Shift task list template

Shift Schedule Template in Excel

This free shift schedule template can help in planning out your employees work schedules on a weekly basis. Its editable and downloadable in Excel.

Shift task list template
Excel Template
Free for personal or commercial use. © General Blue

This employee shift planner can be used for planning out schedules of multiple employees on a weekly basis. For businesses with multiple employees, this template can help you. Its designed in a 24-hour shift schedule, so it can be used for planning out work schedules for both day shift employees and night shift employees.

With built-in formulas, theres no need for you to manually type the daily hours, dates, or days of the week as its automatically generated upon entry of start time and your work weeks start date. This excel shift schedule template also has simple features, making it easy to use or customize. You can customize this work shift template according to your business needs. Feel free to add rows/columns for any additional information.

Complete this work schedule template by filling out details on the blank sections provided. It has sections for company name, department, start date, start time, time interval, end date, employee name, date, day of week, and time/hourly schedule.

If you want to create your own shift schedule template, you can use this sample shift schedule format. To use the template, refer to the following instructions.

Instructions in using the Schedule Template:

  1. Enter company details.

  2. Enter start date. Once start date is entered, the remaining dates for the week will be automatically generated.

  3. Enter start time and time interval. Enter your preferred start time and time interval using the dropdown arrow provided. Once these details are entered, the rest of the daily hours should be automatically filled out for you in a 24-hour schedule.

  4. List down employee tasks/activities. Plan out your employees work schedules by listing down various tasks/activities they need to achieve/complete at the end of each day. You can plan out your employees daily tasks for the next seven days, or you can do it one day at a time.

  5. Check or update the employee shift schedule template. Details entered on this template gives you an overview on how each employees work schedules look like. For any changes on your employees work schedules, you can pull up and update the schedule template anytime.