Queue implementation using linked list in data structure

Queue Data Structures

Similar to stacks, a queue is also an Abstract Data Type or ADT. A queue follows FIFO [First-in, First out] policy. It is equivalent to the queues in our general life. For example, a new person enters a queue at the last and the person who is at the front [who must have entered the queue at first] will be served first.

Similar to a queue of day to day life, in Computer Science also, a new element enters a queue at the last [tail of the queue] and removal of an element occurs from the front [head of the queue].

Similar to the stack, we will implement the queue using a linked list as well as with an array. But lets first discuss the operations which are done on a queue.

Enqueue Enqueue is an operation which adds an element to the queue. As stated earlier, any new item enters at the tail of the queue, so Enqueue adds an item to the tail of a queue.

Dequeue It is similar to the pop operation of stack i.e., it returns and deletes the front element from the queue.

isEmpty It is used to check whether the queue has any element or not.

isFull It is used to check whether the queue is full or not.

Front It is similar to the top operation of a stack i.e., it returns the front element of the queue [but dont delete it].

Before moving forward to code up these operations, lets discuss the applications of a queue.

Applications of Queue

Queues are used in a lot of applications, few of them are:

  • Queue is used to implement many algorithms like Breadth First Search [BFS], etc.
  • It can be also used by an operating system when it has to schedule jobs with equal priority
  • Customers calling a call center are kept in queues when they wait for someone to pick up the calls

Queue Using an Array

We will maintain two pointers - tail and head to represent a queue. head will always point to the oldest element which was added and tail will point where the new element is going to be added.

To insert any element, we add that element at tail and increase the tail by one to point to the next element of the array.

Suppose tail is at the last element of the queue and there are empty blocks before head as shown in the picture given below.

In this case, our tail will point to the first element of the array and will follow a circular order.

Initially, the queue will be empty i.e., both head and tail will point to the same location i.e., at index 1. We can easily check if a queue is empty or not by checking if head and tail are pointing to the same location or not at any time.

IS_EMPTY[Q] If Q.tail == Q.head return True return False

Similarly, we will say that if the head of a queue is 1 more than the tail, the queue is full.

IS_FULL[Q] if Q.head = Q.tail+1 return True Return False

Now, we have to deal with the enqueue and the dequeue operations.

To enqueue any item to the queue, we will first check if the queue is full or not i.e.,

Enqueue[Q, x]
if isFull[Q]
Error Queue Overflow

If the queue is not full, we will add the element to the tail i.e, Q[Q.tail] = x.

While adding the element, it might be possible that we have added the element at the last of the array and in this case, the tail will go to the first element of the array.

Otherwise, we will just increase the tail by 1.

Enqueue[Q, x] if isFull[Q] Error Queue Overflow else Q[Q.tail] = x if Q.tail == Q.size Q.tail = 1 else Q.tail = Q.tail+1

To dequeue, we will first check if the queue is empty or not. If the queue is empty, then we will throw an error.

Dequeue[Q, x]
if isEmpty[Q]
Error Queue Underflow

To dequeue, we will first store the item which we are going to delete from the queue in a variable because we will be returning it at last.

Dequeue[Q, x]
if isEmpty[Q]
Error Queue Underflow
x = Q[Q.head]

Now, we just have to increase the head pointer by 1. And in the case when the head is at the last element of the array, it will go 1.

