lasalle là gì - Nghĩa của từ lasalle

lasalle có nghĩa là

Two towns right next to each other in the Illinois Valley. Characterized by dozens of bars and dozens of churches. One of the only places in America where you can go to Sunday mass then have happy hour next door. Everyone from the age of 11 and up drinks. As for entertainment, there is not really too much to do...other than drink. Every year the high school baseball team does very well. The football stadium resembles one that belongs to a division 1 college, but not nearly as good as a division 1 school. Before going to football games, all the students get drunk. Then after, they get drunk.


The LaSalle-Peru Cavaliers= Let's Party Havabeers

lasalle có nghĩa là

A suburban mostly white college preparatory high school for boys who throw some pretty hot mixers where their favorite hot girls from Gwynedd come to dance, get drunk, and have a good time. These boys vary from cute to hot to gorgeous and everywhere in between. Just about all the cool ones drink and smoke but some are still cool even if they don't. Most are good kissers who for the most part are perfect gentlemen. As their motto goes, "Boys will be boys, but LaSalle boys will be gentleman."


A typical Lasalle Mixer:
LaSalle Boy: "Hi my names Matt. Wanna Dance?"
Gwynedd Girl: "Sure."
ten seconds later...
LaSalle Boy: "Wanna Make out?"

lasalle có nghĩa là

A suburban mostly white college preparatory high school for boys who throw some pretty hot mixers where their favorite hot girls from Gwynedd come to dance, get drunk, and have a good time. These boys vary from cute to hot to gorgeous and everywhere in between. Just about all the cool ones drink and smoke but some are still cool even if they don't. Most are good kissers who for the most part are perfect gentlemen. As their motto goes, "Boys will be boys, but LaSalle boys will be gentleman."


A typical Lasalle Mixer:
LaSalle Boy: "Hi my names Matt. Wanna Dance?"
Gwynedd Girl: "Sure."
ten seconds later...
LaSalle Boy: "Wanna Make out?"

lasalle có nghĩa là

Lasalle - a sketch bag school almost in the boons outside of Kingston, full of hick kids who Think Creek is pornounced CRICK and like to fry up freshly caught ducks in the back of their trucks in the parking lot after hunting season.


Devin: "We're having a duck fry with deans BBQ in the parking lot of Lasalle tomorow"
Matt: "i'll remember to bring the duck i caught today"
Devin: "oh yeah, where did you shoot it"
Matt: "by the crick"
Devin: "dont fergett the rootebeer"
Matt: "GIT R DONE"

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A very un successful school in troy NY, that is a rehabilitation academy for grades 6-12 to help preteens and young adults cope with their homosexuality.


Every one at lasalle institute "bites the big one".

lasalle có nghĩa là

To pull a lasal means to be an absolute ass hat. A lasal doesn't reply to your messages even after he's seen them. A lasal completely ignores your emotions and the emotions of others and goes "oh well". Lives a very cynical life. To pull a lasal also means to bottle things up inside. A lasal is also a cop loving crazy cunt, and an absolute lazy bastard. A lasal wakes up during the middle of the afternoon and goes good morning, or sleeps during the entire day and at 11:59 pm goes morning, i took a nap. It also means to flake at the last minute and cancel plans.


Ben: that cunt pulled "Lasal" last night. Didn't even show up after we planned that trip weeks in advance. He saw my messages and just ignored, and went oh well the next day. Hasso: what an absolute ass hat, but thats what a typical lasal is.

lasalle có nghĩa là

Emerson LaSalle -name- A fictional character of blogcruft, and the main character in the independent film PULP BOY.

HISTORY - Emerson LaSalle started out as an imaginary character that was a metaphor for the kind of writer that was just so bad that you couldn't help but like him. His fictional life and career was created through thousands of blog posts and comments through various websites and publications in an ever expanding MEME.

Eventually, the name was widely enough recognized that there was even a Wikipedia entry created for him. However, disgruntled Wiki editors fought fiercly to remove his reference, despite being updated to note that he was a character of fan-fiction. This in turn caused a surge in popularity (and infamy) for the character.


"That is a true LaSallism." Meaning: Something that is done half-assed with the belief that the effort was sufficient.

"In memory of the prolific Emerson LaSalle." Meaning: Sarcastic reference to anything that could be construed as a major failure, gratuitously violent or sexual, or cheesy in general.

"That is probably just another pseudoneme for Emerson LaSalle." Meaning: The name sounds fake.

"Oh man, I just got LaSalled" Meaning: Being shunned, or overlooked.

lasalle có nghĩa là

To rule senselessly w/out any guilts nor regrets even when it's leaving the others on their backs.


Even tho I submitted a non-working patch yesterday the IT department stone cold lasalled it and it's now working

lasalle có nghĩa là

They claim to be better than Hendricken as they have girls but then in return get butt fucked by Hendricken in every sport imaginable except for 2 and also love to suck dick


Person 1: I think I should go to LaSalle Person 2: No they suck mad dick and lose all the time

lasalle có nghĩa là

lasalle university is a pretty good school in a shitty neighborhood in philadelphia, pa. it’s very mixed with all types of classes, races, genders, you name it. the basketball team is really good and the dining halls are literally never open. the frat parties are not that fun, they’re just excuses to get drunk and do something on a weekend night. and females get roofied too often. also it’s not uncommon to get robbed on campus or to hear gunshots bussing a few blocks away, so don’t be stupid and walk around by yourself at night.


I go to lasalle university.