maple story là gì - Nghĩa của từ maple story

maple story có nghĩa là

All the fun of wailing on snails packed into one free game.


I feel like spending hours of my time fighting mushrooms with yellow caps so I can, get this: fight mushrooms with BLUE CAPS.

maple story có nghĩa là

an addicting game in which you can't quit once you start unless you get hacked. repetetive..but some consider fun if fun is killing snails for the first 8-10 levels.full of names like LiLvIeTbO1 and AzNpRyDe. this game ruins your life. trust me i know. once you start playing, if you go to school, your grades drop down a lot.


maple story

scammer[at hennesy]: Buying 60% 2-handed Sword scroll 10k
noob:wow ill do it thats alot
scammer:how many u got?
noob:i got 1
noob:ok[shows a one-handed blunt weapon scroll ]
scammer:LMAO NOOB[closes trade window]
noob[thinks to himself]:what a f@g[can't cuss on maplestory]im gonna defame him and log out

scammer:press tab tab space enter youll get free items
gullible player: ok [presses]

....and then he loses all his items.

Noob1:I want to be a warrior so i can use cool swords and wear ugly armor for the first 30 levels!

Noob2:I want to be a thief so i can be a ninja like naruto!

Noob3: I want to be a mage so I can Kill Steal all of you.

Noob4: I want to be a bowman so I can summon eagle at level 70!

maple story có nghĩa là

- An elaborate chat room, decorated by mushrooms and retards. - You know those annoying little girls next door that never stop screaming? You know those spiky haired blonde boys down the street, whose wealthy WASP parents and, far too busy to monitor how big of a fat bastard asswipe, that their kids are turning into, between SUV trips to soccer practice? You know that group of screeching sixteen year old's who won't shut the fuck up about Naruto? You know that jail bait whose profile picture is a conveniently faceless, cropped image of her Punky Brewster quality, early bloomer tits but, has a personality attached to a presence that you'd gladly replace with a starving, feral weasel up your own ass? You know that Azn kid who screams "Pinoy Powa, Kstyle4lyfe!" and totally pwns nubs with broken English, all the time?
The one who wants to grow up to be a professional video game fighter?
The one who can "cancel" and "exploit" his way, out of nine incoming fireballs but, not his parent's basement? You know that -begging to be punched in the throat-fucker, in the knit cap, and a short sleeve shirt, over a long sleeve shirt, over a short sleeve shirt, with his bangs covering his eyes in all the pouty, poorly angled, slightly out of focus, poorly lit, cel phone shots of himself in the bathroom, on his barely readable due to a shitty font on top of a shittier background-TKO'ed Myspace? You know that seventeen year old, who spikes his hair like Goku and runs up and down the street, shooting imaginary Kamehameha's at passing cars? You know that chode, who will be inevitably ganking lowbies in the starter areas of World of Warcraft a few years from now, with seemingly impossible, diminished grammar? You know the kids that you'd put aside your possible love of children and/or innocence to crush into a ball of dripping flesh and compressed bone, with your bare hands, if it were physically plausible and legally acceptable? Well guess what Nancyboy, they're all here! Yeehawww!
And you can't touch 'em! Did I mention the mods are biased shit bags who favor nexon cash users and their own friends? Do you like the idea of a poorly controlled game of right and left moving, big headed retards, pressing the three attack buttons endlessly to level up with a system that only rewards the lifeless wasted time of a nation of people who have been known to die playing games for too long? Do you like the idea of getting "pwned" by a fourteen year old boy, who is simultaneously tapping his super attacks while jamming his dick into the face of his little sister's Barbie doll -whose best and, only material, is "lol n00b phayle u mad"? Do want to hang out with little kids who just discovered 4chan? Do you want a message board so bad, that viewing it has, more or less, the same affect as opening the Arc of the Covenant with the sole intent on using it as a makeshift toilet? Do you like the idea of slaughtering the same poorly drawn monkey and his family repeatedly for a month just for half a level? Do you have absolutely no other responsibilities or activities with which to "dedicate" yourself to? Would you then be interested in dedicating yourself to a video game? How about a really shitty one? Enjoy crap? Then sign up for MS today!


Maple Story is awesome, if you really want to know what Hitler is up to right now.

maple story có nghĩa là

Single most ADICTIVE game known to man... the only game that keeps you playing 24/7 If you have work/school or a social life then do NOT play this game it takes up to much of your time!


