When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?

When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?

The Moro reflex is one of many infant primitive reflexes - an involuntary movement pattern that we are all born with. Put simply, the Moro reflex is the “startle reflex.” Have you ever seen an infant suddenly startle at a loud noise or sudden movement? That’s the Moro reflex at work!

An article published in 2020 described the Moro reflex as “an involuntary protective motor response against abrupt disruption of body balance or extremely sudden stimulation.” All primitive reflexes are designed for protection and higher level gross motor and cognitive development. The Moro reflex specifically induces a physical response as well as an auditory response - the infant will typically cry during this startle response. This is meant to alert the adult that the infant is in “danger” or needs assistance.

The Moro reflex is triggered by sudden stimuli, such as a loud noise, movement such as being picked up, or even a sudden movement that the infant produces themselves.

This startle response typically only lasts for a few seconds. You’ll see movement in the arms and the legs, as well as a startled look on baby’s face. Because this is a “protective” response, stress chemicals are released. Think of the adrenaline rush associated with “fight or flight” - it’s the same concept.

The Moro reflex is developed in utero. It should be fully developed at birth (however, it has been noted that the Moro reflex may be weaker in premature infants than in full-term infants). Because primitive reflexes are the foundation for higher-level motor and cognitive development, they should integrate (go away) at a certain developmental age. The Moro reflex should be integrated by six months of age/after birth. This reflex is also related to a baby’s development of head control!

How does the Moro reflex integrate?

Although there is no one scientific method to ensure full primitive reflex integration, there are some things to take into consideration when discussing the integration of the Moro reflex.

When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?

Let’s talk about sensory integration. By providing an infant with different types of sensory stimulation, new neural pathways will be developed in the brain, thus stimulating new movement and cognitive development. An article on sensory integration discussed that the engagement in sensorimotor activities promoted adaptive behaviors via neuroplastic changes. Simply put, by experiencing different types of sensory activities, our brains can change and thus promote new behaviors!

So what types of sensory activities should you provide to your newborn infant? Keep it simple!

  • Natural movement is always a fantastic option - instead of carrying your newborn in a carrier or stroller, use a wrap to carry your newborn on your body in order to provide more natural movement.
  • Rocking activities are great for newborns and young babies. Specifically, rocking in your arms while lying on their back, side, and stomach. This activates the vestibular system (our sense of movement) and may even elicit the Moro reflex response - that’s ok! It’s a natural response. But keep in mind that your baby likely does not have head control yet, so be sure to support their head/neck and rock slowly.
  • Tummy time. We’ve all heard it over and over again - tummy time is a must! A systematic review from 2020 identified that tummy time was positively associated with gross motor and total development. But how do you start tummy time with a newborn? Simply laying your newborn on your chest, on their tummy, is a great place to start. Then incorporating tummy time into everyday, waking play will begin to establish a routine and improve tolerance in the long run.
  • A variety of sights, sounds, smells, and tactile experiences. The more variety and the more frequent, the better!

Because every newborn is different and every experience is different, there’s no one way to guarantee that the Moro reflex will be successfully integrated by six months of age. However, you can feel more confident that your baby is getting the sensory experiences necessary for potential primitive reflex integration by using the above strategies.

What factors can contribute to an unintegrated Moro reflex?

A study looking at the persistence of primitive reflexes and associated problems in children identified these potential factors for unintegrated primitive reflexes, including the Moro:

  • Stress during pregnancy
  • Substance abuse during pregnancy
  • Caesarean section birth
  • Brain damage during labor
  • Premature and low birth weight
  • Significant illness during the first year of life
  • Insufficient stimulation and tummy positioning
  • Lack of free movement time on the floor
  • Stressful environment
  • Not enough nourishment/insufficient weight gain

Additionally, if a child has successfully integrated their primitive reflexes, a sudden or chronic bout of trauma, stress or injury can re-activate these reflexes.

When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?

While there is no guarantee for reflex integration, there are contributing factors to consider if your child has an unintegrated Moro reflex.

Quick note: you may have heard talk about swaddling and the Moro reflex. However, there has been no research to prove a correlation between swaddling and an unintegrated Moro reflex.

What an unintegrated Moro reflex looks like

Because the Moro reflex elicits a physical reaction, it also includes a chemical reaction - stress hormones are released when the Moro reflex is activated, specifically adrenaline and cortisol. When the Moro reflex is unintegrated, these chemicals are being released more often, resulting in hypersensitivity, adverse reactions to small problems, focus, and concentration, and overall anxiety.

Additional symptoms related to an unintegrated Moro reflex in older children are:

  • Mood swings/sudden changes in behavior
  • Impulsivity
  • Visual challenges
  • Learning difficulties
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Emotional and social immaturity
  • Coordination and balance challenges
  • Motion sickness
  • Allergies and decreased immune function
  • Poor tolerance to change
  • Dyslexia and/or Dyscalculia

One Way to Assess Retained Moro Reflex


Prefer to listen to your information? Make sure to check out our podcast episode on The Moro Reflex!

When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?
When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?
When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?
When a newborn throws her arms and legs back and then retrieves them is known as what reflex?

 Be sure to check out our Primitive Reflex Integration Training on Harkla.co!

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What are the 4 newborn reflexes?

Newborn Reflexes.

What are the 3 newborn reflexes?

Sucking reflex (sucks when area around mouth is touched) Startle reflex (pulling arms and legs in after hearing loud noise) Step reflex (stepping motions when sole of foot touches hard surface)

What is it called when babies throw their arms up?

This is an involuntary startle response called the Moro reflex. Your baby does this reflexively in response to being startled.

What is Moro reflex in newborns?

The Moro reflex is a normal reflex for an infant when he or she is startled or feels like they are falling. The infant will have a startled look and the arms will fling out sideways with the palms up and the thumbs flexed. Absence of the Moro reflex in newborn infants is abnormal and may indicate an injury or disease.