Which of the following is not an advisable way to treat opposing evidence when your listeners are highly informed about your topic quizlet?

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When an applicant seeks a job, employers place heavier emphasis on oral communication skills [speaking and listening] than on the person's technical knowledge.
True or False


The part of a speech that you want your listeners to remember if they forget everything else is known as the

a. central idea
b. attention-getter
c. specific purpose
d. conclusion

central idea

Radio and television are examples of

a. messages
b. interference
c. channels
d. feedback


The speaker's message consists entirely of what the speaker says with words.
True or False


A speaker can cause interference in the speech communication process.
True or False


Which of the following can cause a speech to be dull?

a. unattractive clothes
b. obscene language
c. unenthusiastic delivery
d. disrespect for the audience

unenthusiastic delivery

If, while giving a speech, you observe that some of your listeners seem confused by your last remark, you should wait until the end of the speech to explain yourself better.
True or False


Question text
Which method of public speaking involves looking at the audience most of the time, while occasionally glancing at brief notes?

a. memorization
b. manuscript
c. extemporaneous
d. impromptu


A loudspeaker is an example of a

a. message
b. channel
c. situation
d. transmitter


A speech, says management consultant David W. Richardson, takes place in

a. the spoken words of the speaker
b. the context of speaker-listener communication
c. the minds of the listeners
d. the memories of all participants

the minds of the listeners

"Information overload" is caused by a speaker who

a. deceives the audience with erroneous information
b. covers too much material
c. provides no proof for arguments
d. relates boring stories

covers too much material

When you are a speaker, which of the following is the key question to constantly ask yourself?

a. Am I performing well?
b. Am I making a good impression?
c. Am I getting through to my listeners?
d. Am I giving out good information?

am I getting through to my listeners?

Question text
Bizarre clothing worn by the speaker is an example of

a. message
b. interference
c. channel
d. feedback


In the speech communication process, the message is sent in the form of

a. approximations
b. codes
c. symbols
d. inferences


Television is an example of a channel of communication.
True or False


Everything that a speaker expresses in a message is in the form of symbols.
True or False


If there are discrepancies between the verbal and nonverbal components of a speech, listeners will probably

a. accept the verbal as the true message
b. accept the nonverbal as the true message
c. reject both components as untrue

accept the nonverbal as the true message

Which of the following is bad advice for a speaker?

a. Explain American slang used when addressing international students
b. Avoid politics, sports, and business with a female audience
c. Use visual aids when speaking to hearing-impaired listeners
d. Try to meet the needs of all listeners

avoid politics, sports, and business with a female audience

When hiring, employers are MOST likely to be influenced by an applicant's

a. letters of reference
b. grade point average
c. written communication skills [reading and writing]
d. technical knowledge of the field
e. oral communication skills [speaking and listening]

oral communication skills [speaking and listening]

If, while giving a speech, you observe that some of your listeners seem confused by your last remark, you should wait until the end of the speech to explain yourself better.
True or False


According to the text, a sudden bolt of panic can hit speaker who

a. dislike the audience
b. initially feel no fear
c. overprepare
d. have poor self-esteem

initially feel no fear

The text says that worrying about yourself and your image in a speech is a kind of

a. vanity
b. awareness
c. self-defense
d. motivation


A public speaker who tries to eliminate all fear is pursuing a goal that is

a. impossible
b. undesirable
c. desirable
d. unimportant


The greatest amount of anxiety in a speech is usually experienced in the

a. body
b. conclusion
c. introduction
d. question-and-answer period


If you see people whispering during your speech, you should assume that they are exchanging negative comments about you or your speech.
True or False


If, during a speech, your mind goes blank and you forget where you are in the speech, the text recommends that you

a. apologize and sit down
b. ask the audience, "Where was I?"
c. start over from the beginning
d. make a joke about your predicament

ask the audience, "Where was I?"

Switching your thoughts from "I'm going to fail" to "I will give the audience some good information" is a technique known as changing your

a. outlook
b. self-talk
c. perception
d. opinion


To avoid memory lapses during a speech

a. memorize basic facts before the speech
b. prepare a card with key information on it
c. learn to eliminate nervousness
d. prepare a word-for-word script

prepare a card with key information on it

Acting as if you are poised and confident

a. will make you even more nervous than before
b. is a pretense that the audience will immediately see through
c. sometimes leads to actually becoming poised and confident

sometimes leads to actually becoming poised and confident

Most of your nervous symptoms are not seen by your audience.
True or False


If you feel yourself approaching panic [your heart is beating furiously and so on], you should leave the room or ask to be excused from speaking.
True or False


Most of your nervous symptoms are not seen by your audience.
True or False


In preparation for a speech, a person should read over his or her notes rather than actually rehearse the speech.
True or False


Which one of the following fears usually disappears as speakers gain experience?

a. fear of the unknown
b. fear of being stared at
c. fear of rejection
d. fear of failure

fear of the unknown

Memorizing a speech is a bad technique for handling nervousness.
True or False


The greatest amount of anxiety in a speech is usually experienced in the

a. question-and-answer period
b. introduction
c. conclusion
d. body


A good speaker tries very hard to eliminate all fear and nervousness.
True or False


To gain rapport with their audiences, some comedians

a. pretend to have stage fright
b. deliberately make mistakes
c. playfully "insult" some listeners
d. go out into the audience to shake hands

deliberately make mistakes

According to the text, "locking" your eyes with a listener's eyes

a. helps to calm you
b. intensifies your anxiety
c. demonstrates that you have no fear
d. makes the listener uneasy

helps to calm you

If you flub a sentence or mangle an idea during a speech, you should

a. stop and apologize for your blunder
b. pause and correct yourself without apologizing
c. make a joke about hating speechmaking
d. apologize and sit down immediately

pause and correct yourself without apologizing

A speaker who asks listeners to turn off electronic devices is

a. wisely improving the odds that the audience will listen to the message
b. unwisely intruding on the rights of listeners

wisely improving the odds that the audience will listen to the message

The Golden Rule of Listening is "Listen wisely and well."
True or False


In most speeches, listeners can process information at about ______ words per minute, whereas most speakers talk at 125 to 150 words a minute

a. 300
b. 500
c. 150
d. 200


Taking notes while engaged in a one-on-one discussion with your supervisor

a. makes you appear as if you have a poor memory
b. is a compliment to the superior
c. is insulting because of lack of eye contact

is a compliment to the superior

Ten minutes after listening to a 10-minute oral presentation, the average person understands and retains ____% of the information.

a. 50
b. 75
c. 10
d. 25


A headache causes which type of distraction?

a. auditory
b. physical
c. cryptic
d. alternative


Question text
In Japan, listeners who close their eyes during a speech might be showing respect.
True or False


