So sánh từ legendary và mythic năm 2024

In the pre-nation-state period, antiquity was perceived as belonging to the legendary sphere.

Their domain was the salon, the site of idyllic mixing, legendary for its accessibility, heterogeneity.

More remarkable still, most of the leading characters in the legendary period of conflict were still living in the vicinity.

He defended his arguments with examples from the lives of legendary and historical heroines, with supporting citations from an array of ancient and modern writers.

Finally, we seek the advice of a manager whose sharp intellect and wide experience within the company are legendary.

The episode has now achieved a legendary and almost mythical status.

In many cultures, personae are the literal incarnation of tradition, projecting a past [legendary or historical] onto the present and into the future.

The legendary safety net is a case in point.

He devotes more than a hundred pages to the military martyrs, most of whom were legendary and the creations of a later era.

One area where mismanagement was legendary was in the production rooms.

His reasons for this conclusion are not terribly lucid, though they have something to do with the legendary difficulty of inventing an alphabet.

A necessary stage in the assessment of any historical figure is the identification of the legendary aspects that make up that figure's reputation.

His publicised presence in the festival's legendary originating event undoubtedly affirms the ethos of magical realism within vallenato.

Legendary to describe a football player is much like fabulous, especially if he is awesome.

Dons, their standing not yet reduced by the depredations of novelists, were awesome, even legendary figures.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Chia động từ và tra cứu với chuyên mục của Chuyên mục này bao gồm cả các cách chia động từ bất qui tắc. Chia động từ

Cụm từ & Mẫu câu Chuyên mục Cụm từ & Mẫu câu Những câu nói thông dụng trong tiếng Việt dịch sang 28 ngôn ngữ khác. Cụm từ & Mẫu câu

Treo Cổ Treo Cổ Bạn muốn nghỉ giải lao bằng một trò chơi? Hay bạn muốn học thêm từ mới? Sao không gộp chung cả hai nhỉ! Chơi

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