What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

In 1348, rumours circulated in Britain about a deadly disease engulfing Europe. Inevitably it wasn’t long before it arrived in England, but what actually caused it and how did it spread?

Where did the plague spread in Britain?

The plague arrived in South West England laying waste to the port of Bristol. This comes as little surprise as it was the largest port in the South West and had strong links with the rest of the world.

In the Grey Friar’s Chronicle, it talks of a sailor who brought this pestilence with him and caused the town of Melcombe to become the first town in the country to become infected.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

In this episode of Gone Medieval, Matt is joined by historian and author John Man who takes us through the rise, character, and conquests of Genghis Khan, delving into the life of one of the most recognisable names of the Middle Ages.

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From there the plague spread quickly. Soon it had hit London, which was ideal territory for the plague to spread; it was crowded, dirty and had dreadful sanitation.

From there it moved into the North which prompted Scotland to try and take advantage of the weakened country. They invaded, but paid a heavy price. As their army retreated, they took the plague with them. The harsh Scottish winter held it up for some time, but not for long. In the spring it returned with renewed vigour.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

This map shows the spread of the Black Death across Europe, Western Asia and North Africa in the late 14th century.

What disease was the Black Death?

There are a number of theories about what caused the disease, but the most prevalent is that it was down to a bacterium called Yersina pestis which was carried by fleas living on the back of rats. It is thought to have originated from the orient and was carried along the Silk Road by traders and Mongol armies.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

A Yersina Pestis bacterium at 200x magnification.

However, some scientists argue that the evidence does not stack up. They suggest the symptoms described in historical accounts do not match the symptoms of modern day plague.

Equally, bubonic plague, they argue, is relatively curable and even without treatment only kills around 60%. None of this, they say, ties in with what was seen in the middle ages.

How did it spread so quickly?

Whatever the origins, there’s no doubt that the conditions in which most people lived played an enormous part in helping the disease to spread. Towns and cities were highly crowded, with poor sanitation.

In London the Thames was heavily polluted, people lived in cramped conditions with sewage and filth in the street. Rats ran rampant, leaving every opportunity for the virus to spread. Controlling the disease was almost impossible.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

Charles Spencer joined Dan on the pod to discuss the sinking of the White Ship on the 25th November 1120. It is one of the greatest disasters that England has ever suffered. Its repercussions changed English and European history for ever.

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What was its impact?

The first outbreak of plague in Britain lasted from 1348 to 1350, and the effects were catastrophic. As much as half of the population was wiped out, with some villages suffering nearly 100% death rates.

Further outbreaks followed in 1361-64, 1368, 1371, 1373-75, and 1405 with each one inflicting catastrophic destruction. However, the effects went further than just the death toll and would in the end have a profound effect on the nature of British life and culture.

The Black Death was a plague pandemic which devastated medieval Europe from 1347 to 1352 CE, killing an estimated 25-30 million people. The disease originated in central Asia and was taken to the Crimea by Mongol warriors and traders. The plague then entered Europe via Italy, carried by rats on Genoese trading ships sailing from the Black Sea.

The disease was caused by a bacillus bacteria, Yersinia pestis, and carried by fleas on rodents. It was known as the Black Death because it could turn the skin and sores black while other symptoms included fever and joint pains. With up to two-thirds of sufferers dying from the disease, it is estimated that between 30% and 50% of the population of those places affected died from the Black Death. The death toll was so high that it had significant consequences on European medieval society as a whole, with a shortage of farmers resulting in demands for an end to serfdom, a general questioning of authority and rebellions, and the entire abandonment of many towns and villages. The worst plague in human history, it would take 200 years for the population of Europe to recover to the level seen prior to the Black Death.

Cause & Symptoms

The plague is an infectious disease caused by a bacillus bacteria which is carried and spread by parasitic fleas on rodents, notably the brown rat. There are three types of plague, and all three were likely present in the Black Death pandemic: Bubonic plague, Pneumonic plague and Septicemic plague. Bubonic plague was the most common during the 14th-century CE outbreak, causes severe swelling in the groin and armpits (the lymph nodes) which take on a sickening black colour, hence the name the Black Death. The black sores which can cover the body in general, caused by internal haemorrhages, were known as buboes, from which bubonic plague takes its name. Other symptoms are raging fever and joint pains. If untreated, bubonic plague is fatal in between 30 and 75% of infections, often within 72 hours. The other two types of plague - pneumonic (or pulmonary) and septicaemic - are usually fatal in all cases.

