mob it là gì - Nghĩa của từ mob it

mob it có nghĩa là

money over bitches


mob it có nghĩa là

leaving where ever your at with your "crew" or "mob".


kyleigh:hey dude this shits gay lets mob it.
everyone:alright man

mob it có nghĩa là

Driving around with your friends and/or bitches, bumping music, having a good time, and hopefully picking up some more bitches.


Chase and I went mobbing last night and picked up some hoes.

mob it có nghĩa là

Also known as "workplace bullying" - playground bullying by people who are chronologically adults, directed against their colleagues.

Bullying, psychological terror or aggression, hostile workplace behavior, workplace trauma, incivility, emotional violence resulting in emotional injury affecting the target's mental and physical health.


Anne and Emily enjoyed mobbing any new employee that they perceived as a threat, until either the target broke down and attempted to fight back - and was fired - or the target quit. The two celebrated each victory by laughingly claiming that their victim had been "voted off the island."

mob it có nghĩa là

Also known as 'workplace bullying'. Mobbing is when a group of jealous individuals who can't measure up to your skill level decide to bully you. It's in reference to a behavior exhibited in animals. Usually the group in question will start stealing your work and trying to pass it off as their own yet never measuring up to your quality. The bosses and co-workers tend to favor you and these workers resent that. They then use both subtle and obvious techniques to try to force you to leave/quit or to make your life intolerable while in the environment. They will critisize your work which the bosses praise yet they will find fault in it all the while attempting to steal parts of it. They will accuse you of things you never did to try to make you look bad to get power and control over you and other workers, They will sit in their little group and pat eachother on the back for eachother's inferior work all the while ignoring yours. They will tell other people to stay away from you and that youre bad news so no one will support you or your work.. They are relentless. The best thing you can do is completely ignore them or leave the company.


They were so envious I was always chosen they had to start mobbing me to gain control and not feel so inferior and powerless because they couldnt measure up.

mob it có nghĩa là

Bullying [mobbing] is an extreme form of social stressors at work. .


Unlike normal social stressors, workplace bullying [mobbing] is a long lasting [at least 6 months], escalated conflict with frequent harassing actions [at least every week], systematically aimed at a target person and carried out by colleagues, supervisors or subordinates

mob it có nghĩa là

Mobbing is a term used to describe group bullying in which one or more employees covertly attack another. Mobbing and bullying consist of psychological and emotional terrorism in which the target or victim is driven into a helpless position. One person—the victim--becomes the focus of scapegoating, rumor, and innuendo. The victim is badgered, intimidated, and humiliated. This occurs through persistent, targeted, hostile behavior [verbal and nonverbal] designed to undermine the integrity of the victim. Deprecating rumors are created. The goal is to ostracize, isolate, and eliminate the victim. Offenders participate in character assassination, humiliation, and disruption.


After being victimized at work by mobbing, she left work and went into a deep depression.

mob it có nghĩa là

Plural, stands for Mobile Objects. Typically used in MMORPG games and stands for attackable non playing objects. Usually monsters.


Ahh, i'm getting wtf pwnd bbq by these crystalhide mobs in the flats.

mob it có nghĩa là

Is a form of workplace bullying. Mobbing is harassment from a number of people, targeted at one individual. Done by a closed and secretive society. They would never admit what they're doing, but continue with the, "I've done nothing wrong" attitude. They are deluded, and think they are fighting some kind of war, like a terrorist fighting a holy war. Don't worry about knowing what their agenda is. Their point is to simply ruin lives. Don't expect answers from them. They're simply zealous missionaries for some cause. You can't reason with a fanatic. And that's exactly what people who take part in mobbing are. You may have attacked one of their members, and they'll get you back. And they won't allow it to end. People who are consistent bullies are psychopaths. They don't care to understand that their actions are morally and legally wrong. If anybody were to ask how things are between you and them, they'd make it appear as though things are fine.


Some mobbing was going on in the workplace. Jill let everyone know who they were, and exactly what they were doing. Joe realized that there were people mobbing him at every job he started. Mobbing was the cause of Mary losing her job. The psychopaths who were mobbing were harassing Tim, and trying to ostracize him from the others.

mob it có nghĩa là

To utterly destroy the environment, people, plants, animals, babies, etc. This is a mode where you are steamrolling through life worried about only your crew! Other mooks cannot stand in your path. No one can oppose you. Chaos will ensue


I plan to mob it to the library today to do some studying. :] Stupid moox if you need an example, I can show you in real life.

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