Hướng dẫn add model vào warcraft 3

The model used for this tutorial is the Dwarven Mountaineer model by Norinrad that can be downloaded


1. In the World Editor, open the Import Manager. You can open this in one of three different ways: click the icon is on the toolbar of the main [terrain] editor [two papers with a green arrow], use the hotkey [F12], or select it from the module menu. \==Example Picture:==

2. Right-click anywhere on the empty white space and select Import File. You can also get this option from the File menu of the Import Manager. If you want to import multiple files at once, select Import Files. When you choose one of the choices, the Editor will open a window to allow you to browse to your file[s]. \==Example Picture:==

3. Browse to your file and select it. If you chose to import multiple files, you only need to browse to the directory level. Press the button that reads *Ok* or double click the file. \==Example Picture:==

Setting up the Imported Model, Skins, and Portraits:

Your file[s] should now appear in the Import Manager window list along with the details of its file type, size, and location. This means that the files have been imported, but you are not yet finished, because you need to set the files up correctly before you can use them.

1. To the right of the area where it says "File Name", there should be something that says "Full Path". Beneath it your file should say "war3mapImported\Mountaineer.mdx". This is the default address that models are imported into, and you can usually just leave it as it is. The item of concern [in terms of changing the path] is the texture file. Those will have specific paths that you need to set. If the model does not have any textures with it, then it is most likely using in-game textures, so you do not have to worry about it. \==Example Pictures:==

2. If you want your model to replace a model that already exists in the game, you need to make sure that your model has the same custom path as the model it is replacing. 3. Most models will require that you also import the skin that goes with the model. You can import the skin in the same fashion as you did for the model above. However, as said before, you must change the path of it. The proper custom path for a model's skin is embedded in the model itself. If you don't know this path [most people post the skin's path with the model when they upload it to sites], you will need to find out what it is before proceeding. \==Example Picture:==

4. Models without skins usually will not appear in the editor or the game or may cause the editor to crash. If you can't find the path for the skin, common locations are either no directory which, for our model's skin would read Mountaineer.blp or sometimes they are placed into the Textures directory, which would read Textures\Mountaineer.blp, but since this path has no directory, it will stay at Mountaineer.blp. Keep in mind that some models require multiple skins with different custom paths. This information is part of the model and cannot be changed without editing the model. \==Example Pictures:==

5. If you cannot find the correct path, seek help from a modeler - any person with even a beginner-level understanding of MDL editing could tell you the correct paths by opening the model in some third-party tools that they should have. Otherwise, you may simply use this program to easily detect the path. Another easy way to detect the path file is getting Warcraft III Viewer, and viewing the textures used by going to Current File | Show Used Texture Names [CTRL + I]. To get Warcraft III Viewer, click here... \==Example Pictures:==

6. Many models also have separate portrait model files that accompany them. These files must always be placed in the same directory as the model that they accompany and the name should have the same name as the model it goes with, but the tag "_Portrait" included before the file type. Import it just as you did for the base model. Changing the path is not necessary, it can remain as war3mapImported\name.mdx. \==Example Picture:==

Finishing Up the Import Process:

  1. Okay, once you have the models imported into the editor with the skins and [possibly the portrait], and the custom paths are set, you might think you are finished. However, not yet. This part is very important: the world editor hasn't recognized the imported models yet. To fix this, you must save the map. If the model still does not show up, save and then exit the editor, and reopen it.
  2. Re-open your map and assign your model to your unit. You can do this by opening the object editor, clicking the "units" tab, choosing or creating a new unit, and then going down to their model file. Select that part and scroll down to the Imported section to change your model.

\==Example Picture:==

Have fun importing your models!

Common Issues and Questions with Importing Models:

Useful Tip: Always try reimporting the model and its corresponding files before anything else. Sometimes the editor just won't recognize it. To reimport, you should clear it from all objects that are assigned to it [set them to some other model], delete the files, save the map, and then reimport and set the paths. Save again and see if it works now.

  • My model appears as a big green checkered cube and the world editor says it can't open the file when the map loads. Please Help! Make sure you assigned the object to the correct model path.
  • My model still appears as a checkered cube, even though I have the right path. Sometimes there is a common issue where you set a unit's model to the imported model before you have saved or exited the editor. Even if you save afterward, it will still show up as a green cube. To fix this, reset the "model" field in the object editor of the unit, delete the imported model from your import manager, save the map, reimport it, change the paths accordingly, save, and then close WE and open it again. Then you can set the unit's model and hopefully it will work.
  • I did everything correctly, but my model is invisible in the game! This usually means your skin[s] for the model is not found. Make sure you import all of the model files, although the icon and some other stuff like a readme don't need to be imported. My model appears in War3ModelEditor but not in game. This may happen quite often with models imported from other games, like WoW. Open up the model in Magos' War3ModelEditor, go to Windows -> Texture Manager. Try to see if there are any textures that are listed that you don't have. If you don't have it, then try removing it by right clicking the name and selecting "Remove". Then go to "File -> Save As" and save it [include the extension .mdx when you are saving it!]. Import it and see if it works.

Otherwise, again it is likely a texture issue. Try reconverting the skin to BLP and make sure the alpha channels are working correctly.

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