Im up at 6AM
Im home at 7PM
Im on Maple Story From 7PM to 1AM

maple story có nghĩa là

Maple Story cartoony anime game made in korea basically about killing monsters.Suprisingly addicting I reccomend you might not want to play unless you can control your addiction and yeah it's over run by a bunch of ignorant kids and stupid Naruto fans.A game features a cash shop full of cloths,Double EXP cards,Super mega phones and other useless items the devilish company of Nexon want kids to buy even if they did steal they'er parents credit card or hacked they'er PayPal acount.
is basically killing monster which is a cycle,kill monster "Wooooooooooooot i got lvl up lololololz ^_____^"
however there is a thing called a Party quest also know as pq@@@@@ which is suposed help which it does up until a certain level and plus the community is the big problem other that it slows down at level 40 unless you're a hacker which can get to level 70 in a week.
Maplers attend to have various phrases towards others such as
Person whos 3 levels higher than you:omg ur a noob
Random and desprit girl/guy: WANNA BE MY GF/BF,[or looking for gf/bf@@@@@@@@@@@]
Stupid:CC Plz [it means change channel if you did not know]
Moron: hey everybody defame xxx [insert reason why]
Noob: mesos plox [even high levels does this dressed up like "noobs"]
To handle the jerks on Maple Story is either don't type anything to them or tell them Naruto sucks that will make them real mad or better yet ask how did they get they'er Nexon item then tell them they stole they're mommy's credit card.
So as you can see little kids who act like they have balls play this game.


After getting beat in a card game on Maple story
Stupid:omfg u cheated,turn the cheats off,i report u
Smart person: Wow how old you and did you flunk grammer school?

maple story có nghĩa là

A strangely addicting MMORPG Maple Story is a simple online game. From simply or wasting your MP, [Magic Points] to the graphics. [easily changeable] All, if not, most, of the players are only playing because they want to communicate with their buddies. However, the community is weak and the censors are strict. The armor and weapons are extremely expensive, and it's lead by a failure company named Nexon. There are many private servers, but Nexon sends out their troops and deletes the private server. The game is often short for MS and MapleStory.


Maple Story is awesome, but Nexon fails.

maple story có nghĩa là

a game named after a story of a tree that is for retards that want to have enlarged heads


If you play maple story, you are a fagggnut with a big swollen head

maple story có nghĩa là

Some stupid 2-D sidescrolling game. It's addictive without offering any satisfacting features. It's buggy [over years], ruled by narutofans [kiddies] and hosted by Nexon. Do I need to say more? This game is like a big slum in terms of the community. You will find hacker, scammer and bots in the first big city. GMs and Support do not exist, or just at Nexons webpage - to fake security and gain new player. The community itself can be split into 4 groups and 2 categories: The young and the old, and the "n00bs" and the "high levels". There is nothing else. If you are not in a guild you're lost, because you will get KSed. There is no friendship there, anyone is struggling for some stupid ranks up. Because it is more important to get some ranks up among 1,000,000+ player. There are lots of better games out there, but as long as there are dumb people out there playing this game, MapleStory will be the 'best'. The so called "high levler" does not have to do anything, so they start to KS, [Kill Steal] in the earlier areas. If you wanna start a new Chara in MS, do not even think about it. Those 5 days untill the deinstallation of this crappy game can be spent on better free games.


Person A: Hey, you play Maple Story?
Person B: Yes, and I really do not know, why. Person B: I think I will quit, because I saw anything and I crash often in the last time.
Person A: So you will quit my guild and my 2-year-friendship?
Person B: Yes, of course.
Person A: Oh..Okay. Can I have your equip?

maple story có nghĩa là

A game resembling A hentai orgy made up of snail's, pig's, mushroom's, all differant colors , and ocationally extremly flexible creatures called slimes. All of them are near the same size and appear to be the same gender.Humans can join in aswell. To play you must first download what people say is the "free" game from nexon, but is really a money sucking, repetitive and addictive game that makes boys and girls in thier late teens, who cant get bfs and gfs, spend thier parents life savings on nexon cards from 7 eleven, to accesorise thier 2D characters and get extra flashy attack items to help intensify thier orgys with others. After spending all thier money on nexon cards, they end up getting hacked by randome 12 year olds that have better social lives than they do, and so they commit suicide


19 year old Boy: "Well i offered $1,000 to that prostitute but she said i just wasnt worth it!?." Nexon Website: " Any girl will be happy to fck you! Getting laid in maple story is as easy as pressing your down arrow key!"[litterally people do that] 19 year old boy: Wow fck college, im paying thousands of dollars and im still not getting laid, i'll just play maple story for the rest of my life and get some each and every day!

maple story có nghĩa là

Maple Story is a 2D game which consists mainly of 13-year old boys who will never get laid and 50 year old perverted men who think is so awesome to call people "noobs" and "f@gs"[Maple Story doesn't allow fag to show up.] The game is retarded because the main objective of the game is to beat the living shit out of snails. WTF!!


Desperate Player:PAYING 200 MESOS FOR S EX!!
girliethief[who's really a guy]:I'll give you s ex
Desperate Player:Ok *trading scroll opens* Desperate player:Ok give me s ex now plz *girliethief runs away* This is one example of desperate little shits in Maple Story

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