Plumb the depths là gì

To experience, understand, explore, or exhibit something in explicit detail or to an extreme degree. These valiant officers plumb the depths of heroism every day that they step foot on our streets. This new study aims to plumb the depths of the relationship between one's mood and one's appetite. I plumbed the depths of grief and despair for years after the death of my son. My hope is that I can now help others who are struggling in similar situations.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

1. If someone's behaviour plumbs the depths, it is extremely bad. This crime plumbs the very depths of the abyss into which it is possible for the human spirit to sink.

2. If you plumb the depths of something, you find out everything you can about it. He doesn't plumb the depths of a text in the way of his contemporaries. We can never fully plumb the depths of the unconscious.

3. If someone plumbs the depths of an unpleasant or difficult situation or emotion, they experience it to an extreme degree. They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair. Note: The above expressions relate to sailing in former times. When a ship was in shallow water one of the sailors would find out how deep the water was by dropping a piece of lead on a string, called a `plumb', over the side of the ship.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

1 reach the extremes of evil or unhappiness. 2 inquire into the most obscure or secret aspects of something.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

Get to the bottom of something. This term has been used literally since the first half of the 1500s for measuring the depth of a body of water, using a line weighted with a lead ball, or plumb. Its figurative use came a few decades later and has survived the death of the literal meaning, which gave way to more sophisticated means of measuring. E. W. Gregory used it in The Furniture Collector (1916): “. . . engaged in trying to plumb the depths of duplicity to which dealers can descend in faking old furniture.”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

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plumb the depths

David is all for fun, but none may plumb the depths of Porthos.

The Spanish outfit parted company with boss Javi Calleja this week as the Yellow Submarine plumb the depths of 17th place in La Liga, replacing him with Luis Garcia Plaza until the end of the season.

A Palestinian-Egyptian poet whose readings have drawn crowds by the thousands and filled the screens of Tahrir Square amid the aftershocks of revolution, Tamim Al-Barghouti draws on fable and Arabic literary tradition to plumb the depths of loss and yearning in the Arab world.

He does not address every current interest nor plumb the depths of the ones he does, he says, because his goal is to give students some background and foundation so they will be better prepared if and when the issues surface.

Most of the time, the laureate has come up with an extensive body of work, lengthy novels that insightfully plumb the depths and heights of the human condition.

SOME people go back to school to climb the ladder, but Robson Green is hoping it will help him plumb the depths.

To apprehend The Beast, Wolf will be called upon to face his own private demons, and plumb the depths of the mysterious darkness surrounding his own personal history.

Deftly written and stunningly illustrated by Kim Dreyer, "Conscious Spirit" (9781572817241, $16.00) features a 44 impressively imaged card collection and 44 page 'user friendly' booklet that will enable the user to plumb the depths of their consciousness.

I simply cannot plumb the depths of the mind that thought there might have been.

A repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM." Thus Tyson's twelve new paintings, which purport to plumb the depths of "the imagination and the unconscious," were brought under the Romantic sign of the lines' author, Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Nghĩa là gì: depths depth /depθ/
  • danh từ
    • chiều sâu, bề sâu, độ sâu; độ dày
      • the depth of a river: chiều sâu của con sông
      • a well five meters in depth: giếng sâu năm mét
      • atmospheric depth: độ dày của quyển khí
    • (từ lóng) sự sâu xa, tính thâm trầm (của tư tưởng...); tầm hiểu biết, năng lực, trình độ
      • a man of great depth: người có trình độ hiểu biết sâu
      • to be out of one's depth: (nghĩa bóng) bị ngợp; quá năng lực; không với tới được; quá tầm hiểu biết
      • to be beyond one's depth: quá khả năng, quá sức mình
    • chỗ sâu, chỗ thầm kín, đáy, chỗ tận cùng
      • in the depth of one's hear: trong thâm tâm, tận đáy lòng
      • in the depth(s) of winter: giữa mùa đông
      • in the depths of depair: trong cơn tuyệt vọng
      • a cry from the depths: tiếng kêu từ đáy lòng
    • (số nhiều) vực thẳm

Plumb the depths là gì

Mỗi ngày tôi chọn một niềm vui Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

'Plumb new depths' = dò tới đáy/vực sâu mới -> hiểu, khám phá, trải nghiệm, bày tỏ thứ gì một cách rõ ràng chi tiết; tới mức độ tột cùng, cực độ của gì đó

Ví dụ

It’s ironic (mỉa mai) that just as Deutsche’s shares plumb new depths, those of the London Stock Exchange Group Plc are hitting record highs, boosted in part by the successful lobbying of regulators to protect cross-border euro clearing under any Brexit scenario.

The near-term direction is quite clear — Asian export growth will plumb new depths before bouncing back once there is a US-China trade deal. But the longer-term prospects for trade are awkward (khó khăn) unless European and Asian countries can find common ground and build new mechanisms to protect their interests (lợi ích).

America cannot afford another four years of Trump. The damage to the civil rights (dân quyền) movement would be unimaginable. America’s image abroad – already severely tarnished (làm lu mờ) – would plumb new depths. Perhaps worst of all, some of his worst ideas might become a reality. He was elected on the platform of repealing (hủy bỏ) Obamacare and building a wall.

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