Research topics for high school students in the Philippines

Be accurate & innovative

While a descriptive or a narrative essay doesnt require much attention to details or accuracy, your research paper should consist of strict facts, statistics and examples. That is why you need to back every argument and idea with relevant details, avoiding watery phrases, as they will surely influence your final score.

You should also remain innovative even if the discussed issue is quite conservative. In such a way you will add fresh ideas to the subject, which was discussed a hundred times before you.

In addition, you can find unique facts and data, which other students have missed. Simply conduct a deeper research and use your imagination to go beyond regular facts and information! Youll see how greatly it will contribute to your final score.

Answer yourself the basic questions of your chosen topic:

There are five basic questions, answering which you will be able to choose a right direction for the future work.

  1. Who provides information on the chosen topic? Who can publish data on the work? Who is mainly affected by the chosen issue? Do you know any institutions or organizations, which are influenced by your topic?
  2. Why did you decide to study this issue? What is unique about it? Do you have a personal opinion on the involved matter?
  3. What are key questions for the problem? Is it debatable? Are there various points of view to be considered?
  4. When is [was] the topic relevant? Is it taking place in a modern society or some time ago? Are you planning to compare it within different periods of time?
  5. Where is the problem important? On a local/national/international levels? Are there any other locations, which are affected by the chosen matter?

These questions will help you to brainstorm good topics and to make a right choice!

With their assistance you will be able to limit your options to a few topics and to concentrate on those, which reflect mood of the society and your own preferences. Remember that a thoroughly selected topic makes up a half of your overall success.

List Of 106 Interesting Research Paper Topics

Below you will find only the most powerful and interesting top 10 topics for research papers not depending on your major, location and academic level. We have made a list of ten topics for every subject and a bonus section with six exclusive topics any professor will appreciate!

Science Research Paper Topics

Even if you are in high school, science topics for research papers are the most demanding ones, as they require a thoughtful analysis of sources and choosing a proper field of expertise.

  1. What has the humanity learned from meteorites?
  2. Does life on Mars exist?
  3. Why Pluto is no longer considered a planet?
  4. What was the cause of an Asteroid Belt?
  5. What are animal hibernation reasons?
  6. How insects are used in building robots?
  7. What causes such a beautiful coloring of feathers in birds?
  8. Can science museums teach science?
  9. How to produce plastics, which will be friendly to the environment?
  10. What are the latest chemistry achievements?

Research Paper Topics for Middle School

There are hundreds of thousands of topics, which a middle or elementary school student can choose for a research. You can easily get lost among them, so here are the most interesting and catchy ones.

  1. The book, which makes people better;
  2. How students can contribute to local community;
  3. Dynasty of princess Diana;
  4. Political course of president Obama;
  5. Where did your ancestors come from?
  6. Meaning of the Trail of Tears to the modern US;
  7. The most efficient way to achieve your academic goals;
  8. 10 simple steps to protect the environment;
  9. The most prominent general of all the times;
  10. The song, which always makes people smile.

Business Topics

If you want to be an entrepreneur in future or simply to have interest in business, your business research paper wont do without good topics!

  1. Expectations and reality of the Manhattan Project;
  2. Similarities and differences of Great Depression and Recession;
  3. Influence of McDonalds on economy of various countries;
  4. How celebrities are used in marketing campaigns;
  5. Effectiveness of different management techniques;
  6. Hardships of a small enterprise;
  7. Is franchising an easy way to start a business?
  8. Influence of global warming on different types of businesses;
  9. Benefits of outsourcing;
  10. Outdated traditions, which big companies still use;


If you are assigned with a research paper on medicine, you may find it very difficult to choose a topic. To avoid possible complications, just pick one from a list below.

  1. Do some doctors turn patients into addicts?
  2. Should life-sustaining therapy be applied, when it is not necessary?
  3. How to ban testing on animals?
  4. Pros and cons of using marijuana in medical purposes;
  5. Benefits of cow milk;
  6. Can vegetarian diet be useful for children?
  7. Influence of obesity on health;
  8. Damage of vaccines;
  9. Should drugs be directly advertised?
  10. What do we know about cancer treatment?

Topics on Sport

Students, who love sport, have plenty of issues to discuss. However, if you want your paper to look solid, you should choose your topic wisely.

  1. Sports and brain injuries;
  2. Age in contact sports. Should children be allowed to participate in contact sports?
  3. Should popular athletes choose tattoos wisely in order to transmit a proper message to fans?
  4. Influence of enhancing drugs on popular kinds of sports;
  5. What methods can be used to lower a long-term usage of steroids among young sportsmen?
  6. What qualities make up a good commentator?
  7. Soccer in the US;
  8. Which kinds of sports can be called spectator ones?
  9. Is it fair to give so many sports scholarships?
  10. Did advertising change sports?

Topics on Technologies

It is difficult to find a more popular subject to discuss than modern technologies. If you are free to choose a matter, technology is always a great option!

  1. How GPS works;
  2. What is the simplest way to connect to the global network;
  3. Importance of defending personal networks;
  4. Why plagiarism detectors and checkers are so effective;
  5. Storage of confidential data online;
  6. When brain chips will be implemented?
  7. Why Mac computers are safer than Windows ones?
  8. Why you should choose Google applications;
  9. How universal intelligence can be measured?
  10. Benefits of a Symbian OS.

Research Paper Topics on Environment

Environmental issues are occupying minds of almost every person on earth, so if you decide to pick one of the following topics your research paper will surely be a success.

  1. The best ways to reduce pollution;
  2. The most evident climate changes for the past 30 years;
  3. Why some people still believe that global warming doesnt exist?
  4. Is wildlife affected by the global warming?
  5. Pollution of oceans: beginning of the end?
  6. Alternative energy sources as a way to save nature;
  7. How can we safe endangered species?
  8. What can we do to improve the world?
  9. Recycling in our everyday life;
  10. How can we deliver drinking water to every corner of the planet?


We are living in a fast-developing world and often forget to stop and take care about our own health. Here are the problems you can discuss with the audience.

  1. Impact of tobacco, marijuana and alcohol on a body;
  2. Vaccination: pros and cons;
  3. Discussion of birth control across countries;
  4. How to prevent Alzheimers;
  5. Can euthanasia be considered an assisted suicide?
  6. Additional research of AIDS;
  7. Most effective tools in cancer prevention;
  8. Why mental health is important;
  9. Obesity and anorexia: two dangerous states;
  10. Positive impact of fats on our mind and body.

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