The terrible symptoms of the disease were described by writers of the time, notably by the Italian writer Boccaccio in the preface to his 1358 CE Decameron. One writer, the Welsh poet Ieuan Gethin made perhaps the best attempt at describing the black sores which he saw first-hand in 1349 CE:

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We see death coming into our midst like black smoke, a plague which cuts off the young, a rootless phantom which has no mercy for fair countenance. Woe is me of the shilling of the armpit…It is of the form of an apple, like the head of an onion, a small boil that spares no-one. Great is its seething, like a burning cinder, a grievous thing of ashy colour…They are similar to the seeds of the black peas, broken fragments of brittle sea-coal…cinders of the peelings of the cockle weed, a mixed multitude, a black plague like half pence, like berries…(Davies, 411).


The 14th century CE in Europe had already proven to be something of a disaster even before the Black Death arrived. An earlier plague had hit livestock, and there had been crop failures from overexploitation of the land, which led to two major Europe-wide famines in 1316 CE and 1317 CE. There was, too, the turbulence of wars, especially the Hundred Years War (1337-1453 CE) between England and France. Even the weather was getting worse as the unusually temperate cycle of 1000-1300 CE now gave way to the beginnings of a “little ice age” where winters were steadily colder and longer, reducing the growing season and, consequently, the harvest.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

Spread of the Black Death

Flappiefh (CC BY-SA)

A devastating plague affecting humans was not a new phenomenon, with a serious outbreak having occurred in the mid-5th century CE which ravaged the Mediterranean area and Constantinople, in particular. The Black Death of 1347 CE entered Europe, probably via Sicily, when it was carried there by four Genoese rat-infested grain ships sailing from Caffa, on the Black Sea. The port city had been under siege by Tartar-Mongols who had catapulted infected corpses into the city, and it was there the Italians had picked up the plague. Another origin was Mongol traders using the Silk Road who had brought the disease from its source in central Asia, with China specifically being identified following genetic studies in 2011 CE (although South East Asia has been proposed as an alternative source and actual historical evidence of an epidemic caused by plague in China during the 14th century CE is weak). From Sicily, it was but a short step to the Italian mainland, although one of the ships from Caffa had reached Genoa, been refused entry, and docked in Marseilles, and then Valencia. Thus, by the end of 1349 CE, the disease had been carried along trade routes into Western Europe: France, Spain, Britain, and Ireland, which all witnessed its awful effects. Spreading like wildfire, there were plague outbreaks in Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltic states, and Russia through 1350-1352 CE.

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Although it spread unchecked, the Black Death hit some areas much more severely than others.

Medieval doctors had no idea about such microscopic organisms as bacteria, and so they were helpless in terms of treatment, and where they might have had the best chance of helping people, in prevention, they were hampered by the level of sanitation which was appalling compared to modern standards. Another helpful strategy would have been to quarantine areas but, as people fled in panic whenever a case of plague broke out, they unknowingly carried the disease with them and spread it even further afield; the rats did the rest.

There were so many plague victims and so many bodies that the authorities did not know what to do with them, and carts piled high with corpses became a common sight across Europe. It seemed the only course of action was to stay put, avoid people, and pray. The disease finally ran its course by 1352 CE but would recur again, in less severe outbreaks, throughout the rest of the medieval period.

