maxwell là gì - Nghĩa của từ maxwell

maxwell có nghĩa là

maxwells are certain crazy, unreadable types of people, who no matter how hard you try to figure them out...its a lost cause.

maxwells are amazing at random hours of the night...mhmmm, yes i know what that sounds like, and im not gonna change it...

maxwells have a tendency to make certain ppl who im not going to mention a little teensy weensy bit unnerved

but maxwells make those same unmentionable people want to laugh and smile more and thats ok...good even

and just for the record, that wasn't brutal, was it?

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even in the wee hours of the am maxwell made the fact that an all-nighter was inevitable, bearable... and in fact okay.

maxwell có nghĩa là

The hottest most sensitive guy any girl [or guy] could ever dream of but many non-girl/guys do dream of him.

Ví dụ

even in the wee hours of the am maxwell made the fact that an all-nighter was inevitable, bearable... and in fact okay.

maxwell có nghĩa là

The hottest most sensitive guy any girl [or guy] could ever dream of but many non-girl/guys do dream of him. Even though that guy is so hot he doesn't even come close to touching maxwell but he has tried.

Ví dụ

even in the wee hours of the am maxwell made the fact that an all-nighter was inevitable, bearable... and in fact okay.

maxwell có nghĩa là

The hottest most sensitive guy any girl [or guy] could ever dream of but many non-girl/guys do dream of him.

Ví dụ

even in the wee hours of the am maxwell made the fact that an all-nighter was inevitable, bearable... and in fact okay.

maxwell có nghĩa là

The hottest most sensitive guy any girl [or guy] could ever dream of but many non-girl/guys do dream of him.

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Even though that guy is so hot he doesn't even come close to touching maxwell but he has tried. Originally a surname meaning "stream of Maccus" from the Old English name Maccus combined with wella "stream". A famous bearer of the surname was James Maxwell, a Scottish physicist who studied gases and electromagnetism.

maxwell có nghĩa là

also it was used on one of the beatles songs 'maxwell silver hammer' maxwell is so cool he is such a bright spark Tôi I am Maxwell. gay hipster. [Nam giới] girl: Hey conkrite! You see that maxwell over there, he's such a wally. you two should hook up
boy: *chuckles* yeah he's deck

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fcking athletic yo!!!
loves dis girl name sarah. at least thats what they call her...

maxwell có nghĩa là

he is cool.. for a boi friend..

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and sarah loves hym back fo sure...
just be yourself at all tymes and everyone will appreciate you for who you are..

maxwell có nghĩa là

be ready cuz den your

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first kiss is coming soon...

maxwell có nghĩa là

maxwell is good at football, sweet and cool,

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forgiver, funny, and smart

maxwell có nghĩa là

another word for pot belly

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"woah did you see that fat maxwell orford"
"he has a maxwell orford"

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