log AWS Secrets Manager events with AWS CloudTrail.

To create a secret [console]

  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at //
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. On the Choose secret type page, do the following:
    1. For Secret type, choose Other type of secret.
    2. In Key/value pairs, either enter your secret in JSON Key/value pairs, or choose the Plaintext tab and enter the secret in any format. You can store up to 65536 bytes in the secret.
    3. For Encryption key, choose the AWS KMS key that Secrets Manager uses to encrypt the secret value. For more information, see Secret encryption and decryption.
      • For most cases, choose aws/secretsmanager to use the AWS managed key for Secrets Manager. There is no cost for using this key.
      • If you need to access the secret from another AWS account, or if you want to use your own KMS key so that you can rotate it or apply a key policy to it, choose a customer managed key from the list or choose Add new key to create one. For information about the costs of using a customer managed key, see .
             You must have . For information about cross-account access, see Permissions to AWS Secrets Manager secrets for users in a different account.  
    4. Choose Next.
  4. On the Configure secret page, do the following:
    1. Enter a descriptive Secret name and Description. Secret names must contain 1-512 Unicode characters.
    2. [Optional] In the Tags section, add tags to your secret. For tagging strategies, see Tag AWS Secrets Manager secrets. Don't store sensitive information in tags because they aren't encrypted.
    3. [Optional] In Resource permissions, to add a resource policy to your secret, choose Edit permissions. For more information, see Attach a permissions policy to an AWS Secrets Manager secret.
    4. [Optional] In Replicate secret, to replicate your secret to another AWS Region, choose Replicate secret. You can replicate your secret now or come back and replicate it later. For more information, see Replicate a secret to other Regions.
    5. Choose Next.
  5. [Optional] On the Configure rotation page, you can turn on automatic rotation. You can also keep rotation off for now and then turn it on later. For more information, see Rotate secrets. Choose Next.
  6. On the Review page, review your secret details, and then choose Store. Secrets Manager returns to the list of secrets. If your new secret doesn't appear, choose the refresh button.


When you enter commands in a command shell, there is a risk of the command history being accessed or utilities having access to your command parameters. See Mitigate the risks of using the AWS CLI to store your AWS Secrets Manager secrets.

Example Create a secret

The following create-secret example creates a secret with two key-value pairs.

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name MyTestSecret \
    --description "My test secret created with the CLI." \
    --secret-string "{\"user\":\"diegor\",\"password\":\"EXAMPLE-PASSWORD\"}"

Example Create a secret from credentials in a JSON file

The following create-secret example creates a secret from credentials in a file. For more information, see Loading AWS CLI parameters from a file in the AWS CLI User Guide.

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name MyTestSecret \
    --secret-string file://mycreds.json

Contents of mycreds.json:

    "username": "diegor",
    "password": "EXAMPLE-PASSWORD"


To create a secret by using one of the AWS SDKs, use the CreateSecret action. For more information, see .

Is Secret Stories a phonics program?

Secret Stories® integrates seamlessly with existing reading and phonics curriculum, “speeding-up” delivery of the phonics code kids NEED to read and write. Secret Stories® isn't a program, it's an instructional tool.

What is the difference between KMS and secrets manager?

AWS KMS returns a plaintext data key and a copy of that data key encrypted under the KMS key. Secrets Manager uses the plaintext data key and the Advanced Encryption Standard [AES] algorithm to encrypt the secret value outside of AWS KMS. It removes the plaintext key from memory as soon as possible after using it.

What grade level is secret stories?

Secret Stories® is a brain based, cross-grade level, teacher toolkit that works equally well with early and upper-grade learners, as it's based on what kids need to read and to write, not on what grade they're in.

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Secret Stories® Phonics Resources for Home Reading & Writing Included are categorized videos, posts and free downloads to use with your child at home.

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