Death Toll

Although it spread unchecked, the Black Death hit some areas much more severely than others. This fact and the often exaggerated death tolls of medieval (and some modern) writers means that is extremely difficult to accurately assess the total death toll. Sometimes entire cities, for example, Milan, managed to avoid significant effects, while others, such as Florence, were devastated - the Italian city losing 50,000 of its 85,000 population (Boccaccio claimed the impossible figure of 100,000). Paris was said to have buried 800 dead each day at its peak, but other places somehow missed the carnage. On average 30% of the population of affected areas was killed, although some historians prefer a figure closer to 50%, and this was probably the case in the worst affected cities. Figures for the death toll thus range from 25 to 30 million in Europe between 1347 and 1352 CE. The population of Europe would not return to pre-1347 CE levels until around 1550 CE.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

Citizens of Tournai Bury Their Dead

Pierart dou Tielt (Public Domain)

Social Consequences

The consequences of such a large number of deaths were severe, and in many places, the social structure of society broke down. Many smaller urban areas hit by the plague were abandoned by their residents who sought safety in the countryside. Traditional authority - both governmental and from the church - was questioned for how could such disasters befall a people? Were not governors and God in some way responsible? Where did this disaster come from and why was it so indiscriminate? At the same time, personal piety increased and charitable organisations flourished.

In agriculture, those who could work were in a position to ask for wages & the institution of serfdom was doomed.

The Black Death, as its name suggests, was given a personification for people to help understand what was happening to them, usually being depicted in art as the Grim Reaper, a skeleton on horseback whose scythe indiscriminately cut down people in their prime. Many people were simply bewildered by the disaster. Some thought it a supernatural phenomenon, perhaps connected to the comet sighting of 1345 CE. Others blamed sinners, notably the Flagellants of the Rhineland who paraded through the streets whipping themselves and calling for sinners to repent so that God might lift this terrible punishment. Many thought it an unexplainable trick of the Devil. Still others blamed traditional enemies, and age-old prejudices were fed leading to attacks on, and even massacres of, specific groups, notably the Jews, thousands of whom fled to Poland.

What were the causes of the Black Death and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe?

History's Deadliest Pandemics

South Front (See Original Source)

Even when the crisis had passed, there were now practical problems to be faced. With not enough workers to meet needs, salaries and prices soared. The necessity of farming to feed people would prove a serious challenge, as would the huge fall in demand for manufactured goods as there were simply far fewer people to buy them. In agriculture specifically, those who could work were in a position to ask for wages, and the institution of serfdom where a labourer paid rent and homage to a landlord and never moved on was doomed. A more flexible, more mobile, and more independent workforce was born. Social unrest followed, and often outright rebellions broke out when the aristocracy tried to fight these new demands. Notable riots were those in Paris in 1358 CE, Florence in 1378 CE, and London in 1381 CE. The peasants did not get all they wanted by any means, and a call for lower taxes was a significant fail, but the old system of feudalism was gone.

After the major famines in 1358 and 1359 CE and the occasional resurgence, albeit less severe, of the plague in 1362-3 CE, and again in 1369, 1374 and 1390 CE, daily life for most people did gradually improve by the end of the 1300s CE. The general welfare and prosperity of the peasantry also progressed as a reduced population reduced the competition for land and resources. Land-owning aristocrats, too, were not slow to pick up the unclaimed lands of those who had perished, and even upwardly mobile peasants could consider increasing their landholdings. Women, in particular, gained some rights of property ownership they had not had before the plague. Laws varied depending on the region but, in some parts of England, for example, those women who had lost husbands were permitted to keep his land for a certain period until they remarried or, in other, more generous jurisdictions, if they did remarry then they did not lose their late husband's property, as had been the case previously. While none of these social changes can be directly linked to the Black Death itself, and indeed some were already underway even before the plague had arrived, the shock wave the Black Death dealt to European society was certainly a contributing and accelerating factor in the changes that occurred in society as the Middle Ages came to a close.

This article has been reviewed for accuracy, reliability and adherence to academic standards prior to publication.

What were the causes of the Black Death spread?

What causes bubonic plague? Bubonic plague is a type of infection caused by the Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis) bacterium which is spread mostly by fleas on rodents and other animals. Humans who are bitten by the fleas then can come down with plague.

What was the cause of Black Death in Europe?

The Black Death is believed to have been the result of plague, an infectious fever caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The disease was likely transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas.

How did the Black Death spread through Europe?

The disease originated in central Asia and was taken to the Crimea by Mongol warriors and traders. The plague then entered Europe via Italy, carried by rats on Genoese trading ships sailing from the Black Sea. The disease was caused by a bacillus bacteria, Yersinia pestis, and carried by fleas on rodents.