A technical error has occurred mail là gì năm 2024

If you get a "Temporary Error [502]" message when you try to sign in to Gmail, your mail is temporarily unavailable. This error usually goes away quickly, so try signing in again in a few minutes. Even though you can't sign in for the moment, your messages and personal information are still safe.

"Oops" or other error

If you're getting any of these errors, or a different one that isn’t listed, try the steps below to fix the issue:

  • "Bad Request: Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request"
  • "Oops" [602, 500, 102, 009, 103]

Step 1: Check that you're using a browser that works with Gmail

Step 2: Check your browser extensions or applications

Sometimes extensions or add-ons you've installed on your browser or applications you’ve installed on your computer can prevent Gmail from working.

Try temporarily turning off these extensions and applications one by one, then using Gmail again to check if that solves the problem.

To try using Gmail without any extensions, open Gmail using your browser's incognito or private browsing mode.

Step 3: Clear your browser's cache & cookies

Step 4: Check your Gmail Advanced settings

If you have any features turned on, take a look at your

  1. Open Gmail.
  2. In the top right, click Settings
    See all settings.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Next to any features you have enabled, select Disable.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

The steps above didn't help

If the problem still isn't fixed, check the Google Workspace Status Dashboard to check if there's a known issue happening on Gmail.

This message displays on a contact record when an email was not sent to the contact. A Not sent email is different from an email bounce. In these cases the email is never sent from HubSpot, so the email can't bounce.

HubSpot uses Not sent emails to preserve your sending reputation. The system will only block emails from sending if there's a high probability that the email will not be delivered or if it would be illegal to send an email to that particular contact. You may see Not sent emails for sales or marketing emails and additional messaging depending on the Not sent reason.

  • This recipient looks invalid - previous sends to this address have bounced: this message appears when an email to the recipient has previously bounced.
  • A previous email to the recipient was flagged as spam: this message appears when an email to the recipient has previously been marked as spam.
  • The recipient previously unsubscribed from this subscription type [specific email type]: this message appears when the recipient has opted out of that email type.
  • The recipient previously unsubscribed from all subscription types: this message appears when the recipient has previously unsubscribed from all your email subscription types. The email address in the 'to' field failed validation: this message appears when you try to send to a role based email address, such as support@mycompany.com or sales@mycompany.com. This message will also appear if the email address you entered is misspelled, invalid, or fake.

Simply put, this message is as it says: your email is currently not deliverable. Email delivery failure can feel complicated, but the first place to look is at your SMTP server, the mail server responsible for sending, receiving, and transferring your email via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [SMTP] protocol. SMTP then uses TLS/SSL to secure the network connection between your email client and your mail server.

Email sending failures often occur if you self-manage your own SMTP server, which comes with large technical overhead and security requirements.

Understanding a bit about the technical journey email takes from outbox to inbox can help solve problems like failure to send and understand why your emails are not going through. Get the breakdown in our post: How does email work?

Don’t give up too easily – just because your email failed to send this time doesn’t mean you’ve stumbled into an unfixable situation. The reasons your email failed to send vary from mundane [bad internet connection] to technically complex issues [your SMTP server connection].

Here are some common reasons your email messages won’t send:

  1. You’re not connected to the internet.
  2. You’ve set up your email client with the wrong SMTP parameters.
  3. Your SMTP server connection is malfunctioning.
  4. You’re using the wrong SMTP port.
  5. Your firewall settings are getting in the way.

Let’s unpack each of these below and walk through some troubleshooting steps.

Learn more: Failure to send is a big email issue, but so is landing in the spam folder. If you’re messages are going through but just not being read, click here.

Have you tried turning it off and on? Okay, we don’t mean to make light of the situation, but sometimes this happens. Check your internet connection first before tearing apart your SMTP server setup. Sometimes, the issue really is just that simple.

How to fix: Check your internet connection, or confirm any outages in your area that may have affected your send time.

