Can I save files to desktop?

Everything was working fine until yesterday. Now, when I turned on my PC today and tried saving a text file written in Notepad, I am getting the following popup:

Can I save files to desktop?

Also, not just in saving txt files, I am having the same problem whenever I try to save images from photoshop or any files into the 'desktop'. However, everything just works fine when I try saving the same files in other drives. The problem occurs when I try saving the files in 'desktop', 'documents', 'pictures' or anything else that is a subfolder of C:\ drive. Morever, Microsoft Word or PDF files can be saved in the 'desktop' folder. Also, I can even download contents from the internet using Chrome directly to 'desktop'. The problem seems very crazy. I cannot simply figure out what's wrong with my PC.

Can anyone tell me the approach to fix this issue? I am thankful to you in advance.

[P.S: I am on Windows 10 OS v 1709.]