Which intervention is considered inappropriate when disciplining preschool children quizlet?

ANS: A, B, D
Correct A, B, D. Temper tantrums are a common response to anger and frustration in toddlers. They occur more often when toddlers are tired, hungry, bored, or excessively stimulated. Tantrums may include screaming, kicking, throwing things, biting themselves, or banging their head. Effective management of tantrums includes safely isolating and ignoring the child.
Incorrect C. The child should learn that nothing is gained by having a temper tantrum. Giving in to the child's demands only increases the behavior.

1. ANS: D
NOT: "Sippy cups are introduced before 1 year of age, eating the same foods as the rest of the family at 12 months of age, using a spoon well and holding a cup in one hand by 2 years of age, and using a fork well to feed self by age 3 to 4 years."
2. ANS: C
NOT: "Sippy cups are introduced before 1 year of age, eating the same foods as the rest of the family at 12 months of age, using a spoon well and holding a cup in one hand by 2 years of age, and using a fork well to feed self by age 3 to 4 years."
3. ANS: A
NOT: "Sippy cups are introduced before 1 year of age, eating the same foods as the rest of the family at 12 months of age, using a spoon well and holding a cup in one hand by 2 years of age, and using a fork well to feed self by age 3 to 4 years."
4. ANS: B
NOT: "Sippy cups are introduced before 1 year of age, eating the same foods as the rest of the family at 12 months of age, using a spoon well and holding a cup in one hand by 2 years of age, and using a fork well to feed self by age 3 to 4 years."

ANS: A, B, D, E
Temper tantrums are a common response to anger and frustration in toddlers. They occur more often when toddlers are tired, hungry, bored, or excessively stimulated. A nap before fatigue or a snack if mealtime is delayed will be helpful in alleviating the times when tantrums are most likely to occur. Tantrums may include screaming, kicking, throwing things, biting themselves, or banging their head. Effective management of tantrums includes safely isolating and ignoring the child. The child should learn that nothing is gained by having a temper tantrum. Giving in to the child's demands only increases the behavior.

ANS: A, B, D
Signs of readiness for toilet training include being able to remove own clothing, being willing to let go of a toy when asked, is able to sit, squat, and walk well, has been walking for 1 year, noticing if diaper is wet, pulls on diaper or exhibits other behavior indicating diaper needs to be changed, communicating the need to go to the bathroom or goes there by self and wanting to please parent by staying dry

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Play allows the child to disclose what happened to him or her without having to talk about the
incident. Symbolic play is important for emotional development and it allows the child to work
through distressing feelings. All children need to be touched. What is important is to tell the
child in simple, clear terms what you are doing and why you are doing it. Nurses have the
opportunity to teach children the normal, healthy boundaries of their bodies and what constitutes
inappropriate behavior. If the child chooses to remember what happened, it is inappropriate to
discourage it. It is important to listen to the child in a nonjudgmental way, allowing the child to
discuss what happened, to make statements, or to ask questions. It is not the nurses role or
responsibility to restrict visitors unless child safety is an issue. The child may be negatively
affected if a caregiver, who may be the abuser, does not visit.

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Preschooler (3-5 years old) | CDC.

What is the appropriate amount of time to use in a timeout period for a 4 year old quizlet?

Brief time-outs are more effective than very long ones, because a long time-out enables the child to redirect attention from calming down to being resentful. The maximum time-out duration should be 1 minute for each year of age, but it may be necessary to start with much shorter time-outs.

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Which is the appropriate amount of time to use in a time

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