Are your emails not sending in Microsoft Outlook or Gmail via your app integration? Chances are you’ve set up your webmail client with the wrong SMTP authentication or made a few typos.

How to fix: Check out this list of the most common parameters and see if you’ve set up your email client correctly.

Emai­l serv­ice prov­ider

SMTP­ sett­ings

Emai­l serv­ice prov­ider



SMTP­ sett­ings













Okay, this is where it gets tricky. Your SMTP server connection may be malfunctioning. If your SMTP parameters are correctly set up, your email server may be down or not functioning.

How to fix: Here’s a list of common and some SMTP commands to help you troubleshoot.

The old school convention states that your outgoing mail server should use port 25. However, some inbox service providers [ISPs] block port 25 because of spam issues.

How to fix: Try using port 587 instead. For our full breakdown of which SMTP port to use, check out our guide.

That’s right, check your antivirus or firewall settings. Sometimes, outgoing mail can be blocked by your own privacy protection protocols.

How to fix: Set up a proper exception rule for your firewall or antivirus program.

The best way to fix a problem is to prevent it. With that being said, here are five ways to avoid that dreaded “email failed to send” message:

  1. Check your internet connection and email password. Typos and human errors are easy. Save yourself a few headaches by making sure your Wi-Fi connection works and that your authentication protocols are all properly set up before you hit send.
  2. Check your SMTP server details. Ensure you’ve correctly entered the right parameters and that your mail server is functioning as intended.
  3. Use the correct SMTP port. Port 587 is considered the default SMTP port for mail transfer, and it’s what you should use unless you’re blocked by your network or internet provider.
  4. Use an ESP that provides an SMTP relay service. ESPs, like Mailgun, provide an SMTP relay service that helps you circumvent all the headaches associated with running your own SMTP server. Leave delivery failures in the dust while the pros manage your email delivery.

Bonus tip: Email delivery is just one battle in the war to get your message read. Check out our guide on email deliverability to benefit from things like email authentication, IP address warmup, and other techniques to build your reputation as a trusted sender.

There are other ways to send mail, especially if you send in bulk. If you’re a programmatic sender, a failure to send error can be a much bigger deal, impacting a large volume of transactional emails. Here are some common API sending issues and troubleshooting tips.

  1. Incorrect API endpoint or credentials: Double-check that you are using the correct API endpoint for sending your emails and ensure that your API key is correct and has the necessary permissions. This happens more often than you might think.
  2. Rate limiting: Does your email service provider rate limit? Some APIs have rate limits set to prevent abuse. Rate limiting can also be part of an account tier, pricing plan, or permissions level. Make sure you’re not hitting rate limits by sending too many requests in a short amount of time.
  3. API configuration: Check that you’ve configured your API correctly, this includes setting up sender email addresses, recipient addresses, subject, body, and attachments.
  4. Email content: Some email APIs can have content policies around their elements, [subject, body, attachment] to ensure the content isn’t built in a way that would trigger spam detection. Make sure you are following best practices to avoid this.

Server settings and SMTP issues are a key culprit for failed email messages, but there are lots of reasons your outgoing emails may not make their way to the inbox. Resolving “failure to send” doesn’t automatically mean everything is perfect in terms of your deliverability.

Here’s a last list of quick resources if you are having other issues with sending emails:

  • Authentication: You won’t get far at all without setting up your email authentications. These protocols help validate your identity as a sender, and signal to receiving mail servers and providers that your messages are trustworthy and should be let into the inbox. Learn more in our post on email authentication.
  • Email bounces: When you’re emails bounce back it can be because of something temporary like a connection issue, or something more permanent. Get all the details in our post on understanding email bounces.
  • Validation: Keeping a clean email list is extremely important for deliverability. Why go through all the trouble of setting up a good sending infrastructure if you’re just going to land in spam? Check out our list hygiene tips here.

Dive deeper and check out our guide on understanding the importance of email deliverability. It’ll help you wrap your brain around everything from email authentications, to the importance of validating your email lists.

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