Reading background material on a speaker's topic is something the listener should do

a. before the speech
b. immediately after the speech
c. during the speech
d. several days after the speech

before the speech

If good listening skills are used, listening to a complex lecture should require no more mental effort than listening to a comedian tell jokes.
True or False


Hermina listened politely to a speech on zoos, but she became angry when the speaker argued for abolition of all zoos. For the rest of the speech, she tuned him out and planned the counter-arguments that she could throw at him during the question-and-answer period. What listening mistake is she making?

a. rationalizing
b. failing to control emotions
c. failing to prepare
d. giving in to distractions

failing to control emotions

Ned is trying hard to pull up his grades in a class. When the instructor lectures, he furiously writes down virtually every word that is said. Which listening mistake is Ned making?

a. failing to take notes correctly
b. not being prepared
c. mentally arguing with the speaker
d. making prejudgments

failing to take notes correctly

To confront listeners who are immersed in their electronic devices, speakers are advised by the text to try using _________ to capture audience interest.

a. a threat of revenge
b. an attention-getting introduction
c. a quick blast of loud music
d. a promise of a shortened presentation

an attention-getting introduction

Which one of the following options does the text consider acceptable during a presentation?

a. using the "vibrate" option of a cell phone or pager
b. using a laptop computer for e-mail
c. talking on a cell phone in a whisper
d. sitting in the back of the room to receive phone calls

using the "vibrate" option of a cell phone or pager

If you have the habit of engaging in fake listening, one of the best ways to force yourself to pay attention is to

a. look directly at the speaker
b. practice self-discipline skills
c. mentally repeat the speaker's words
d. take notes

take notes

If you whisper, it is okay to talk on a cell phone while attending a presentation.
True or False


In giving a speaker an evaluation of a speech, you should always note any indications of the speaker's nervousness.
True of False


Reading background material on a speaker's topic is something the listener should do

a. during the speech
b. several days after the speech
c. immediately after the speech
d. before the speech

before the speech

In taking notes, a listener should try to record the speaker's exact words.
True or False


Two groups of students at Cornell University listened to the same lecture, with one group allowed to use laptops to browse the Internet and the other group required to keep laptops closed. When tested, the group with Internet access remembered

a. significantly more information than the other group
b. significantly less information
c. about the same amount of information

significantly less information

In giving a speaker an evaluation of a speech, which should be presented first?

a. negative comments
b. positive comments
c. neutral comments that are neither negative nor positive

positive comments

In working with an interpreter, which of the following is NOT recommended by the text?

a. Ask the interpreter to rehearse with you
b. Talk directly to a sign-language interpreter instead of to the audience
c. Introduce the interpreter to the audience
d. Provide the interpreter with your outline in advance

talk directly to a sign-language interpreter instead of to the audience

Listeners might get upset if your speech topic varies from what they had anticipated.
True or False


It is acceptable to tell a joke about a certain ethnic group if no one from that ethnic group is present in the audience.
True or False


The textbook notes that many _____________ persons prefer to think of their condition as a cultural difference rather than a disability.

a. mobility-impaired [wheelchair]
b. deaf or hearing impaired
c. learning-disabled
d. blind or visually impaired

deaf or hearing impaired

The text recommends that an invitation to company employees should be worded as:

a. "You and your husband or wife are invited to the company picnic."
b. "You and your guest are invited to the company picnic."
c. "You and your spouse are invited to the company picnic."

"You and your guest are invited to the company picnic."

A speaker who interviews a few members of an audience before a speech is

a. gaining a good sample of what the audience is like
b. wasting time because the number of listeners is unrepresentative

gaining a good sample of what the audience is like

If you have handouts, it is a good idea to give one to a blind listener.
True or False


The most understood form of nonverbal communication in the world is the smile.
True or False


If listeners are already favorable toward your ideas, your task is to

a. entertain them with colorful stories
b. praise the listeners for their insight
c. heap scorn on those who don't agree with you
d. reinforce your listeners' positive views

reinforce your listeners' positive views

What is the most understood and useful form of nonverbal communication in dealing with people from all parts of the world?

a. a soft voice
b. eye contact
c. a smile
d. a handshake

a smile

For blind or visually impaired listeners with a seeing-eye dog, it is a good idea for a speaker to be friendly with the dog before the speech by talking to it in a soft voice.
True or False


Listeners might get upset if your speech topic varies from what they had anticipated.
True or False


The belief that one's own cultural group is superior to other groups is known as

a. superiority complex
b. ethnocentrism
c. power tripping
d. judgmentalism


For listeners who are deaf or hearing-impaired, the text recommends which of the following?

a. slow your rate of speech slightly
b. look at them constantly
c. exaggerate your words

slow your rate of speech slightly

In a large auditorium, your listeners are more likely to be responsive if they are sparsely seated throughout the hall than if they are tightly packed together.
True or False


If your audience knows little or nothing about your topic, you should limit the number of new ideas you discuss.
True or False


For a presentation, which approach do most international audiences prefer?

a. humorous
b. serious
c. emotional
d. informal


Which question is the major concern of the audience-centered speaker?

a. "Am I doing a good job?"
b. "How do I look?"
c. "Does everyone like me?"
d. "Am I getting my message across to the listeners?"

"Am I getting my message across to the listeners?"

The text recommends that an invitation to company employees should be worded as:

a. "You and your guest are invited to the company picnic."
b. "You and your spouse are invited to the company picnic."
c. "You and your husband or wife are invited to the company picnic."

"You and your guest are invited to the company picnic."

The most understood form of nonverbal communication in the world is the smile.
True or False


The key concept that you want your listeners to remember if they forget everything else is called the specific purpose statement
True or False


"Parrots as pets" is an example of

a. a topic
b. a specific purpose
c. a central idea
d. a general purpose

a topic

A good way to find speech topics is to explore the Internet.
True or False


"Food-borne illnesses" is an example of

a. a central idea
b. a general purpose
c. a topic
d. a specific purpose

a topic

The three most popular types of speeches are informative, persuasive, and entertaining.
True or False


"To explain how the pyramids in Egypt were constructed." According to the text, this item is

a. incorrectly written
b. correctly written

incorrectly written

In the informative speech, your overriding concern is to win the listeners to your way of thinking.
True or False


The specific purpose statement should be limited to one major idea.
True or False


Hidden objectives in a speech

a. sometimes sabotage a speaker's primary goal
b. are always detected by intelligent listeners
c. are always undesirable
d. are a necessary component of all speeches

sometimes sabotage a speakers primary goal

Hidden objectives in a speech are always undesirable.
True or False


What is the maximum number of major ideas that can be included in a specific purpose statement?

a. two
b. one
c. three
d. four


The three most popular types of speeches are informative, entertaining, and ____________.

