falklands là gì - Nghĩa của từ falklands

falklands có nghĩa là

British Islands in the South Atlantic.

Sometmes erroneously called Malvinas by poorly educated people who can't speak english and know little of history.


The Falkland Islands are British, fact.

falklands có nghĩa là

British islands in the South Pacific, populated by British citizens who vote unanimously time after time to remain British citizens. The Falkland Islands were attacked by Argentine in the 1982, but were routed by British forces and ended up surrendering the entire place in a huge act of cowardice. Despite the fact that the Islands are only 300 miles from the Argentine mainland, and thousands of miles from Britain, the Argentines have been too cowardly to attack again, after their humiliating defeat.


People living in the Falklands piss in the ocean and it washes up on the Argentine sea shore.

falklands có nghĩa là

really small islands next to the coast of argentina. Called Malvinas by the argentine people. During the 80s a war broke out.. and the argentinians.. poorly armed.. just with k98 nazi rifles.. got their asses kicked... and they surrended.. but it was a really stupid war.. for just to fuken islands where it is really fucken cold


I went to the falklands, and it was really fucken cold

falklands có nghĩa là

A set of crappy rocks where no-one lives - but they're OUR crappy rocks where no-one lives, and those Argie bastards aren't getting them.


The Falklands are BRITISH!

falklands có nghĩa là

The used to be the Malvinas and whoever said uneducated people call them that is not only wrong, but extrememly rude. Most Argentinans today still refer to them as "las Islas Malvinas" because that is what thery originally were...and should be. They belonged to Arg and the British were incredible silly in wasting their time to take them away. the fact that they did is a lingering example of colonialism which needs to completely die out.


People like you need to stop being so ignorant. British took so much of Africa and India and China...and they let that go, hanging on to the Malvinas is hipocrisy.

falklands có nghĩa là

A small group of islands, controlled by the government of the United Kingdom in the south atlantic close to argentina.

in 1982 the Argentinians invaded the falkland islands, believeing that they belong to them.

this resulted in the British Navy being sent to defend the islands in a war that cost the lives of 1000 service men from Argentina and the United Kingdom.

The islands were successfully recaptured, and the falkland islands is now considerd one of the last parts of the British Empire .


"it appears we've recaptured the Falkland Islands"

falklands có nghĩa là

The Falklands War, although in theory not a war but rather a conflict, was fought between Argentina and Britain. On the 2nd of May in 1982, the Argentine Navy, launched an amphibious assault on the island, initally gaining the element of suprise against the Royal Marine garrison on the island. Eventually, the islands were seized temporarily by Argentina. Shortly after the invasion, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher deployed a Naval Task Force to retake the islands by force. HMS Hermes, one of the two aircraft carriers sent to the Falklands (the other being HMS Invincible) became the flagship and floating command centre for the British Armed Forces. On the 14th of April, after Argentina surrendered to the British Army, the conflict ceased. The war lasted 74 days, with 255 British and 649 Argentine soldiers, sailors, and airmen, and three civilian Falklanders killed. There has been severe controversy over certain actions performed by both the Argentine and British Armed Forces respectively. Possibly the most common controversial act occured after a Royal Navy submarine engaged and sank the ARA Belgrano, Argentina's only cruiser. Argentina deemed this action inhumane as the ship was outside of the exclusion zone, and was turning away from the Falklands. However the Royal Navy did declare that a few days before the engagement, that they had sent a message to Argentina declaring that they would engage at will any hostile naval, aircraft or land force whether it be in the exclusion zone or not. The second most common was the false allegations of the damaging or sinking of HMS Invincible. During the closing stages of the conflict, the Argentine Air Force launched a last desperate attack against the British Task Force, hoping to sink the Invincible with their last remaining Exocet Missile, as a goal to raise troop morale. The attack however failed when the Exocet was destroyed whilst on course by the Invincible's anti-missile defense. However, Argentine pilots who retreated tried to make it clear that Invincible had been damaged, some even said that it was sunk. These allegations however were overruled when the Invincible returned after the conflict into port with no sight of battle damage on her whatsoever. To this day, Argentina has made a solid belief that the islands belong to them, refusing to accept its British sovereignity or its name, by calling it Isla las Malvinas. This conflict also had solidified Margaret Thatcher's reputation, she was soon dubbed "The Iron Lady" as she showed extreme leadership skills and a very deep respect and belief towards the British goal to retake the islands.


Before the conflict, Margaret's public persona was severely hampered, she was nicknamed "Margaret Thatcher the Milk Snatcher" after she removed milk from public schools in the UK, and of course the infamous tory poll tax which cause widespread riots across the lower class areas of the UK. The Falklands War however showed that she had alot of spunk, and was not afraid of the Argentine incursion on the Falklands, this added with the might of the Royal Navy lead to the ultimate victory over Argentina.

falklands có nghĩa là

The last residue of the failed British Empire. A group of islands that rightfully belong to Argentina but are controlled by Britain. Much like the 6 occupied counties in the north of Ireland, the Falkland Islands (real name Las Islas Malvinas) are wrongly occupied as a result of British imperialism which should have died out in the 19th century but has been retained to give a small island nation a sense of importance. This is incredibly ironic considering that outwith England, many of the residents of the other constituent nations of the United Kingdom favour independence from the UK rather than rule from Westminster.


Did you hear how Thatcher sunk the Belgrano deliberately and illegally whilst it was sailing away from the Falklands?

falklands có nghĩa là

When a country, a group, or an individual which might have been expected to tamely accept the theft of its possessions or other bullying fights back, and thus sends a message that it, they, him, or her, is not to be trifled (or f--cked) with by the bully or by anyone else. Similar to the Stonewall Effect (q.v.)


After the U.K. retook the Falklands, the Argentines never attempted another invasion, and there was a noticeable drop-off in other types of adventurism by tinpot despots around the world, largely because they had been chastened by the Falklands Effect.

falklands có nghĩa là

One of the most awsome towns in the WORLD!!
Located in fife, scotland(wooo!!!)


Guy :Where do you live?
Awsome Guy :Falkland!
Guy :WOOOO!!! * gets down on knees and grovels*