How did the Puritans justify their invasion of the Native Americans land in the seventeenth century quizlet?

Which of the following best describes how the English viewed Native American ties to the land?

Which of the following best describes how the English viewed Native American ties to the land? Although they felt the natives had no claim since they did not cultivate or improve the land, the English usually bought their land, albeit through treaties they forced on Indians.

Which of the following was an outcome of the Navigation Acts in the mid seventeenth century?

Which of the following was an outcome of the Navigation Acts in the mid-seventeenth century? Colonists were required to export their sugar and tobacco only to England.

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years quizlet?

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years? a. Plymouth's long growing season allowed for greater agricultural productivity.

Which American colony was established in the 1660s as a haven for Quakers?

The colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1682, as a safe place for Quakers to live and practice their faith.