a. persuasive
b. inspirational
c. motivational
d. introductory


A verb form beginning with "to" is called

a. a participle
b. a preposition
c. a gerund
d. an infinitive

an infinitive

In the informative speech, your overriding concern is to win the listeners to your way of thinking.
True or False


Which one of the following is NOT listed by the text as part of overall speech design?

a. transition
b. question-and-answer period
c. introduction
d. body

question-and-answer period

The key concept that you want your listeners to remember if they forget everything else is called the specific purpose statement.
True or False


"Parrots as pets" is an example of

a. a specific purpose
b. a general purpose
c. a central idea
d. a topic

a topic

"How to Make a Home Burglar-Proof" is an example of which kind of speech?

a. inspirational
b. informative
c. persuasive
d. entertaining


A good way to find speech topics is to explore the Internet.
True or False


"To entertain" is an example of a

a. specific purpose
b. target
c. general purpose
d. central idea

general purpose

According to the text, e-mail is a good tool for interviewing experts.
True or False


An Internet catalog that starts off with broad categories, which are then subdivided into smaller categories, is known as

a. newsgroup
b. Usenet
c. subject directory
d. search engine

subject directory

Before starting your research, you should decide on your

a. central idea
b. title
c. specific purpose
d. introduction

specific purpose

For researchers, one of the most valuable resources in blogs is

a. links to other sites
b. live video
c. personal opinions
d. corporate views

links to other sites

If you are looking for a book that is not available in your library, the text recommends that you

a. explore discussion forums
b. use interlibrary loan
c. consult the World Wide Web
d. visit other libraries

use interlibrary loan

In most libraries, the person who is best able to help you with your research is called

a. a database librarian
b. an information librarian
c. a reference librarian
d. a search-and-find librarian

a reference librarian

The formats of MLA and APA are designed to help you to

a. contact online libraries
b. verify accuracy of information
c. find Web sites
d. cite sources

cite sources

The text says that interviewing an expert via e-mail is

a. an acceptable method
b. an unacceptable method

an acceptable method

The three major research options are libraries, the Internet, and ________________.

a. catalogs
b. field research
c. search engines
d. reference works

field research

The ____________ for an article gives the title, author's name, magazine, date, and page numbers.

a. summary
b. listing
c. citation
d. abstract


Field research means gathering information first-hand, for example, by observing an event.
True or False


An Internet catalog that starts off with broad categories, which are then subdivided into smaller categories, is known as

a. search engine
b. Usenet
c. subject directory
d. newsgroup

subject directory

Question text
Before starting your research, you should decide on your

a. specific purpose
b. introduction
c. title
d. central idea

specific purpose

For researchers, one of the most valuable resources in blogs is

a. corporate views
b. personal opinions
c. links to other sites
d. live video

links to other sites

If you are looking for a book that is not available in your library, the text recommends that you

a. visit other libraries
b. use interlibrary loan
c. consult the World Wide Web
d. explore discussion forums

use interlibrary loan

In most libraries, the person who is best able to help you with your research is called

a. a search-and-find librarian
b. an information librarian
c. a database librarian
d. a reference librarian

the reference librarian

The formats of MLA and APA are designed to help you to

a. find Web sites
b. cite sources
c. contact online libraries
d. verify accuracy of information

cite sources

The text says that interviewing an expert via e-mail is

a. an acceptable method
b. an unacceptable method

an acceptable method

The three major research options are libraries, the Internet, and ________________.

a. search engines
b. catalogs
c. reference works
d. field research

field research

The ____________ for an article gives the title, author's name, magazine, date, and page numbers.

a. abstract
b. citation
c. summary
d. listing


If you make changes in copyrighted material, it is no longer protected under copyright law.
True or False


Widespread appearance on the Internet is a strong indication that a report is accurate.
True or False


Plagiarism in public speaking can cause public humiliation and loss of a job.
True or False


If you make changes in copyrighted material

a. the material becomes your property
b. the material reverts to public domain
c. the material retains its copyright status
d. the material is no longer protected by copyright

the material retains its copyright status

Until recently, the text reports, most medical experts were wrong in their understanding of the correct

a. treatment of migraine headaches
b. stretching technique
c. sitting position
d. cure for eczema

sitting position

Which is the most reliable type of material?

a. testimonial
b. opinion
c. anecdote
d. evidence


If you want to reproduce a U.S. Weather Bureau pamphlet on how to protect oneself in a tornado, you are required to

a. pay a fee
b. write for permission and pay a fee
c. do nothing
d. write for permission to reproduce

do nothing

A spoken acknowledgment of the source of one's material is known as

a. an oral credit
b. an oral footnote
c. an oral citation
d. an oral attribution

an oral footnote

The Internet domain suffix ".com" is the least objective of all domains.
True or False


A speaker says, "In the latest issue of American Health, Dr. Emily Sanchez says that ..." This is an example of

a. fair play
b. an abstract
c. full disclosure
d. an oral footnote

an oral footnote

If you make changes in copyrighted material

a. the material retains its copyright status
b. the material is no longer protected by copyright
c. the material becomes your property
d. the material reverts to public domain

the material retains its copyright status

Researchers can trust claims that are based on testimonials.
True or False


Which is the most reliable type of material?

a. evidence
b. testimonial
c. anecdote
d. opinion


To reassure an audience that his information is accurate, a speaker says, "I got my information from Google." The speaker is

a. falsifying the entire speech
b. giving a vague reference
c. citing a reliable source
d. injecting unnecessary humor

giving a vague reference

Plagiarism in public speaking can cause public humiliation and loss of a job.
True or False


If you make changes in copyrighted material, it is no longer protected under copyright law.
True or False


Sites at which Internet domain tend to be the least objective?

a. .net
b. .edu
c. .com
d. .org


A book or magazine published before _____ is no longer protected by copyright and may be reproduced and distributed by anyone without violating the law.

a. 1900
b. 1923
c. 1893
d. 1953


In a survey of American attitudes, the American Jewish Committee found that a large number of respondents had a low opinion of

a. Scientologists
b. Wisians
c. Muslims
d. Rastafarians


Almost all people are honest when they reply anonymously to questions posed by pollsters.
True or False


Sometimes one single example is enough to support a point.
True or False


"Sleet is harsh and icy, whereas snow is soft and fluffy" is an example of

a. comparison
b. hypothetical narrative
c. statistics
d. contrast


Support materials _______________ prove a point.

a. sometimes
b. never
c. always


The success of vivid images as support material depends upon the good use of

a. visual aids
b. specific details
c. poetic pictures
d. flowery words

specific details

Support materials always constitute proof of an assertion.
True or False


To paraphrase means to quote someone's words exactly.
True or False


In a speech, you should round off long numbers.
True or False


"The college's course catalog resembles a gigantic buffet table." The speaker is using which type of support material?

