Why do I feel static on my laptop?

Hello guys,

I have constant problems with static electricity on my body - most probably because of chemical structure of carpet in my company. I try to remember to touch something grounded before I go back to my laptop, however it is impossible toremember about it every time. I have just touched the metal bottom covering of my CD-ROM and... againsmall shock. I tested whole system using Dell Diagnostics software - no problem, yet.

Nevertheless, I don't know how harmful might be some static electricity short circuits. I do not open of course laptop, if I touch something, it is outside the laptop, like metal parts of sockets at the back of computer, or lately - metal bottom of CD ROM's tray. Was Dell aware of such things when designing laptops? I just don't want to destroy it. Tell me please if should worry about it. Please note again that I do not touch pins in sockets, nor elements inside the computer. Just metal parts outside/touchable laptop, which are probably grounded.

Thank you in advance for reply and suggestions,


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