shar là gì - Nghĩa của từ shar

shar có nghĩa là

Originating from Montgomery County, Maryland and a few individuals of AEHS Class of 2004, it's a combination of "Shit" and "Rawr" [Roar].

Shit + Rawr = Shar

Commonly used to emphasize anger, frustration, annoyance, and just about anything really.

Shar can also be used as a verb in different aspects. Refer to the last example for this.

Ví dụ

Agent A: Maaaaaaaan ... my roommate is such an asshole. He cockblocked me while I was flirting with Anna from down the hall... ShaR~!

The child exclaimed shar in response to everyone's ignorance.

Are you shar you are going to take a shar-ar now?

shar có nghĩa là

lethenian god; Chúa Trời. master of the lethenian race, head of the fellowship.

Ví dụ

Agent A: Maaaaaaaan ... my roommate is such an asshole. He cockblocked me while I was flirting with Anna from down the hall... ShaR~!

shar có nghĩa là

God or goddess

Ví dụ

Agent A: Maaaaaaaan ... my roommate is such an asshole. He cockblocked me while I was flirting with Anna from down the hall... ShaR~!

shar có nghĩa là

So Hot and Righteous

Ví dụ

Agent A: Maaaaaaaan ... my roommate is such an asshole. He cockblocked me while I was flirting with Anna from down the hall... ShaR~!

shar có nghĩa là

Short for the name, "Sharon."

Ví dụ

The child exclaimed shar in response to everyone's ignorance.

shar có nghĩa là

a type of lisp that turns an "s" sound into an "sh" sound. When words have an "sh" sound someone with a shar lisp makes an "s" sound. This can cause confusion with words such as "sit."

Ví dụ

Are you shar you are going to take a shar-ar now?

shar có nghĩa là

lethenian god; Chúa Trời. master of the lethenian race, head of the fellowship.

Ví dụ

oh my shar! for shar's sake. God or goddess

shar có nghĩa là

Shar is a genius, a god and goddess with a nice ass

Ví dụ

So Hot and Righteous

shar có nghĩa là

He was so shar he did a flip then a tailwhip, right over his enemies lawn chair!

Ví dụ

Short for the name, "Sharon." Hey Shar, what's up?

shar có nghĩa là

a type of lisp that turns an "s" sound into an "sh" sound. When words have an "sh" sound someone with a shar lisp makes an "s" sound. This can cause confusion with words such as "sit."

Ví dụ

Arthur: "That teacher jusht told us all to go shit! Lishten to ordersh!!!" Brian: "What ... ?" Arthur: "Shorry i have a shar lishp" Brian: "This explains... so much..."

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