a. contrast
b. definition
c. example
d. analogy


"Companies such as Canon, Nikon, and Olympus make digital cameras." This sentence illustrates the use of

a. testimony
b. comparisons
c. definitions
d. examples


The term percent means "out of ________."

a. 10
b. 100
c. 1
d. 1,000


The college's course catalog resembles a gigantic buffet table." The speaker is using which type of support material?

a. definition
b. example
c. contrast
d. analogy


The statistical device that identifies a portion of 100 is called the

a. correlation
b. percentage
c. mean
d. average


Support materials _______________ prove a point.

a. always
b. never
c. sometimes


The success of vivid images as support material depends upon the good use of

a. poetic pictures
b. visual aids
c. specific details
d. flowery words

specific details

A high correlation between two sets of data

a. proves a cause-and-effect relationship
b. does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship

does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship

"Jazz is a form of American music that grew out of African-American musical traditions." This sentence is

a. a contrast
b. a definition
c. an analogy
d. a comparison

a definition

A speaker says, "Fresh pizza and store-bought frozen pizza are so different that I think the only thing they have in common is the name pizza. Fresh pizza is tangy, tasty, and easy to chew, whereas store-bought pizza is flat, bland, and hard to chew." This speaker is using

a. comparison
b. hypothetical narrative
c. statistics
d. contrast


To paraphrase means to quote someone's words exactly.
True or False


Abbreviations such as FTC should be explained in a speech.
True or False


"Companies such as Canon, Nikon, and Olympus make digital cameras." This sentence illustrates the use of

a. comparisons
b. definitions
c. testimony
d. examples


Posters are often preferred to PowerPoint slides in

a. hotel conference rooms
b. courtrooms
c. corporate presentation rooms
d. Army training rooms


Creating a graphic on a whiteboard or chalkboard during a speech is an effective way to hold the audience's attention.
True or False


Labels on visual aids should be

a. horizontal
b. either vertical or horizontal
c. vertical


Regarding a speaker's credibility with an audience, which one of the following statements is true?

a. The more visual aids a speaker uses, the greater the credibility.
b. A speaker is better off using no visual aids at all than poor ones.

a speaker is better off using no visual aids at all than poor ones

During a presentation, you should _____________ look at your visual aids.

a. never
b. occasionally
c. constantly


The ______________ is a device that can show three-dimensional objects such as jewelry.

a. image enlarger
b. overhead projector
c. visual presenter
d. multimedia projector

visual presenter

The textbook says that good models for visual aids in public speaking are

a. CD album covers
b. outdoor signs
c. cereal boxes
d. television commercials

outdoor signs

A "thumbnail" on a Web site is an image with very low resolution.
True or False


Another name for an information chart is

a. text file
b. fact sheet
c. information schematic
d. list of key ideas

list of key ideas

A lengthy set of handouts can be distributed during a speech if you tell your listeners to stay with you and not read ahead.
True or False


During a presentation, you should _____________ look at your visual aids.

a. occasionally
b. constantly
c. never


Research shows that speakers are better off using no visual aids than using poor ones.
True or False


For a pie graph in a speech, the text recommends no more than _______ wedges.

a. 8
b. 20
c. 16
d. 3


If your multimedia projector stops working during a PowerPoint presentation, your best option is to

a. give a summary of points covered so far and end the presentation
b. describe the contents of the remaining slides
c. give the audience a five-minute break while you try to fix the equipment
d. distribute paper copies of the slides and continue your presentation

distribute paper copies of the slides and continue your presentation

It is legal to download an image from the Internet without asking for permission if the use of the image is limited to

a. a sales presentation for a pharmaceutical company
b. a brochure for a beauty salon
c. a student speech in a college classroom
d. a Web site for a car dealer

a student speech in a college classroom

If you find a photo on a Web site and want to use it in a classroom speech, you can use it without asking permission from the Web site.
True or False


Question text
Regarding a speaker's credibility with an audience, which one of the following statements is true?
Select one:
a. The more visual aids a speaker uses, the greater the credibility.
b. A speaker is better off using no visual aids at all than poor ones.

a speaker is better off using no visual aids at all than poor ones

Most international audiences prefer

a. visuals prepared in advance
b. a mixture of both types of visuals
c. visuals prepared spontaneously during a presentation

visual prepared in advance

If a visual aid is small, it should be passed among the listeners during the speech so that everyone can get a good look.
True or False


In considering whether and how to use PowerPoint slides, your first step is to

a. decide the ideal number of slides
b. create the outline for your speech
c. compile a list of potential slides
d. investigate the availability of photos on the Internet

creating the outline for our speech

A speaker discusses why some people abuse animals, and then describes the effects of abuse on the animals. Which pattern is the speaker using?

a. topical
b. chronological
c. spatial
d. cause-effect


For a speech on the history of a Native American family in Arizona, which organizational pattern would you be most likely to choose?

a. chronological
b. topical
c. problem-solution
d. cause-effect
e. spatial


Which organizational pattern is especially popular in persuasive speeches?

a. problem-solution
b. chronological
c. topical
d. spatial


Each main point should make an announcement rather than an assertion.
True or False


The first thing speakers should create for their speech is the

a. title
b. conclusion
c. body
d. introduction


A speaker says, "So far, we have seen that carelessness is the main cause for industrial accidents." Which device is the speaker using?

a. crossroad
b. internal summary
c. traffic light
d. barrier

internal summary

If you plan to give a speech to several different audiences, you might need to have different main points for each audience.
True or False


Question text
The cause-effect pattern of organization
Select one:
a. can explain either causes or effects first
b. must explain causes before effects
c. must explain effects before causes

can explain either causes or effects first

Telling what happened before, during, and after an event is an example of the chronological pattern.
True or False


A speaker describes the safety features of a new car, starting at the front bumper and progressing to the rear bumper. Which organizational pattern is the speaker using?

a. cause-effect
b. problem-solution
c. spatial
d. chronological
e. topical


Discussing your speech's key ideas with a knowledgeable source is called

a. an insurance policy
b. double checking
c. a confirmation
d. an expert check

an expert check

A speaker discusses why some people abuse animals, and then describes the effects of abuse on the animals. Which pattern is the speaker using?

a. topical
b. chronological
c. spatial
d. cause-effect


A speaker says, "What I am going to explain now will help you understand the rest of the speech." Which device is the speaker using?

a. internal summary
b. external summary
c. spotlight
d. crossroad


Telling what happened before, during, and after an event is an example of the chronological pattern.
True or False


When you are organizing your material, each note card should be limited to how many ideas?

a. three
b. four
c. six
d. two
e. one
f. five


Which part of the speech does the text recommend that you create first?

a. introduction
b. title
c. body
d. conclusion


If you use the topical pattern, you should divide your central idea into components or categories.
True or False


