aberdeen là gì - Nghĩa của từ aberdeen

aberdeen có nghĩa là

Scottish City in the north-east. greatest place on earth. we may have a crappy football team and the city might be made of granite but having lived there all my life, i wouldnt want to live anywhere else.


Aberdeen is scotland's oil capital.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

Scottish city, which prides itself on being "the oil capital of Europe". In reality this just means the dogsbody work of the oil industry is shipped up there, away from the company directors who still live in wealth and comfort in the South-East of England. Famous for it's terrible weather and casual violence, it also has the dubious honour of being the most radioactive city in Britain - due mostly to all the buildings being made out of granite, which slowly releases radon gas. The inhabitants are usually too stupid to cause many problems, so long as you don't look them in the eye...


"Where are you from?"
"I'm so sorry."

aberdeen có nghĩa là

A proper authentic Scottish city, only fully appreciated by Aberdonians and non-Scots.

Attracts much critisism from the more simple residents of Scotland (i.e. within the central belt) largely borne out of envy of the fact that it is (for the most part) a nice place to live with few murders, no deep-fried Mars Bar suppers and no sectarianism.

The only 'one city - one football team' in Scotland - The Dons. Best team in Europe for a spell in the 80s, fans now accept that glory days are long gone but still fiercely loyal. Celtic fans think Dons try harder against Celtic, Rangers fans think the Dons try harder against Rangers. In reality, they try harder against whichever of the Old Firm is being especially annoying. Take your pick.


Glasweigan: Aberdeen? I hate it!

Non-Glasweigan: Hiv you ever lived there?

Glasweigan: Er no. By the way.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

best city in the world.
found in the north east of scotland.
it is famous for oil,granite and a brilliant team aberdeen fc.
great places to go are torry,cove,bridge of don
but as all places there shitholes like kingcorth,northfield and portlethon where you may get muged or even shot (most likly kingcorth)

aberdeen has been referd to as sheepshaggers,after the whole football incident when an aberdeen player broke a rangers players leg.

night life in aberdeen is fantastic expecialy if your under 25.


went up to aberdeen was great fun.went to watch the dons play rangers they won 8-0.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

Arsehole of Scotland. Really IS a shithole. I know, I've had the misfortune to live there for the last 5 years.

Punctuated by a proudly melancholic people of stony face and hopeless demeanour. Narrow horizons are projected often through the assertion that they "wouldnae want to live onywhere else", having never ventured south of Dundee.

The city itself is entirely composed of grey, mildly radioactive rock from a local quarry. Often euphemised as "silver", it is important to assert that this is only a reference to the way in which the rock shines when wet from the ceaseless rain. The sun is seldom out without rain: earning an even more far-fetched euphemism of Aberdeen as: "the Rainbow city".


On becoming aware that an elderly woman was ill at ease with me, a male in my early twenties, standing at a bus stop in a rough area of Aberdeen, I seek to break the ice and put her at ease with some gentle conversation (We brits always make polite conversation about weather) :

Me: Day's looking better, was awfully grey this morning.
Old Woman: Fit? (It means "what" in Doric, a hilarious regional dialect of said shithole)
Me (Talking louder so the old dear could hear me): Terribly overcast this morning: but it's nicer now!
Old woman: Better overcast than sunny!
Me: Eh?
Old Woman: Terrible thing the sun. Gives ye cancer: the sun.(pronounced cOncer in doric...)

This "glass half-empty" approach to life is ubiquitous with the festering place. If misery could be bought the city would bankrupt itself.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

great city,full of nice people
"granite" city,capital city of oil in europe
great football team.
cove,torry,dyce,bridge of don all great places to go.
but like all places theres the bad parts .kincorth,were you will get muged.
aberdeen is a youth/uni free place.were its great for uni ppl to go out clubing,and the uni is one of the best in the u.k.

aberdeen gets called "sheepshaggers" no one knows why,mabey because there fields outside????
but if you call an aberdonian one he'll agree


"went to aberdeen the other day best day ever!!"

random "SHEEP"
aberdeen guy "why thank you :D"

aberdeen có nghĩa là

City in northeast Scotland, U.K.


People in Aberdeen, Scotland are lazy, smelly, toothless, uneducated, materialistic, narrow minded, conservative, passive, unwelcoming, (largest collection of rude shop assistants in Europe). Weather is awful. City is grey and as awful as the people that inhabit it. Capitalism reigns and there is very little room for culture. People are either filthy rich (oil people) or very poor.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

located in harford county marylandif u live here u are an official deen head sorry kids, yea we call it aberdump but its our home and if u mess wit us we will defend our city with our life, we might see hookers posted out on 40 all of the time but were so used to it we deen heads dont kno anything else and if u live in aberdeen than franks pizza is the place to be
even if uve had it ten thousand times u cant get enough of it hearing cannons go off in apg is just an everyday thing wit us
so dont get bothered by it
aberdeen is the best city in the world


damn girl u such a deen head
so where do u live???.....aberdeen
oh you mean aberdump

aberdeen có nghĩa là

A person who is amazing and kind. Anybody with the name Aberdeen is bound to be incredibly creative, funny, and a good friend. They also are generally very attractive. They have a lot of self-doubt and rarely think they’ve done enough to improve so they are constantly trying to be better at what they do. If you have an Aberdeen in your life you should go hug them, they deserve it.


Aberdeen is an amazing person.

aberdeen có nghĩa là

The only location in the UK where smoking cannabis is legal. This is due to the culture of a small, isolated, and unnamed civilization that lived there from the Roman conquest of England until 1746, when England took back Scotland during the Austrian succession. This group was mixed Celtic and Norse, and used to be a minority among the Celtics all over the isles until the Romans took over, and they fled to the mountains of the north. after Scotland fell in 1746, some fled north to Iceland and others went west to the new world, but this mostly undocumented civilization is mostly extinct. Their civilization specifically has to due with Aberdeen because many artifacts of this minority was found within Aberdeen. Today, they're only a small minority in far northern scotland and other celtic and norse countries, occasionally a few along canada and the USA's east coast


ancient Aberdeen folk song: 🎶 At aberdeen, we smoke weed 🎶