Why spotify stops playing when i open facebook

Spotify is a great music app that allows you to listen to music on your computer.

It has millions of users around the world and is ranked as one of the most popular apps.

But like all other applications, sometimes it can stop working properly and cause problems for you.

If you have been facing issues with Spotify not working properly on your phone, then this article will help you solve this issue.

Here’s Why Spotify Stops When You Open Facebook:

The most common reason is that the internet connection is not stable or fast enough. This can also be an issue with the hardware and software installed in your computer system. If your devicedoes not have enough memory space, then it may cause issues while playing music from Spotify.

Why spotify stops playing when i open facebook

Why Does Spotify Stop When I Open Facebook on My iPhone?

Spotify is the most popular music streaming service in the world.

The app allows you to play your favorite songs from any device, whether it’s your smartphone or desktop computer. But recently, users have reported that Spotify stops playing music when they open up their Facebook account on their iPhone. What gives?

Spotify doesn’t come with an official statement about this glitch yet. But we’re pretty sure it has something to do with the Facebook app itself.

Here are some possible reasons why you might get this issue:

  • Notifications from Facebook may be interfering with Spotify’s audio playback functionality.
  • You’ve updated your Facebook app but haven’t updated Spotify yet (and vice versa).
  • You don’t have enough storage space left on your phone (or SD card) for both apps to function properly.

If you want your Spotify app to continue playing while you’re using Facebook, there are several ways to fix this issue so that both apps can run at the same time:

  • Open Spotify in the foreground (by tapping on it) instead of opening it in the background (by swiping up from any other app). When you open Spotify in the foreground, it will not be blocked by iOS from running in the background.
  • Turn off “Background App Refresh” under Settings > General > Background App Refresh so that Spotify doesn’t run automatically in the background after you’ve opened it once. You should only turn off this setting if you’re going to be using Spotify for long periods of time.

Why Does Spotify Stop When I Open Facebook on My Android Phone?

Spotify recently updated its mobile app to include a new feature called “Stop After Playing,” which pauses the music when you open Facebook.

This is a convenient feature for those of us who use Facebook as a news source and want to avoid getting sucked into the social network’s infinite scroll.

But some people have reported that it’s not working properly on their phones.

If you’re one of them, here are some fixes you can try:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Spotify installed on your phone. If there’s an update available, tap on “Updates” in the app menu and follow the prompts to download it.
  • If there isn’t an update available, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This often fixes issues with apps that don’t work properly after an update or crash frequently.
  • If nothing has worked so far, check to see whether your phone is running any other apps in the background or performing another task at the same time as Spotify (such as playing music from another app).
  • If so, close those apps or tasks and try again — hopefully, this will stop Spotify from crashing on Facebook again.

Read our blog here about Spotify plays random songs.

Can You Listen to Spotify While Browsing the Facebook App?

You can’t listen to Spotify while you’re browsing the Facebook app.

But there are two ways to keep the music playing without having to switch back and forth.

The first is to use a third-party music player like Poweramp.

This will allow you to play Spotify in the background, but it won’t let you use Facebook features like voice control or messaging.

The second method is to download an app called Unplggd, which lets you share your Spotify music with other apps like Pandora and YouTube Music.

You can then browse these apps while listening to Spotify.

How Do I Keep Spotify Running in the Background Across All Apps?

If you want to keep playing music in the background on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you’ll need to use the official Spotify app.

While the service’s dedicated iOS app has an option to “Keep Playing In the Background,” it’s not available on other third-party apps.

Can You Make Spotify Overrule Sound Settings from Other Apps?

No, you can’t make Spotify overrule sound settings from other apps.

That being said, there are ways around this issue.

If you have a jailbroken device, you can use a tweak called AudioPocket (which is no longer being updated as of 2018) that lets you enable systemwide audio pass-through for any app on your device without having to rely on Apple’s APIs.

Luckily, there’s a way around this problem — sort of.

Here’s how to keep Spotify running in the background across all apps so that you don’t hear that pause when switching apps:

  • Open the Spotify app and go to settings by tapping on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. You’ll see an option for “Open Spotify When I Open Another App” enabled by default. Turn it off. This will disable automatic opening of Spotify when using other apps on your phone.
  • Open another app on your phone (for example, Facebook). Once it’s open, tap on its home button to return to your home screen or multitasking screen (depending on your Android device). Then open Spotify again by tapping its icon in your app drawer, or launch it from within an existing app like Google Maps or Gmail (if they support third-party music apps).

Read our blog here bout why does Spotify cut off songs at the end?

How to Make Sure Facebook Doesn’t Pause Spotify

To fix this problem on a PC, follow these steps:

  • Open Spotify on your PC or laptop and go to the “Account” tab at the top left corner of the screen and click on the “Sign Out” button present there.
  • Once done, close all windows opened by the Spotify application on your system and restart it again by pressing F5 button multiple times until all windows are closed completely, then log in again.

This is a known issue with Spotify. Here is the best way to fix it:

  • Go to Settings -> General -> Restrictions.
  • Enable restrictions, and then disable them, by tapping on the OFF button in the upper right corner.
  • Open Facebook, and then close it again.
  • Go back into Restrictions, and this time enable restrictions by tapping the ON button in the upper right corner of your screen.

How Do You Make Sure Facebook Doesn’t Autoplay Videos with Sound?

There are two ways to prevent Facebook from auto-playing videos with sound.

The first is to disable autoplay videos in your browser, which will also stop them from playing on the News Feed and Facebook Live.

The second is to mute your computer’s speakers when you open Facebook.

Option 1: Disable Auto-Play Videos in Your Browser

  • To do this, open up your browser and head over to Settings > General > Media Autoplay, where there should be an option to disable all media autoplay.
  • From now on, any video that starts playing will not have audio. This includes videos embedded on webpages like YouTube (if they aren’t already muted).

Option 2: Mute Your Computer When You Open Facebook

  • If you don’t want to disable media autoplaying altogether — for example, if you want YouTube videos to play automatically — this is a good alternative. It’ll ensure videos don’t play with sound when you’re using Facebook but does nothing else.
  • To do this, go into your computer’s system preferences or settings menu and look for the Sound options (Windows) or Sound Preferences (Mac). Here, scroll down until you find the “Mute” button next to the speaker icon and click it so it reads “On.”


If you’re a fan of Facebook, you’re probably also interested in Spotify’s music service.

Spotify is a great way to discover new music and keep track of your favorite artists. Since it offers a free tier, there’s no reason not to try it out.

The only problem with Spotify is that it’s constantly trying to get your attention by playing videos with sound. This can be annoying if you’re listening to music at work or home — especially if your speakers are turned up loud.

If you’re having a problem with Spotify stopping when you open Facebook, there are a few things you can try. You might just need to make a few changes to your settings or apps, or it might be a bigger issue that needs fixing by someone else.


  • Vergizmo: Why Does Spotify Stop When I Open Facebook?

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