Dequeue[Q, x] if isEmpty[Q] Error Queue Underflow else x = Q[Q.head] if Q.head == Q.size Q.head = 1 else Q.head = Q.head+1 return x
  • C
  • Python
  • Java
#include #include typedef struct queue { int head; int tail; int size; int Q[]; }queue; queue* new_queue[int size] { queue *q = malloc[sizeof[queue] + size*sizeof[int]]; q->head = 1; q->tail = 1; q->size = size; return q; } int is_empty[queue *q] { if[q->tail == q->head] return 1; return 0; } int is_full[queue *q] { if[q->head == q->tail+1] return 1; return 0; } void enqueue[queue *q, int x] { if[is_full[q]] { printf["Queue Overflow\n"]; } else { q->Q[q->tail] = x; if[q->tail == q->size] q->tail = 1; else q->tail = q->tail+1; } } int dequeue[queue *q] { if[is_empty[q]] { printf["Underflow\n"]; return -1000; } else { int x = q->Q[q->head]; if[q->head == q->size] { q->head = 1; } else { q->head = q->head+1; } return x; } } void display[queue *q] { int i; for[i=q->head; itail; i++] { printf["%d\n",q->Q[i]]; if[i == q->size] { i = 0; } } } int main[] { queue *q = new_queue[10]; enqueue[q, 10]; enqueue[q, 20]; enqueue[q, 30]; enqueue[q, 40]; enqueue[q, 50]; display[q]; printf["\n"]; dequeue[q]; dequeue[q]; display[q]; printf["\n"]; enqueue[q, 60]; enqueue[q, 70]; display[q]; return 0; }
class Queue: def __init__[self, size]: self.head = 1 self.tail = 1 self.Q = [0]*[size] self.size = size def is_empty[self]: if self.tail == self.head: return True return False def is_full[self]: if self.head == self.tail+1: return True return False def enqueue[self, x]: if self.is_full[]: print["Queue Overflow"] else: self.Q[self.tail] = x if self.tail == self.size: self.tail = 1 else: self.tail = self.tail+1 def dequeue[self]: if self.is_empty[]: print["Underflow"] else: x = self.Q[self.head] if self.head == self.size: self.head = 1 else: self.head = self.head+1 return x def display[self]: i = self.head while[i next = NULL; return z; } //to make a new queue queue* new_queue[] { queue *q = malloc[sizeof[queue]]; q->head = NULL; q->tail = NULL; return q; } void traversal[queue *q] { node *temp = q->head; //temporary pointer to point to head while[temp != NULL] { //iterating over queue printf["%d\t", temp->data]; temp = temp->next; } printf["\n"]; } int is_empty[queue *q] { if[q->head == NULL] return 1; return 0; } void enqueue[queue *q, node *n] { if[is_empty[q]] { q->head = n; q->tail = n; } else { q->tail->next = n; q->tail = n; } } int dequeue[queue *q] { if[is_empty[q]] { printf["Underflow\n"]; return -1000; } else { int x = q->head->data; node *temp = q->head; q->head = q->head->next; free[temp]; return x; } } int main[] { queue *q = new_queue[]; node *a, *b, *c; a = new_node[10]; b = new_node[20]; c = new_node[30]; dequeue[q]; enqueue[q, a]; enqueue[q, b]; enqueue[q, c]; traversal[q]; dequeue[q]; traversal[q]; return 0; }
class Node[]: def __init__[self, data]: self.data = data self.next = None class Queue[]: def __init__[self]: self.head = None self.tail = None def traversal[q]: temp = q.head #temporary pointer to point to head a = '' while temp != None: #iterating over queue a = a+str[temp.data]+'\t' temp = temp.next print[a] def is_empty[q]: if q.head == None: return True return False def enqueue[q, n]: if is_empty[q]: #empty q.head = n q.tail = n else: q.tail.next = n q.tail = n def dequeue[q]: if is_empty[q]: print["Queue Underflow"] return -1000 else: x = q.head.data temp = q.head q.head = q.head.next del temp return x if __name__ == '__main__': q = Queue[] a = Node[10] b = Node[20] c = Node[30] dequeue[q] enqueue[q, a] enqueue[q, b] enqueue[q, c] traversal[q] dequeue[q] traversal[q]
class Node { public int data; public Node next; public Node[int data] { this.data = data; next = null; } } class Queue { public Node head; public Node tail; public Queue[] { head = null; tail = null; } public void traversal[] { Node temp = this.head; //temporary pointer to point to head while[temp != null] { //iterating over queue System.out.print[temp.data+"\t"]; temp = temp.next; } System.out.println[""]; } public boolean isEmpty[] { if[this.head == null] return true; return false; } public void enqueue[Node n] { if[isEmpty[]] { this.head = n; this.tail = n; } else { this.tail.next = n; this.tail = n; } } public int dequeue[] { if[this.isEmpty[]] { System.out.println["Queue Underflow\n"]; return -1000; } else { int x = this.head.data; Node temp = this.head; this.head = this.head.next; return x; } } } class QueueMain { public static void main[String[] args] { Queue q = new Queue[]; Node a, b, c; a = new Node[10]; b = new Node[20]; c = new Node[30]; q.dequeue[]; q.enqueue[a]; q.enqueue[b]; q.enqueue[c]; q.traversal[]; q.dequeue[]; q.traversal[]; } }

We used a singly linked list to make both stack and queue. We could have made the operations of both the data structures better by using doubly linked list because of the access of the previous node which would prevent us from iterating the entire list in many cases. You must try to make both of these data structures using doubly linked lists on your own.

So, you have studied about linked lists, stacks and queues. In the next chapters, you will learn about one more important data structure - trees.

Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler
- Albert Einstein
# Further Readings
  • Queue in C
  • Making a queue using linked list in C
  • Making a queue using an array in C

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