Delete last node in doubly linked list in C

Write a C program to create a doubly linked list and delete a node from beginning, end or at any position of the linked list. How to delete a node from beginning of a doubly linked list. How to delete a node from end of a doubly linked list. How to delete a node from any position of a doubly linked list in C. Algorithm to delete a node from doubly linked list.

Required knowledge

Basic C programming, Functions, Dynamic memory allocation, Doubly linked list

Algorithm to delete node from beginning of a doubly linked list

Algorithm to delete node from beginning %% Input: head {Pointer to first node of the linked list} Begin: If [head == NULL] then write ['Can't delete from an empty list'] End if Else then toDelete head; head; head.prev NULL; unalloc [toDelete] write ['Successfully deleted first node from the list'] End if End

Algorithm to delete node from end of a doubly linked list

Algorithm to delete node from end %% Input: last {Pointer to last node of the linked list} Begin: If [last == NULL] then write ['Can't delete from an empty list'] End if Else then toDelete last; last last.prev; NULL; unalloc [toDelete] write ['Successfully deleted last node from the list'] End if End

Algorithm to delete node from any position of a doubly linked list

Algorithm to delete node from any position %% Input : head {Pointer to the first node of the list} last {Pointer to the last node of the list} N {Position to be deleted from list} Begin: current head; For i 1 to N and current != NULL do current; End for If [N == 1] then deleteFromBeginning[] End if Else if [current == last] then deleteFromEnd[] End if Else if [current != NULL] then If [ != NULL] then current.prev; End if unalloc [current] write ['Node deleted successfully from ', N, ' position'] End if Else then write ['Invalid position'] End if End

Steps to delete node from any position of a doubly linked list

Let us suppose that we want to delete node from 2nd position.

  1. Traverse to Nth node of the linked list, lets say a pointer current points to Nth node in our case 2 node.

  2. Link the node behind current node with the node ahead of current node, which means now the N-1th node will point to N+1th node of the list. Which can be implemented as current->prev->next = current->next.

  3. If N+1th node is not NULL then link the N+1th node with N-1th node i.e. now the previous address field of N+1th node will point to N-1th node. Which can be implemented as current->next->prev = current->prev.

  4. Finally delete the current node from memory and you are done.

Program to delete a node from doubly linked list

/** * C program to delete a node from Doubly linked list */ #include #include /* * Basic structure of Node */ struct node { int data; struct node * prev; struct node * next; }*head, *last; /* * Functions used in this program */ void createList[int n]; void displayList[]; void deleteFromBeginning[]; void deleteFromEnd[]; void deleteFromN[int position]; int main[] { int n, data, choice=1; head = NULL; last = NULL; /* * Run forever until user chooses 0 */ while[choice != 0] { printf["============================================\n"]; printf["DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM\n"]; printf["============================================\n"]; printf["1. Create List\n"]; printf["2. Delete node - from beginning\n"]; printf["3. Delete node - from end\n"]; printf["4. Delete node - from N\n"]; printf["5. Display list\n"]; printf["0. Exit\n"]; printf["--------------------------------------------\n"]; printf["Enter your choice : "]; scanf["%d", &choice]; switch[choice] { case 1: printf["Enter the total number of nodes in list: "]; scanf["%d", &n]; createList[n]; break; case 2: deleteFromBeginning[]; break; case 3: deleteFromEnd[]; break; case 4: printf["Enter the node position which you want to delete: "]; scanf["%d", &n]; deleteFromN[n]; break; case 5: displayList[]; break; case 0: break; default: printf["Error! Invalid choice. Please choose between 0-5"]; } printf["\n\n\n\n\n"]; } return 0; } /** * Creates a doubly linked list of n nodes. * @n Number of nodes to be created */ void createList[int n] { int i, data; struct node *newNode; if[n >= 1] { /* * Creates and links the head node */ head = [struct node *]malloc[sizeof[struct node]]; printf["Enter data of 1 node: "]; scanf["%d", &data]; head->data = data; head->prev = NULL; head->next = NULL; last = head; /* * Create and link rest of the n-1 nodes */ for[i=2; idata = data; newNode->prev = last; // Link new node with the previous node newNode->next = NULL; last->next = newNode; // Link previous node with the new node last = newNode; // Make new node as last node } printf["\nDOUBLY LINKED LIST CREATED SUCCESSFULLY\n"]; } } /** * Display the content of the list from beginning to end */ void displayList[] { struct node * temp; int n = 1; if[head == NULL] { printf["List is empty.\n"]; } else { temp = head; printf["DATA IN THE LIST:\n"]; while[temp != NULL] { printf["DATA of %d node = %d\n", n, temp->data]; n++; /* Move the current pointer to next node */ temp = temp->next; } } } /** * Delete or remove the first node of the doubly linked list */ void deleteFromBeginning[] { struct node * toDelete; if[head == NULL] { printf["Unable to delete. List is empty.\n"]; } else { toDelete = head; head = head->next; // Move head pointer to 2 node if [head != NULL] head->prev = NULL; // Remove the link to previous node free[toDelete]; // Delete the first node from memory printf["SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM BEGINNING OF THE LIST.\n"]; } } /** * Delete or remove the last node of the doubly linked list */ void deleteFromEnd[] { struct node * toDelete; if[last == NULL] { printf["Unable to delete. List is empty.\n"]; } else { toDelete = last; last = last->prev; // Move last pointer to 2nd last node if [last != NULL] last->next = NULL; // Remove link to of 2nd last node with last node free[toDelete]; // Delete the last node printf["SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM END OF THE LIST.\n"]; } } /** * Delete node from any position in the doubly linked list */ void deleteFromN[int position] { struct node *current; int i; current = head; for[i=1; inext; } if[position == 1] { deleteFromBeginning[]; } else if[current == last] { deleteFromEnd[]; } else if[current != NULL] { current->prev->next = current->next; current->next->prev = current->prev; free[current]; // Delete the n node printf["SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM %d POSITION.\n", position]; } else { printf["Invalid position!\n"]; } }


============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 1 Enter the total number of nodes in list: 5 Enter data of 1 node: 10 Enter data of 2 node: 20 Enter data of 3 node: 30 Enter data of 4 node: 40 Enter data of 5 node: 50DOUBLY LINKED LIST CREATED SUCCESSFULLY ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 5 DATA IN THE LIST: DATA of 1 node = 10 DATA of 2 node = 20 DATA of 3 node = 30 DATA of 4 node = 40 DATA of 5 node = 50 ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 2 SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM BEGINNING OF THE LIST. ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 5 DATA IN THE LIST: DATA of 1 node = 20 DATA of 2 node = 30 DATA of 3 node = 40 DATA of 4 node = 50 ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 3 SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM END OF THE LIST. ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 5 DATA IN THE LIST: DATA of 1 node = 20 DATA of 2 node = 30 DATA of 3 node = 40 ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 4 Enter the node position which you want to delete: 2 SUCCESSFULLY DELETED NODE FROM 2 POSITION. ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 5 DATA IN THE LIST: DATA of 1 node = 20 DATA of 2 node = 40 ============================================ DOUBLY LINKED LIST PROGRAM ============================================ 1. Create List 2. Delete node - from beginning 3. Delete node - from end 4. Delete node - from N 5. Display list 0. Exit -------------------------------------------- Enter your choice : 0

Happy coding

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