the vampires là gì - Nghĩa của từ the vampires

the vampires có nghĩa là

Something that does not sparkle.


Dracula is a vampire, but Edward Cullen is a fairy.

the vampires có nghĩa là

a great subculture and ledgend on the verge on ruin due to the popular mainstream phenomon known as 'Twilight'


Real Vampires do NOT sparkle

the vampires có nghĩa là

1: One whom drinks the blood of others, be it animal or human. Not to be confused with cannibalism or sarcophagy as no tissue is consumed.

2: Term describing Vlad Tapish, or Vlad the Impaler (1431-1476) and Erzebet (Elizabeth) Bathory (1560 -1614), the Bloody Countess of Csejthe: both notable historicaly for the consumption of blood. Dracula is a name based off the Order of the Dragon, or Order of Dracul, which Bram Stoker used as his vampiric character based loosely on Vlad the Impaler.


1: Jill tore the end of the medical bloodbag and poured some of its contents into a crystal glass. Thus, vampire.

2: The Bloody Countess slaughtered over six hundred virgins, practiced vampirism and bathed in the blood of her victims. Once captured, she was confined to a single room in the tallest tower of her castle and was held prisoner by the Hungarian court untill her death at age 54.

3: Dracula owns.

the vampires có nghĩa là

Mythical creatures which were once considered genuinely scary, but are now the laughing stock of the monster world thanks to Stephenie Meyer and her extreme pile of fail 'Twilight', otherwise known as 'Necrophilia for Tweens'.


'Hey, have you seen the film Twilight? Those vampires are soooooo scary!!'
"Don't be stupid, those aren't real vampires! Vampires don't sparkle and they're supposed to be scarier than that!"
'... Edward's gonna marry me!'

the vampires có nghĩa là

Immortal being that subsists on blood. Legend says the Only way to kill a Vampire is with a wooden stake thru the heart but an Original Vampire can Only be killed with white oak.


A Vampire can have kids with a human so then they're 1/2 Vampire, 1/2 human~hybrid. Vampires are out at night & avoid daylight & sunshine.

the vampires có nghĩa là

Vampirism is the disease/ability described many ways throughout history creating Vampires. The main concept for vampirism can be someone who is drinking the blood of humans or animals, or someone draining the psychic energies of somebody else. Many sources tell of several accompanying attributes like fangs, pale skin, mild to severe allergy to sunlight, silver and garlic. Stories tell of ability to fly, shapeshift, about the need of coffins, immortality and vampires being living dead.

Many of these beliefs are myth or fiction but there lives a society claiming to be real vampires today, and they assert the following:

Vampirism is the disease or abilities related to vampires.
Vampirism can be conducted two ways. Either someone is turned (created by another vampire), or awakened (become one by him/herself in time). When someone shows the symptoms of being sensitive to sunlight, prefering to be awake during the night, having very acute senses, and instincts, somewhat resistant to common illness.. as well as having a thirst/hunger nothing seems to be able to ease, and an easily triggered 'secondary personality' the beast, who is violent, very temperamental, and impatient. V

Related to this community, vampirism DOESN'T mean immortality, death when contacting garlic, silver, or sunlight, blood tears, consumption of nothing but blood, sacred symbols are not lethal to- nor feared by vampires, they do show up in mirrors, they dont heal instantly, they are not all pale, not all beautiful, they're not all evil, and they dont live a secluded life away from human society.


A friend of mine conducted vampirism.

the vampires có nghĩa là

Vampires are re-animated corpses of people who have transformed into blood lusting creatures of the night. Though many theories and legends surround the story of the beginning vampirism, each culture has tailored to suit each societies location on the globe (very similar and antonymous to the theory of god/s in centered religions in different places). Some say that vampires are demons straight from the breast of the devil himself, sent to wreck havoc on earth, others believe that they are the awakened cadavers of those who died unbaptized. Chiefly they are not supposed to be physically able to venture into the light, lest it burn them to re-death. Their weaknesses are said to be garlic, the sun, holy or blessed things such as crusifixes and holy water, poppy seeds (though this myth died due to the easiness of destroying a vampire by spilling seeds onto the ground behind you, for he would have to obsessively count them until the sun came up), wooden stakes through the heart, decapitation, or being charred to ash with a flame.
Many vampire novels falsely depict vampires as recollective of their humanity, in becoming a vampire, one is set on a path to becoming a monster, once transformed, they permanently loose their soul and are bound to traverse the earth until they are killed a second time and cast into hell. They are renoun for either being breathtakingly beautiful, or horrifically disfigured. Either way they sat on the top of the food chain, practically impossible for animals to kill, and much stronger, faster, and clever than a mortal human.


The Cullen family in Stephenie Meyer's book Twilight was far from any of the original myths about vampires, nearly breaking every characteristic of the creatures. All of them had consciences and thought of others before their own needs, depicting souls which are non-existent once one is a vampire.

Lestat DeLioncourt on the other hand was a very convincing predator in the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. He was cunning, quick, indulgent to himself, selfish, beautiful, and cultured (as would an over-one hundred year old being be).

the vampires có nghĩa là

an amazing combination of a pirate and a vampire.


Vampirates can steal your ship AND suck your blood.

the vampires có nghĩa là

To perform cunnilingus while the receiver is on their period, like how a vampire sucks blood. This act, if performed right, can be a very erotic experience and can even get rid of stress and menstrual pain!!


Fred: Yo! Where in da hell were you last night??
Jack: Oh, I was just vampiring Sarah, that`s all.
Fred: Damn yo! Dafuq is wrong with you!?
Jack: Nothing`s wrong with me, it was actually quite pleasurable, and I made her cum too!
Fred: You is damn kinky!!
Jack: And "you is" a damn retard! And besides, she really needed it!

the vampires có nghĩa là

The vampire legend comes from the the Greek Mythological creature, Empusa, which is a creature that has the upper body of a ghost, a leg of a donkey, and a leg of bronze. Empusa fed on the blood of young men, creating the vampire legend. So therefore, vampires do NOT sparkle. Those are fairies.


Oh, that creature is defiantly a vampire.