A speaker describes the safety features of a new car, starting at the front bumper and progressing to the rear bumper. Which organizational pattern is the speaker using?

a. problem-solution
b. topical
c. spatial
d. cause-effect
e. chronological


In an outline, all main points should have the same number of supporting points.
True or False


If you plan to give a speech to several different audiences, you might need to have different main points for each audience.
True or False


In the introduction, it is acceptable to tell a hypothetical narrative [a story that did not actually happen].
True or False


It is possible for an introduction to be too short.
True or False


The best place to reassure your listeners that you are well-prepared and that you are not going to waste their time is in

a. the orienting material
b. the attention material

the orienting material

Which one of the following is an acceptable option in a conclusion?

a. discussing a new main point
b. promising to give a better speech next time
c. apologizing for inadequate preparation
d. referring to the introduction

referring to the introduction

The introduction should be prepared before the body of a speech is developed.
True or False


Informing the audience of your qualifications to speak on a topic is

a. recommended to build credibility
b. not advised unless you are an expert
c. a form of bragging to be avoided

recommended to build credibility

In the conclusion, the speaker should never repeat ideas or information contained in the introduction.
True or False


The part of the introduction that is designed to get your audience's attention and interest is called the orienting material.
True or False


Most attorneys believe that courtroom battles are won because of the effectiveness of

a. the closing argument
b. the opening statement
c. both the opening statement and the closing argument
d. the supporting evidence

both the opening statement and the closing argument

Issuing an appeal or a challenge at the end of a speech is an example of

a. orienting material
b. attention material
c. a summary
d. a clincher

a clincher

It is possible for an introduction to be too short.
True or False


The text quotes the old speechmaking formula, "Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em. Tell 'em. Then tell 'em what you told 'em." The last sentence refers to

a. the summary
b. the attention material
c. the orienting material
d. the clincher

the summary

It is _________________________ for an introduction to be too short.

a. impossible
b. possible


The best place to reassure your listeners that you are well-prepared and that you are not going to waste their time is in

a. the orienting material
b. the attention material

the orienting material

Question text
Which one of the following is an acceptable option in an introduction?
Select one:
a. a convincing clincher
b. a hypothetical narrative
c. a sincere apology

a hypothetical narrative

In a speech, which one of the following is a mistake if used in the conclusion?

a. a reference to the introduction
b. a new main point
c. a quotation by a reputable authority
d. a repetition of key points

a new main point

In the conclusion, the speaker should never repeat ideas or information contained in the introduction.
True or False


All members of an audience listen attentively for the first 30 seconds of a speech.
True or False


You can signal the end of a speech with

a. both verbal and nonverbal signals
b. verbal signals
c. nonverbal signals

both verbal and nonverbal signals

Which one of the following is an acceptable option in a conclusion?

a. promising to give a better speech next time
b. referring to the introduction
c. apologizing for inadequate preparation
d. discussing a new main point

referring to the introduction

Writing complete sentences in your outline

a. will be necessary in order for you to read your speech
b. will help you memorize the speech
c. will make it easier for another person to help you than if you write phrases
d. will guarantee a better speech than if you write phrases

will make it easier for another person to help you than if you write phases

A disadvantage of using a full sheet of paper for speaking notes is

a. a sheet can contain notes for an entire speech
b. a sheet can cause a speaker's eyes to glide over key points
c. a sheet is larger than an index card
d. a sheet can appear to be a computer printout

a sheet can cause a speaker's eyes to glide over key points

For speaker's notes, the text recommends that _____________ should be written in large letters and contrasting colors.

a. the introduction
b. delivery reminders
c. main points
d. transitions

delivery reminders

When no time limit is set for a speech, the speaker should talk

a. as long as the speaker wants
b. briefly


Using notes in a speech

a. shows preparedness and respect for the audience
b. is a sign of weakness in communicating
c. shows a lack of confidence in speaking ability

shows preparedness and respect for the audience

When you deliver your speech, you should use

a. your outline
b. your speaking notes
c. both your outline and your speaking notes

your speaking notes

Main points in outlines are represented by Roman numerals [I, II, III, and so on].
True or False


According to the text, the body of a speech should have its own numbering sequence in the outline, independent of the introduction and conclusion.
True or False


A speech should have _____________________ the complete-sentence outline.

a. about the same number of words as
b. more words than
c. fewer words than

more words than

An outline has a title, but the speaker does not actually say it in the speech.
True or False


Writing complete sentences in your outline

a. will help you memorize the speech
b. will guarantee a better speech than if you write phrases
c. will make it easier for another person to help you than if you write phrases
d. will be necessary in order for you to read your speech

will make it easier for another person to help you than if you write phrases

A speech should have _____________________ the complete-sentence outline.

a. fewer words than
b. about the same number of words as
c. more words than

more words than

When no time limit is set for a speech, the speaker should talk

a. briefly
b. as long as the speaker wants


An outline has a title, but the speaker does not actually say it in the speech.
True or False


In an outline, it is incorrect to have _________________________ under a heading.

a. more than 10 subheadings
b. only one subheading
c. a subheading labeled "example"

only one subheading

For speaker's notes, the text recommends that _____________ should be written in large letters and contrasting colors.

a. main points
b. the introduction
c. delivery reminders
d. transitions

delivery reminders

According to the text, the body of a speech should have its own numbering sequence in the outline, independent of the introduction and conclusion.
True or False


A topic outline has more words than a complete-sentence outline.
True or False


In an outline, transitions should be placed between each main point.
True or False


Donald Macleod of Princeton Theological Seminary tells his seminarians that the maximum time for an effective sermon is

a. 18 minutes
b. 8 minutes
c. 28 minutes
d. 38 minutes

18 minutes

The best way to convey complex ideas is to use complex language.
True or False


Friendship is

a. a phony word
b. a meaningless word
c. a concrete word
d. an abstract word

an abstract word

"The sad sister sat on a silver seat" is an example of

a. euphemism
b. antithesis
c. metaphor
d. alliteration


If a funeral director is called a "grief therapist," what type of language is being used?

a. metaphor
b. cliché
c. mixed metaphor
d. doublespeak
e. simile


The stars are diamonds in the sky." This is an example of

a. jargon
b. a euphemism
c. a simile
d. a metaphor

a metaphor

"The deafening din of dynamite" is an example of antithesis.
True or False


"We want justice for ourselves, for our friends, and for our children." This is an example of

a. metaphor
b. parallel structure
c. euphemism
d. jargon

parrallel structure

Question text
"Passed away" instead of "died" is an example of a euphemism.
Select one:


"Last, but not least" is an example of

a. a cliché
b. a euphemism
c. jargon
d. parallel structure

a cliche

A dictionary definition of a word is its

a. denotation
b. connotation


Honesty is

a. an abstract word
b. a concrete word
c. a meaningless word
d. a phony word

an abstract word

Words like new, improved, and easy in advertising can cause an increase in sales of a product.
True or False


"Her and me went to Chicago" is grammatically correct.
True or False


When politicians raise taxes, but call their action "revenue enhancement," they are using

a. poor grammar
b. parallel language
c. jargon
d. a euphemism

a euphemism

"Passed away" instead of "died" is an example of a euphemism.
True or False


If the person who sends your car through a car wash is called "a corrosion control specialist," what type of language is being used?

a. simile
b. doublespeak
c. metaphor
d. mixed metaphor
e. cliché


"This is a government by the people, of the people, and for the people." This is an example of

a. parallel structure
b. a euphemism
c. a metaphor
d. jargon

parallel structure

A dictionary definition of a word is its

a. denotation
b. connotation


Which one of the following is incorrect grammatically?

a. Please give the files to me and Susan.
b. He and Mary strolled on the beach.
c. This news is just between you and I.
d. For me and Jack, the raise was welcome.

this news is just between you and I

"They don't care about people, but they do care about possessions." This sentence illustrates

a. alliteration
b. metaphor
c. euphemism
d. antithesis


The PREP [Position, Reason, Example, Position] template is recommended for __________________ speeches.

a. manuscript
b. extemporaneous
c. impromptu
d. memorized


If you are asked to speak impromptu in five minutes, the first thing you should do is decide

a. your introduction
b. your opening joke.
c. your main points
d. your conclusion

your conclusion

Which method of delivery involves speaking on the spur of the moment with no chance to prepare?

a. extemporaneous
b. manuscript
c. impromptu
d. memorized


If you are not feeling enthusiastic about giving a speech, you should pretend to be enthusiastic.
True or False


The key to effective delivery is

a. effective use of gestures and body movement
b. good eye contact with each member of the audience
c. a strong desire to communicate with the audience
d. a winning smile and enthusiastic attitude

a strong desire to communicate with the audience

A speaker's clothes should be

a. about as dressy as the listeners' clothes
b. less dressy than the listeners' clothes
c. a bit dressier than the listeners' clothes

a bit dressier than the listeners' clothes

If you fear that you will cry while telling a painful personal story in a speech, you should

a. omit the story to avoid embarrassment
b. tell the story after alerting the audience that you might cry
c. put the story on a handout that is distributed at the end of the speech
d. videotape yourself telling the story and play the video during the speech

tell the story after alerting the audience that you might cry

It is a good idea to speak fast at the beginning of your speech so that the audience doesn't get bored.
True or False


If you as a speaker do not know the answer to a listener's question, you should

a. admit that you do not know the answer
b. give as strong an answer as you can manage under the circumstances
c. deflect the question by telling the audience that there is not enough time to answer the question adequately

admit that you do not know the answer

If you practice your speech and find that you are two minutes over the time limit, you should

a. plan on delivering your speech as quickly as possible
b. practice your speech with a faster rate of speaking
c. cut out material by using your outline and speaking notes
d. do nothing about it because the information is the priority

cut out material by using your outline and speaking notes

The text recommends that you look at the audience what percentage of the time?

a. 85%
b. 95%
c. 50%
d. 75%


The extemporaneous method of delivery involves speaking on the spur of the moment with no chance to prepare.
True or False


Which method of delivery involves speaking on the spur of the moment with no chance to prepare?

a. memorized
b. manuscript
c. impromptu
d. extemporaneous


If you practice your speech and find that you are two minutes over the time limit, you should

a. plan on delivering your speech as quickly as possible
b. practice your speech with a faster rate of speaking
c. cut out material by using your outline and speaking notes
d. do nothing about it because the information is the priority

cut out material by using your outline and speaking notes

When speaking to a small audience, you should establish eye contact with every listener.
True or False


Pauses in speeches should be avoided because they make you look indecisive.
True or False


It is a good idea to speak fast at the beginning of your speech so that the audience doesn't get bored.
True or False


A few audience members are rudely chatting among themselves during your speech, distracting other listeners. Which one of the following solutions is unacceptable?

a. Ask the talkers to please give you their attention.
b. Ignore the talkers.
c. Stop speaking and look directly at the talkers.

ignore the talkers

If you don't receive any questions during the question-and-answer period, you must have failed to stimulate the audience's interest in the topic.
True or False


Which aspect of nonverbal communication is considered a "figurative handshake?"

a. eye contact
b. gestures
c. personal appearance
d. posturetb

eye contact

"To inform my audience of the reasons for the near extinction of mountain gorillas" is a specific purpose statement for which type of speech?

a. analytical
b. topical
c. process
d. explanation


The text says that for a long presentation that lasts all afternoon, it is best to give a coffee or stretch break after every ___-minute period.

a. 90
b. 45
c. 30
d. 60


Explaining Adolf Hitler's identity to a college audience

a. can be carried out indirectly, without insulting anyone's intelligence
b. is unnecessary for listeners at the college level
c. is necessary for about 60 percent of a typical college audience
d. is insulting to the intelligence of the listeners

can be carried out indirectly, without insulting anyone's intelligence

Of the three main channels for learning information, the visual is the strongest.
True or False


In a first aid class, a nurse says, "To control bleeding, remember RED, which stands for Rest, Elevation, and Direct pressure." Which learning device is the nurse using?

a. acronym
b. linguistic trick
c. alliteration
d. shortcut


"To inform my audience about the dangers of quicksand" is a specific purpose statement for which type of speech?

a. topical
b. innovative
c. analytical
d. explanation


"To explain to my listeners the meaning of capitalism in modern society" is a specific purpose statement for a process speech.
True or False


"To inform my audience how a thunderstorm forms" is an example of a specific purpose statement for a process speech
True or False


The text quotes Voltaire as saying, "The secret of being tiresome is in ______________."

a. repeating yourself
b. recounting boring stories
c. talking only about yourself
d. telling everything

telling everything

"To tell my audience about the life of Florence Nightingale" is a specific purpose statement for which type of speech?

a. topical
b. definition
c. process
d. description


"To tell my audience about the life of Florence Nightingale" is a specific purpose statement for which type of speech?

a. description
b. process
c. topical
d. definition


The text says that for a long presentation that lasts all afternoon, it is best to give a coffee or stretch break after every ___-minute period.

a. 45
b. 30
c. 60
d. 90


A speech recounting the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor would be which type of speech?

a. persuasive
b. demonstration
c. informative
d. entertaining


Which one of the following specific purpose statements is appropriate for an informative speech?

a. "To talk my listeners into voting for Republican candidates."
b. "To demonstrate to my listeners how to build kites."
c. "To prove to my listeners that they should stop drinking soda."
d. "To help my listeners see that they should buy cars made in Detroit."

