Thats nonsense là gì

Chả có lý nào lại như thế cả Photo by Marcelo Moreira from Pexels

Make a nonsense of something nghĩa là coi việc gì đó trở nên vô lý, vô nghĩa; trở thành chuyện khôi hài, kì cục.

Ví dụ

These prices make a nonsense of what councils are paying for Part Vs and turnkeys [chìa khóa trao tay, dự án sẵn sàng hoạt động], she said.

According to PMG-MAN the massive of drugs into the country was a typical indication of policy summersault [thay đổi đột ngột], which would later make nonsense of manufacturing locally.

inside sources reveal that while Redfield had forced himself to comply with most of Caputos requests and wishes, he kicks back at very sweeping [có tác động lớn, hoàn toàn] changes that make nonsense of the health agency.

Contrary to the plaintiffs assertions [khẳng định của nguyên đơn], the trustees [người được ủy thác, ủy viên quản trị] are not in charge of authorising any funds that are spent by the BPSU. That would make a nonsense of the executive board, and indeed my role as president and chairman of the board.

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