Procrastination is the thief of time nghĩa là gì năm 2024

Vacillation and procrastination, out of fears of recession or otherwise, would run grave risks.

Until then, the government had perceived the dispute as an internal affair that could be handled with procrastination, without turning its back on budgetary considerations.

Presently, undue procrastination on such theoretical developments puts evolutionary psychology in danger of being reduced to a rhetorical tool.

Procrastination solved the problem as the man died before any decision could be taken.

Hence, our overall result is consistent with the psychology literature that has previously showed that increasing complexity in decision-making leads to procrastination.

Undoubtedly inertia, procrastination, or psychic costs provide what are perceived by some households to be real impediments to investing more heavily or at all in stocks.

Was that part of his crusade against the nationalists, or something to do with procrastination?

The lengthy period of procrastination proposed in the amendments would serve no useful purpose and would be greeted with dismay in many quarters.

There is procrastination and circumlocution at the official level.

The real bugbear for local authorities is the possibility of endless delay and procrastination on the part of "hot" landlords.

On the contrary, it is a means of procrastination, and in the end agreement is reached at the lowest common denominator.

What it has demonstrated is weakness, lack of leadership and procrastination and then settling for the lowest common denominator.

We all recollect the misfortunes in a previous case of procrastination.

Is not this a shameful record of procrastination and muddle?

The amendment provides scope for unwelcome procrastination on the part of landlords.

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danh từ

sự trì hoãn; sự chần chừ

[tục ngữ] chần chừ làm lãng phí thời gian




deferment, postponement, stalling, delay, adjournment, putting off

antonym: action

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