Listening text types

Listening text types
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Rost, Michael 2014. Listening in a Multilingual World: The Challenges of Second Language (L2) Listening. International Journal of Listening, Vol. 28, Issue. 3, p. 131.

Vandergrift, Larry and Baker, Susan 2015. Learner Variables in Second Language Listening Comprehension: An Exploratory Path Analysis. Language Learning, Vol. 65, Issue. 2, p. 390.

Harding, Luke Alderson, J. Charles and Brunfaut, Tineke 2015. Diagnostic assessment of reading and listening in a second or foreign language: Elaborating on diagnostic principles. Language Testing, Vol. 32, Issue. 3, p. 317.

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Toth, Paul D. and Davin, Kristin J. 2016. The Sociocognitive Imperative of L2 Pedagogy. The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 100, Issue. S1, p. 148.

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Matthews, Joshua O'Toole, John Mitchell and Chen, Shen 2017. The impact of word recognition from speech (WRS) proficiency level on interaction, task success and word learning: design implications for CALL to develop L2 WRS. Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 30, Issue. 1-2, p. 22.

Yamashita, Junko and Shiotsu, Toshihiko 2017. Comprehension and Knowledge Components That Predict L2 Reading: A Latent-Trait Approach. Applied Linguistics, Vol. 38, Issue. 1, p. 43.

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Green, Rita 2017. Designing Listening Tests. p. 27.

Wei, Wei and Zheng, Ying 2017. An investigation of integrative and independent listening test tasks in a computerised academic English test. Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 30, Issue. 8, p. 864.

ADRADA-RAFAEL, SERGIO 2017. Processing the Spanish imperfect subjunctive: Depth of processing under different instructional conditions. Applied Psycholinguistics, Vol. 38, Issue. 2, p. 477.

Rodrigo, Victoria 2017. Quantifying comprehension gains after repeated listening by students of Spanish with different listening ability: an exploratory study. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, Vol. 4, Issue. 1, p. 35.

Green, Rita 2017. Designing Listening Tests. p. 1.

CHO, MINYOUNG 2018. Task Complexity and Modality: Exploring Learners Experience From the Perspective of Flow. The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 102, Issue. 1, p. 162.

Mirzaei, Maryam Sadat Meshgi, Kourosh and Kawahara, Tatsuya 2018. Exploiting automatic speech recognition errors to enhance partial and synchronized caption for facilitating second language listening. Computer Speech & Language, Vol. 49, Issue. , p. 17.

Dirga, R N and Wijayati, P H 2018. How can teachers assess reading skills of generation z learners in German language class?. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 296, Issue. , p. 012026.