Searchable drop down list in Google Forms

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I apologize if the title is vague, I'm not sure how to explain this question in a short format.

I'm trying to create a simple online form for our users to fill out with two questions: their name and a single yes/no question. I've used Google Forms several times before and that's where I went first to attempt this. However, here's where the wrinkle comes in: I want them to be able to type the first few characters of their name and have it autocomplete and allow them to select their name, rather than typing out the whole thing. As far as I can tell, Google Forms does not allow me to do this; I can either set the question as a short answer and they simply type in their entire name, or a dropdown menu that they need to scroll through.

Is anyone aware of a way to accomplish this, whether with a Google Forms plugin or another free platform? I've already checked Microsoft Forms and Survey Monkey, and neither of them could do it either, at least not that I could tell. I'd like to be able to paste in a list of names to populate the autocomplete options, and then let the user type the first few letters and then select it.

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Jun 11, 2020 at 16:52 UTC
G Suite expert
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Right, I don't think auto-complete is possible.

If you're up for making a short App Script project, he only way I can think to improve the short answer approach is to make a script that reads the Sheet and create a data validation regex that would ensure the typed value matches one of the names. If not, it will throw an error and prevent then from submitting the form.

I'm assuming the regex doesn't have some sort of character limit. If so, this is likely a no go. Just throwing the idea out there.

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6 Replies

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techuserpepper Jun 11, 2020 at 00:54 UTC


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Jun 11, 2020 at 01:41 UTC

Google Forms was built to be intentionally simplistic.

Let's assume it could be done for a moment. For it to autocomplete names, what name database will you be matching against? It would have to know something to generate an autocomplete.

Alternate though: If you are a G-Suite company, then you can have it save the email connected with the entry. You aught to be able to script something simple to match the email to a name if it is still needed

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Jun 11, 2020 at 05:56 UTC
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Have you considered sending automatically generated, pre-filled links to the form to the people who need to fill it out?

If you have a data source with the names and people's emails, you could export those Callie's to a Google Sheet. Then you could make a simple Apps Script that generates a unique link for each person and sends that link in an email.

Here's Google's support article on prefilled form links:

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Captain Tight-Pants
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Jun 11, 2020 at 13:57 UTC

Sorry, it might help if I'm less vague.

The form will be filled out on a kiosk-type tablet in a common area. Sending automatically generated, pre-filled links won't work since it's going to only be on a few general-use devices, and it being a tablet is why I would prefer to not have them type their entire name in. Figured if they can type a few letters and then tap their name it would save time.

As far as what name DB I would have it match to, I would pre-populate the list with a list of all our employees. I already found a Google Forms plugin that lets me map the dropdown options to a Google Spreadsheet, so I've got that part covered if I can stay in Google Forms. I just need a way to let them start typing to autocomplete the dropdown. If it's not possible then I think we'll have to just have a Short Answer field for them to type their full name, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

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Jun 11, 2020 at 16:52 UTC
G Suite expert
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Right, I don't think auto-complete is possible.

If you're up for making a short App Script project, he only way I can think to improve the short answer approach is to make a script that reads the Sheet and create a data validation regex that would ensure the typed value matches one of the names. If not, it will throw an error and prevent then from submitting the form.

I'm assuming the regex doesn't have some sort of character limit. If so, this is likely a no go. Just throwing the idea out there.

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Captain Tight-Pants
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Jun 12, 2020 at 15:55 UTC

Kambwili wrote:

Right, I don't think auto-complete is possible.

Ok, thanks for your help. I'm still exploring other options, but I might end up sticking with the Google Form and just doing a text box to type the whole name in.


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