Is it bad to use laptop while plugged in?

While there are plenty of myths regarding is it good to use laptop while charging?, the truth is, yes, its OK and completely safe doing this. Lots of myths like you need to disconnect the charger when the battery is full. Or that you ought to go for battery recharge only when it fully drains out, etc. have gone completely pointless today.

In fact, nowadays, when laptops are packed with smarter Li-ion batteries, using a laptop while its plugged in shows some great performance pluses. And hardly any disadvantages.

Unlike their nickel predecessors, the modern Li-ion batteries sing their heart out only when they regularly get partial recharges. That said, you must never let these laptops (batteries, I mean) reach those critical power zones i.e. below 20% or 15% charge, and then fully recharge them.

In short, charging and using a laptop both at once is more of a profitable business than a thing you should avoid. Lets look into this matter in detail below.

Is It Good to Use Laptop While Charging?

Well, again, its completely fine to use the laptop while it is clued up to the plugs. As mentioned earlier, almost all laptops today come with Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries usually feature the automatic control system internally that intelligently regulates the charging process.

That said, while the laptop is plugged in, the battery is never in the state of continuous charging. The smart Charging IC(s) and the batterys internal control system cuts off the power inflow to the battery once its fully charged.

The battery stays completely uninterrupted by the power supply until it comes down to a certain charge level usually 95%. Once it drops down that level, the control system starts allowing the power flow to the battery so that it bumps up again.

Now, the thing here is, as long as you are connected to the power supply, your laptop runs on that external power and doesnt consume the battery. So because the battery isnt under any stress, for it to come down to even 95% is pretty unlikely.

Or yeah, it takes hours for it to lose those few percent. But as soon as it comes to or drops below that level, the power trickles again, the battery gets 100, and the inflow again cuts off.

Can I Use My Laptop While Charging It, Even When Its Fully Charged?

Is it bad to use laptop while plugged in?

What to Do in this Regard? The Solutions

#1. Setting A Charging Threshold The 40 80 Spectrum

You can try setting a charging threshold on your laptop. So it will start the recharging process when the battery drops down a certain level and will stop the process at a certain level.

According to experts, whats ideal in this regard is to stay plugged in when the battery is between 40% and 80%. 40 is gonna be the limit where the laptop (the battery) has to start charging, and 80 is where it must automatically stop.

In manual terms, its like you ought to connect the charger when your battery is at 40 and unplug it when it is 80. You can bump up to 90 as well. But this 40 80 threshold is just ideal while you are working on the laptop.

And this is where youd be getting the most out of your battery.

Well, you can use some third-party battery (threshold) management software to set and achieve that ideal spectrum for your battery. Whereas, most of the latest laptops come with built-in apps and easily accessible settings for all this.

#2. You Can Try Taking the Battery Off the Laptop

A substitute for this solution is that you can try removing the battery (if its removable) when it has a fair amount of charge in it, say 50% or more.

Well, this is only possible if you are connected to an uninterruptable power supply. Your laptop will stay powered directly from outside, and youll easily continue working on it. Plus, you would also keep those heat buildup issues from arising.

So just remove the battery and make sure to keep it in a cooler ambiance. Because the surrounding heat can also adversely affect it.

#3. Prevent Your Laptop from Severe Temperatures Make Sure Proper Ventilation and Use It in Cool Ambience

To keep your laptop from heating, especially when its plugged in, you can consider using it in an optimally cool ambiance. The surrounding temperature plays a major role in all this. Keep the laptop from direct sunlight, etc.

And lastly, do make sure that the laptop vents are properly cleaned and there is no issue with the ventilation process.

Ending Thoughts

While it used to be an issue with the older laptops, to use a laptop while charging isnt a dilemma anymore. With the latest Lithium-clad batteries, all the worries like the battery would overcharge or its at the risk of damage, etc. have worn off.

So, is it good to use laptop while charging? Yes, its good and absolutely safe. Laptops today come with intelligent Charging ICs, and the Li-ion and Li-polymer batteries also boast smart control systems internally. So the Amps flow to the battery is intelligently regulated throughout.

Although there are a few minor issues with using the laptop while its charging i.e. heat, etc. You can easily get by them by taking the battery off or making some other settings all discussed above.

Overall, there is no such issue with charging and using the laptop both at once. You can even leave your laptop plugged in overnight without worrying about things like overcharging and battery damage, etc.

If you are still confused with any myths in this regard, scroll above as there are all the truths you need to know.