Lvalue required as left operand of assignment là gì năm 2024

Sometimes, we have to use conditional statements like the assignment operator “=”. There are two purposes of this operator: one is for assigning the value to any variable and the second one includes the combination of two “= =” which is used to compare two variables or values. In some cases, when we use these operators, it returns the error message “expression must be a modifiable lvalue”. This is the most typical C++ programming error that one might encounter. So, we don’t have to worry about it, it is not a big issue to face such kind of error. This error occurs when we are using conditional expressions and instead of the comparison “= =” operator. We use the assignment “=” operator. If the compiler meets this kind of situation, it displays the error message without executing it successfully.

To resolve such kind of error, we have to go through our code again to check the reason that causes this error. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to read the lengthy programs. To reduce this, we just check the line on which the error is occurring. The line which is having an error is also displayed to make it easy to find out.


error: lvalue required as left oprand of assignment

It is not the code or the method that is to be defined with a predefined syntax. It is just an error message that is displayed when the comparison operator is mixed with the assignment operator. Then, the message is displayed as an error that is shown above. In this error, “lvalue” is the value that will be appearing on the left side of that operator.

Example # 01:

Now, we will perform an example to check how this error occurs. And by using the correct line of code, we will remove this error too. Moving to our main code, we will first include our header files, the “iostream” that is used to perform various input-output operations like “cout”, “cin”, etc. After that, we included “using namespace std;” which means that we can use the variable names and the name of the objects that are provided by the standard libraries. Now, heading towards our main function, we have first declared an integer variable named “myvar” to which we assigned the value “5”.

In the next line, we used the if[] statement to which we passed the condition “5=myvar” which we are using to compare the value “5” with the “myvar” variable. If the condition is met, it will display the message “The value of myvar is 5”. We will run the code using the “f7” command or by just clicking the “Run” button.


using namespace std; int main[] { int myvar \= 5; if [ 5 \= myvar]{ std::cout

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