to demonstrate to my listeners how to build kites

An ancient Chinese proverb says, "I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I ____________________."

a. ask questions
b. appreciate
c. enjoy
d. understand


One of the goals of informative speaking is to convey fresh information.
True or False


In a process speech, the goal is always to teach the listeners how to perform the process themselves.
True or False


Nina Totenberg, a nationally known TV and radio reporter, says the most important element in an effective speech is _____________________ information.

a. controversial
b. interesting
c. humorous
d. timely


Explaining Adolf Hitler's identity to a college audience

a. is insulting to the intelligence of the listeners
b. is necessary for about 60 percent of a typical college audience
c. can be carried out indirectly, without insulting anyone's intelligence
d. is unnecessary for listeners at the college level

can be carried out indirectly, without insulting anyone's intelligence

Calling on people at random is a technique that the text recommends for long presentations.
True or False


In which one of the following situations is the problem-solution pattern a bad choice?

a. when listeners already accept your solution
b. when listeners don't realize the seriousness of a problem
c. when listeners don't realize the existence of a particular problem

when listeners already accept your solution

Persuasion in one's career often requires weeks, months, or even years.
True or False


In a speech of refutation, you are more likely to demolish opposing arguments if

a. the opposing arguments are based on a set of erroneous facts
b. the opposing arguments are based on deeply held beliefs

the opposing arguments are based on a set of erroneous facts

To encourage listeners to call the Red Cross to volunteer for blood donation, you should try to get them to use their cell phones

a. as soon as they leave the room
b. at the end of the speech
c. sometime before they go to sleep that evening
d. before the speech is finished

at the end of the speech

Role play can be used to change people's behavior.
True or False


It is __________________ for a persuasive speech to include sections that seem identical to sections of an informative speech.

a. acceptable
b. unacceptable


A leave-behind is a handout distributed at the end of a meeting.
True or False


The statement-of-reasons pattern is a good method of organization when the audience leans toward your position but needs some justification for that leaning.
True or False


In a persuasive speech, you should reveal to the audience

a. your true goals and motives
b. the weaknesses in your argument
c. your difficulty in preparing the speech
d. your feelings about those who disagree with you

your true goals and motives

In the motivated sequence, the first step is "attention" and the second step is

a. satisfaction
b. action
c. visualization
d. need


In a speech of refutation, you are more likely to demolish opposing arguments if

a. the opposing arguments are based on a set of erroneous facts
b. the opposing arguments are based on deeply held beliefs

the opposing arguments are based on a set of erroneous facts

The first step in the motivated sequence is

a. need
b. motivation
c. visualization
d. attention
e. action
f. satisfaction


According to the text, whether you succeed in persuasion often comes down to one key question:

a. Are you trustworthy?
b. Are you likeable?
c. Are you sincere?

are you trustworthy

Persuasion in one's career often requires weeks, months, or even years.
True or False


In a speech of refutation, deeply held beliefs are easier to demolish than a set of erroneous facts.
True or False


The technique of changing one's behavior by performing scenarios and receiving critiques is called

a. peer modeling
b. role play
c. sensitivity training
d. assertiveness skill building

role play

Role play can be used to change people's behavior.
True or False


Persuading people to stop smoking is an example of a

a. speech to motivate action
b. speech of curtailment
c. speech to influence thinking

speech to motivate action

A DVD about your speech topic, given to listeners at the end of your speech, is an example of what the book calls

a. a leave-behind
b. a hidden persuader
c. an enticement
d. a gimmick

a leave-behind

If you explain the three factors that contribute to the rise in asthma cases, you are using which organizational pattern?

a. motivated sequence
b. chronological
c. statement-of-reasons
d. problem-solution


A speaker says, "We must adopt a vegetarian diet, or we will all die of cancer." This speaker is guilty of using which fallacy in reasoning?

a. straw man
b. induction
c. either-or reasoning
d. attack on a person

either-or reasoning

In a persuasive speech, your credibility is strengthened if you concede that your ideas sometimes do not work.
True or False


Deductive reasoning is convincing only if both the major and minor premises are accepted by the audience as true.
True or False


A speaker says, "Because the Japanese make the best stereo sound systems in the world, you should consider buying a Japanese-made sound system." This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy in reasoning?

a. building on an unproven assumption
b. attack on a person
c. either-or reasoning
d. straw man

building on an unproven assumption

Aiming sarcastic remarks at listeners who disagree with you will make them defensive at first, but will eventually increase their respect for your courage and integrity.
True or False


The text recommends using deductive reasoning when your audience is skeptical or hostile to your central idea.
True or False


A speaker says, "There is no need for me to refute Senator Smith's ideas about regulating professional baseball. Senator Smith is unqualified to speak on baseball because he has never played any sport on the high school, collegiate, or professional level." This speaker is guilty of using which type of fallacy in reasoning?

a. false cause
b. attack on a person
c. either-or reasoning
d. hasty generalization

attack on a person

A speaker says, "We must change to the metric system or we will fall behind the rest of the world in science and industry." This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy in reasoning?

a. straw man
b. attack on a person
c. induction
d. either-or reasoning

either-or reasoning

In Maslow's hierarchy, the human need to help others falls into the _______________ category of needs.

a. safety
b. self-actualization
c. physiological
d. esteem


According to research, which is the more persuasive type of evidence?

a. a clear, vivid personal example
b. an abundance of statistical data

a clear, vivid personal example

Reasoning that moves from a generalization to a specific conclusion is

a. deductive reasoning
b. inductive reasoning

deductive reasoning

Which type of logical fallacy asserts an argument that is based on popularity rather than on evidence and reasoning?

a. red herring
b. deduction
c. either-or reasoning
d. bandwagon


Most people are more deeply influenced by one clear, vivid personal example than by an abundance of statistical data.
True or False


"Because Germans are the smartest engineers in the world, you should buy a German-made car." This speaker is guilty of using what kind of fallacy in reasoning?

a. building on an unproven assumption
b. attack on a person
c. either-or reasoning
d. straw man

building on an unproven assumption

In Maslow's hierarchy, the human need to help others falls into the _______________ category of needs.

a. safety
b. esteem
c. physiological
d. self-actualization


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, physiological needs must be met before a person can try to satisfy esteem needs.
True or False


Most people are more deeply influenced by one clear, vivid personal example than by an abundance of statistical data.
True or False


A speaker says, "Jackson says he believes that there is intelligent life on some other planet in the universe, but how can you believe him? He's not an astronomer; in fact, he is not a scientist at all. The only degree he has is a masters in business administration." This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy in reasoning?

a. either-or reasoning
b. hasty generalization
c. false cause
d. attack on a person

attack on a person

A speaker says, "We must change to the metric system or we will fall behind the rest of the world in science and industry." This speaker is guilty of using which kind of fallacy in reasoning?

