Remote Desktop printer redirection Windows 10

  1. Login to Remote Desktop Connection Program
  2. Click on control panel
  3. Click on View devices and printers
  4. Click on Add a printer and select Add a local printer
  5. Make a note of the printer ports that are seen on your local system. For example, LPT1 is not visible, but COM3 is.
  6. Now, on your local system, go to the settings for your functioning printer [Start -> Control Panel -> Devices and Printers -> Right click printer -> Printer Properties -> Ports Tab]
  7. Check the tick box that says "Enable Printer Pooling."
  8. Check the box that your remote system is seeing [In the above example of step 5, it is COM3]. Note: Make sure that your existing port remains checked [For example the IP port for the wireless router].
  9. Return to your remote system
  10. Download and install your printers drivers but don't select a port.
  11. Follow again steps 2-4 but select the port you checked in step 8 [In this case, COM3 was selected on the local system]
  12. Select your printer from the list.
  13. Click yes when it asks if you want to use the existing drivers

Note: Print a test page to be sure that it works.

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