a. either-or reasoning
b. attack on a person
c. induction
d. straw man

either-or reasoning

Which type of logical fallacy asserts an argument that is based on popularity rather than on evidence and reasoning?

a. either-or reasoning
b. bandwagon
c. red herring
d. deduction


To introduce a speech filled with humor, what kind of speech of introduction would be appropriate?

a. a serious speech of introduction to avoid upstaging the speaker
b. a humorous speech of introduction to set a light tone

a humerous speech of introduction to set a light tone

An inspirational speech is often similar to

a. a persuasive speech
b. an entertaining speech
c. an informative speech

a persuasive speech

Which kind of speech would you be most likely to deliver to an evening banquet?

a. entertaining
b. tribute
c. acceptance


A key objective of the ____________________ speech is to get the speaker and audience interested in each other.

a. introduction
b. acceptance
c. tribute
d. inspirational
e. entertaining


A spine-tingling tale of adventure would be most appropriate for which kind of speech?

a. speech of acceptance
b. entertaining speech
c. speech of introduction
d. inspirational speech

entertaining speech

Which one of the following is inappropriate for a best man's speech at a wedding celebration?

a. showing a video
b. focusing the entire remarks on the bride and groom
c. telling a joke about the groom's ex-girlfriend
d. reciting a poem

telling a joke about the groom's ex-girlfriend

A speech of introduction should be kept under _______ minutes.

a. 3
b. 8
c. 15
d. 12


A speech of tribute is defined as a speech that praises

a. only a dead person
b. either a dead or living person
c. only a living person

either a dead or living person

According to the text, a rule of thumb is that a speech of introduction should be

a. under three minutes
b. at least five minutes
c. one-tenth of the estimated length of the speech that is about to be delivered
d. no more than ten minutes

under three minutes

The safest kind of joke is

a. self-deprecating
b. a play on words
c. satirical
d. ironic


According to the text, a rule of thumb is that a speech of introduction should be

a. no more than ten minutes
b. at least five minutes
c. under three minutes
d. one-tenth of the estimated length of the speech that is about to be delivered

under three minutes

An important dimension of inspirational speaking is

a. sarcasm
b. grandiloquence
c. delivery
d. personal appearance


A speaker says, "It is easy to quit smoking. I have done so a thousand times." This is an example of what the text calls __________ humor.

a. witty
b. low-key
c. indirect
d. perceptive


A coach giving a pep talk to her team is delivering which type of speech?

a. tribute
b. acceptance
c. entertaining
d. introduction
e. inspirational


A speech designed to formally bestow an award of honor is known as the speech of

a. honor
b. acceptance
c. presentation
d. entertainment


Before you give a speech of introduction, you should coordinate your remarks with the speaker's. The primary reason for doing so is to avoid

a. pretending you know more about the subject than the speaker
b. divulging embarrassing personal details
c. stealing the speaker's material
d. inadvertently antagonizing the audience

stealing the speaker's material

A speech of introduction should be kept under _______ minutes.

a. 15
b. 12
c. 8
d. 3


Which one of the following is inappropriate for a best man's speech at a wedding celebration?

a. telling a joke about the groom's ex-girlfriend
b. showing a video
c. focusing the entire remarks on the bride and groom
d. reciting a poem

telling a joke about the groom's ex-girlfriend

Which kind of speech would you be most likely to deliver to an evening banquet?

a. entertaining
b. tribute
c. acceptance


The speech of introduction should

a. give background information about the speaker
b. give no background information because that would take away from the speaker's speech

give background information about the speaker

In an agenda, items should be rank ordered

a. from most important to least important
b. from least important to most important

from most important to least important

A participant should not express views in a meeting if they are clearly contrary to the views of the majority
True or False


A group often has an IQ [or intelligence level] that is higher than the IQ of any individual in the group.
True or False


A group spends all its time on minor issues and never gets around to the major issues. The group could solve the problem by

a. establishing and following an agenda
b. choosing a forceful leader
c. allotting extra time for each meeting

establishing and following an agenda

Jack Smith works hard on a committee preparing a plan for action. At the sixth meeting, he finds out that the committee can only advise; it does not have the power to take action. Jack is distraught because he feels that much of his work has been in vain. Whose fault is it that Jack has labored under a misconception?

a. Jack himself, for not inquiring about the scope of the group's power
b. the group leader, for not making clear the scope of the group's power

the group leader, for not making clear the scope of the group's power

Ideally, participants in a meeting should receive the agenda

a. at the start of the meeting
b. in the middle of the meeting
c. well before the meeting
d. at the end of the meeting

well before the meeting

A team presentation is like a speech given by an individual except that the content is divided among the team members.
True or False


In a meeting, the group leader should forbid

a. spontaneous ideas from participants
b. disagreements between members of the group
c. attacks on people or ideas
d. efforts to add new items to the agenda

attacks on people or ideas

A speech that is divided into parts, with each part delivered by a different person, is known as a

a. panel
b. team presentation
c. symposium
d. split speech

team presentation

The secret of a successful team, says Dean Kamen, "is not to assemble the largest team possible, but rather to assemble a team that can ___________."

a. operate without disagreements
b. follow the directives of the leader
c. work well together
d. reach goals quickly

work well together

The secret of a successful team, says Dean Kamen, "is not to assemble the largest team possible, but rather to assemble a team that can ___________."

a. follow the directives of the leader
b. work well together
c. reach goals quickly
d. operate without disagreements

work well together

Minutes of the preceding meeting should be reviewed at every meeting.
True or False


Meetings should always begin

a. 10 minutes after the designated time
b. five minutes after the designated time
c. only when all the participants have arrived
d. at the designated time

at the designated time

What is the first step in the reflective-thinking method?

a. Decide how to test the solution
b. Analyze the problem.
c. Choose the best solution
d. Define the problem.
e. Establish criteria for evaluating solutions.
f. Decide how to implement the solution.
g. Suggest possible solutions.

define the problem

A series of brief speeches on a common topic is known as

a. a panel
b. a symposium

a symposium

Meetings should not begin until all participants have arrived.
True or False


A group spends all its time on minor issues and never gets around to the major issues. The group could solve the problem by

a. allotting extra time for each meeting
b. choosing a forceful leader
c. establishing and following an agenda

establishing and following an agenda

Members of a small group can catch and correct errors that might slip past an individual.
True or False


When you are a participant in a panel discussion, you should

a. stand firm on your position
b. be willing to alter your position.

be willing to alter your position

In a meeting, the group leader should forbid

a. attacks on people or ideas
b. efforts to add new items to the agenda
c. disagreements between members of the group
d. spontaneous ideas from participants

attack on people or ideas

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